by Garrod » 16 Oct 2015, 05:38
Hi there,
Welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear about your issues, but eventually it all turns out well, just some patience is needed.
'You'll be fine the next day' is actually too optimistic... It's not as bad as you may read from some of the stories online, but it takes some time to heal, so you'll need to be patient. For CRS these are minor surgeries and maybe that's why she's nonchalant about it. You are probably in pain, need painkillers, and can't sit, let alone work out. Usually work out is not advised for some weeks post-op. If you go swimming you'll need to clean the wound right after it to prevent infection.
I'd advise sitz-baths (I was advised by my CRS to do it right after bowel movements and 2-3 more times per day), they help the cleaning process, put some antiseptic in it, you don't want it to get infected, obviously it's the most sensitive area in that regard. If you'll be away from home, try doing sitzbaths too, though it may be difficult to arrange given the time schedule during holidays.
How long is your vacation? Just make sure you have regular check-ups with your CRS to see how the healing goes; one of the most important things is to prevent the wound to heal outside first, then it will get infected inside and another fistula can form. So actually don't try to make it heal faster. Did she schedule your next appointment?
Healing time is individual, in 6-8 weeks it can be done, but for some it takes longer. Yours is apparently simple and no seton, so shouldn't take that long.
Wish you the best! Let us know how it goes.