Worst pain of my life, please help. :(

Possible fissure??

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Re: Worst pain of my life, please help. :(

Postby Suzie81 » 24 Oct 2016, 09:52

Thanks, My GP said all she can see is a hemorrhoid. Tried pooing yesterday and had only blood no pain?!?! I. Afraid if I poo today the pain will come back but I took a softener and Miralax anyway to get it out. I can't imagine my hem would cause a that spasming for entire days! I booked an appt with a GI doc for Nov 9, he prescribed nitroglycerin ointment, but have to have another pharmacy compound it as Rectiv 2℅ costs 700 without insurance!!!! 200 for a lesser strength compound :/. How are you feeling??
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Re: Worst pain of my life, please help. :(

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 Oct 2016, 10:39

Wow just a hem...I have had hems since I was 14 and yes they can bleed a lot but unless they are thrombosed they certainly do not hurt and I had never experienced a spasm until I gad this fissure, so maybe it's more than a hem. Could you get to see a CRS as they are the best for fissures even if you have to have an anoscope which is what found mine it's very quick if a bit painful and at least you would know. The rectogesic is what I use and it's saved my life...stopped the all consuming intensity of the spasms.
I have had a really good weekend just one trip to the toilet...I'm a bit different as I have to work to stop myself going too much due to my IBD. But had to sit for a long time on sat which wasn't pleasant lol
Good luck
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Re: Worst pain of my life, please help. :(

Postby GilmoreGirl » 25 Oct 2016, 14:51

Hey there,

Sorry to hear about your pain - I'm just beginning to heal, but my experience sounded very similar to yours. More pain from the spasms than from a bm.

My doctor prescribed me (along with a nifedipine cream with lidocaine) a muscle relaxant. I found after a day or two it began to help and allowed some healing. If you can't get a prescription you could try over the counter? In Canada we have robaxacet that you can buy at the pharmacy. I also found an antibiotic cream with "pain relief" (lidocaine) in it helped a lot - again, in Canada we have polysporin, I think it may be called neosporin in the states.

Ditto on the HOT baths, heating pad and/or ice also help!!!

Hope you're feeling better soon - just so you know, my symptoms were very similar and I thought I would never find relief. One morning the spasms just stopped!! It still is hurting on and off but nothing compared to before - you will get better!!
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Re: Worst pain of my life, please help. :(

Postby Suzie81 » 07 Nov 2016, 07:32

Hi All,

Just checking in. This has been going on with me since about the end of August. I too think this is a fissure. The spasms are the literal worst pain I have ever experienced and having given birth ten years ago I can certainly say this is on a WHOLE other level!!! I'm sorry you have all experienced this pain in one way or another.

I have been doing hot baths, this helps the most. My GI doc prescribed a new cream Nifidipine (spelling??) with lidocaine and I was able to pick this up yesterday. The cost is also significantly lower. I am starting it today and will be seeing him this Wednesday. The spasms were reducing some on their own until this morning. It's strange how some days it feels like it is healing and then I get a new symptom. I also noticed a small swollen spot just inside my bum cheeks (tmi) and it actually leaked some fluid yesterday...I don't know if this is from all of the oil I have been putting down there or an infection. Either way when this leaked I felt some minor relief. All of this is very strange.

Thanks for the encouragement. I know there is a light at the end of this tunnel, just some days it is beyond belief how awful the pain is. x
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Re: Worst pain of my life, please help. :(

Postby Mypoorbutt » 07 Nov 2016, 08:04

Hi Suzie, sorry to hear your still suffering.
I know the pain from the spasms is the worst pain i have ever had it has literally had me rolling on the floor screaming in agony....its life changing pain.
Hot baths were also the only thing that would stop the spasms but the moment i out my foot out of the bath bang they would start again. Thankfully the GTN helped so much im sure the new cream you have will help you too.
Make sure to get your dr to check the little lump im sure its nothing but the last thing you want is for them to miss an infection and GPs often miss things....like fissures for instance.
Take care x
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Re: Worst pain of my life, please help. :(

Postby Jimbfree47 » 07 Nov 2016, 08:56

Sounds like a fissure that may be hidden and hard to see as already been mentioned. Def get to a CRS ASAP. Since you say the stools are soft and then the pain starts sounds like spasms to me. Def get into a bath and since you dont have a ointment prescription I would go to cvs walgreens and get OTC rective lidocaine which may help. I went and had LIS surgery 10 days ago and still hurts when I go but it subsides quickly where as before it went on for hours and whatever you do stay hydrated. I tried everything to get rid of what you are describing and nothingworked. Lis may be in the cards if you are diagnosed with fissure by a CRS not a GP.
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Re: Worst pain of my life, please help. :(

Postby Jimbfree47 » 07 Nov 2016, 09:08

Oops I missed the part where you do have the neifedipin/ lidocaine. That should help with the spasms. The spasms is what prevents the fissure from healing. Its a vicious cycle according to my CRS
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Re: Worst pain of my life, please help. :(

Postby Suzie81 » 07 Nov 2016, 10:00

I can't say thank you enough to you all. I'm happy I found this board. Starting the cream now after the third bath of the morning and it is only 9:50am here. :/ Maybe I'll start a diary and keep everyone updated. I'd like to hear your updates too.

Wednesday is the appointment with a GI. He was kind enough to prescribe me the cream prior to the appointment so that I am thankful for.

Yes the pain is life changing. :( I'm glad you had your surgery Jimbfree47 and I hope that in a few weeks you will be fully healed and happy!

<3 Good luck and love to you all.
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Re: Worst pain of my life, please help. :(

Postby Mypoorbutt » 07 Nov 2016, 10:08

Oh goodness Suzie, 3 baths already doesn't sound good, I'm sure the cream will kick in soon I really hope it works for you.
I agree when we are dealing with pain like this it really helps to hear others experiences of similar situations. I know writing my botox diary certainly helped my sanity and I will be starting my LIS diary tomorrow...even if it only helps one person writing down my thoughts helps me lol.
Fingers crossed for the cream x
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Re: Worst pain of my life, please help. :(

Postby Jimbfree47 » 07 Nov 2016, 10:21

2 BM this morning and pain 2 sitz baths already . Most likely fissure not healed . I have read from others who are post op have continued to have pain. I know thats not encouraging news but seems to be the case with this. Trying to stay focused on what I need to do and not let this dictate even though it lets me know its there. Once I get thru the Bm and bath takes about 30 to 45 min before pain subsides as of today.10 days post op.That is better if one could say anything good about this then it was pre op
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