by Bettyblue » 30 Jan 2014, 05:54
Hi moma, you need to give more time to the clearlax to do the job. If you suspend the stool softener when your fissure is in the mend, then is going to re-tear in no time (I used Miralax/movicol from the end of april2012 to the end of July 2012. When I was sure the fissure had enough time to heal) . I was declared healed by my CRS in May, but it was not until August that I feel completely good to try to stop the Miralax. Also when you are going the wean from the stool softener you have to do it little by little so you will not make sudden changes in your digestion process. My CRS taught me how. You should start with half of the dose you are taking and doing it every day for at least one week. Then you star to take one dose every other day for another week or week an a half. Then every two days an so on until you end taking a dose once a week. This last dose you should do it for 2 weeks and then finally you can stop it.
You also have to think that once you have a fissure your diet have to change substantially, a lot of water always and fiber ( don't go over board with fiber, because it can constipate you) include fruits like raspberries, kiwis, pears... Vegetables like spinach, collar greens, sweet potatoes... And whole wheat pasta, rice , quinoa etc... Here in this site there is a forum about diet where you can find very valuable information of what you can eat.
Give it a try, but if you see that things are not Improving then look for other alternatives. I had my LIS 15 days ago and I can not be more happy with the outcome. I feel like I got my life back because the fissure took over every aspect of my life.- I actually healed and was fine when I went for LIS-. And don't be embarrassed by that, I bet a lot of your coworkers have issues with their bums. This is not a rare problem, it is very common. And also if you are working in the medical field, I guess they will be more sympathetic than the average person, because they have more knowledge about health problems. I guess they have seen worst than that. Take care and many blessings.