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Where did everyone go?

Postby hurtinend » 09 Oct 2019, 12:43

beyond quiet here is there a cure?
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Postby Okaybum » 11 Oct 2019, 04:12

I'm still here. Doing ok but I ate poorly today so I'm scared for tomorrow. My life is sort of crumbling around me (just lots of pressures) so I'm hoping I get through tomorrow.

I've found a solution that works for me. Movicol in the morning with apple ginger juice. Benefiber before dinner. Docusate sodium after dinner. I tossed in extra movicol before dinner tonight because of my diet.

I'm sorry your pain is still bad
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Postby hurtinend » 11 Oct 2019, 14:50

thank you

I’m glad you are finding something that works for you. Yes pressures of life do not help!!

My dad is in a nursing home now and they give him prune juice mixed with pegalax to keep things soft and more regular. Seems to work.

Do you make that juice yourself?
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Postby Okaybum » 11 Oct 2019, 16:52

No I don't. I buy it from the store. It's expensive. I think a friend gave me a juice recipe that has it though. I'll have to try that when I have more time.
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Postby Fissurefrustration » 19 Oct 2019, 08:19

I'm still here, been very stressed moving cities and jobs!
I'm doing much better now which I will update in my diary, still have some bad days but on the whole I'm feeling better after so many years.

Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Postby Abu » 19 Oct 2019, 22:42

I'm also here and doing great. Occasional hard bm tips do not cause any issues anymore. I don't take anything and eat everything I want and 99% of the time I have soft stools. Of course, processed foods are out for a few years already. Good luck to those of you still suffering.
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Postby appleapple » 20 Oct 2019, 12:20

I'm still here. Dealing with another minor (hopefully minor?) flair up. No bad spasm yet and just some ache/tightness during BM. But grhhh internal hemmie + fissure creates one complicated problem cuz one acts on the other. Feel like my anal canal is eternally inflamed.
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Re: Where did everyone go?

Postby Okaybum » 22 Oct 2019, 02:54

I hear you apple. I think my hem was causing my fissure to not heal. They do act on one another
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