why doesn't AF heal after surgery?

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why doesn't AF heal after surgery?

Postby Harper05 » 18 Jul 2017, 10:09

hi all, a couple of questions you may have gotten answers from your CRS.
Why doesn't a AF heal after surgery? I have had 3... hoping this time works!
And how long does it normally take the AF to heal after surgery?
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Re: why doesn't AF heal after surgery?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 18 Jul 2017, 13:51

The main reason a fissure doesn't heal is due to high sphincter tone.
As you know LIS should lower the tone and allow healing to happen
My CRS said it can take anywhere from 4 weeks to 4 months to heal and some unlucky people take 6 months but there should be some sign of healing after the 4 week mark

Have you had your fissure tested for crohns and what was your anal manometery result as if you had a really high tone that could have been a reason
Also how well do you normally heal from other cuts as if you heal slow on other parts of your body then there is no reason the fissure would be different
Hope this helps a bit as I can't imagine how frustrated I would be after my 3rd LIS
Good luck
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Re: why doesn't AF heal after surgery?

Postby Harper05 » 18 Jul 2017, 15:53

I didn't have it tested for Chrons, but he did say he didn't see anything abnormal around it that would be causing it not to heal. I don't have any other symptoms of Chrons besides the ongoing fissures. So could it still be chrons? I wonder if that is what takes me so long to heal.
I will also ask about the manometery test.
I would say I heal on average time, not to fast or too slow..
I am very frustrated! Hence looking for answers.... hope the 3rd times a charm.
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