by Canttakethis » 22 Feb 2018, 14:00
Thank you. Three weeks post Botox tomorrow and still worse than before I had the procedure. Spasms all day and terrible fissure pain - despite all the medicine I am taking including narcotics. Somehow I am going to try to take my kids to Disney this weekend as it we planned it months ago. I have no idea how I am going to do that. My husband thinks I should rest by the pool and he will take the kids to the parks but I don’t want to miss experiencing the kids on the rides. But I can’t even walk around the block without wanting to stop and sit down and cry so I have no idea how I can possibly do a theme park. The toll this injury and the pain takes on you, your spouse, your kids, your social life, it’s unfathomable. And horrible. I just feel hopeless. Wishing everyone recovery and a normal life again soon.