I was also alarmingly thin when I had my fissure! I am naturally small, always about 10-15lbs underweight, and so when I lost another 15lbs my whole system crashed. Poor you, Dawn - I know what you went through! I also had a hard time soaking in the tub because my spine was poking out so much that I developed bruises and sores. I could see all my ribs and my hip bones were jutting out. I was a skeleton - NOT sexy!

My family and I got so desperate that we tried every high-calorie food we could think of. The problem now is, I've developed a bit of an addiction to cinnamon rolls.

But you're right, Adam, I must cut that stuff out of my diet now that I'm back to a healthy weight - and quit smoking!
Thanks so much, Adam, for the advice about the weights. I want to get back to my workouts, because I find that more exercise helps me cut down the smoking - that's even how I quit a number of years ago. After a while, huffing and puffing everytime you work out just gets annoying! I think I'll start with the wrist and ankle weights you suggested. That sounds like a safe way to ease back into working out until I'm feeling strong enough to move to the other techniques you suggested. :D One thing I have to be careful about is fainting - I've already done that and it really sucked! While I had my fissure I was also struggling with a malabsorption problem that seems to be resolving now. But it left me EXTREMELY weak as well as alarmingly thin. Now I must get B12 shots and I'm on doctor-supervised mega-doses of vitamins and probiotics. But if I'm smart, like you, I'll use this as an opportunity to make significant life-style changes and turn into a health-nut. That actually sounds pretty good to me. :D My hubby and I have been paying a lot more attention to preparing healthy meals now too. We also spend a good part of the weekend preparing healthy stuff we can eat during the week when we get busy. I don't even crave fast-food either - just the dern cinnamon rolls!
My wound looks like it's gradually filling in a bit. I think I'll always have a bit of a ditch there, but that's not a big deal. You're right that we have to keep it open so it heals properly, but that sure makes for a long healing process! :roll:
I hope your next follow-up goes brilliantly! Let us know how it goes and how you're doing.