Hi All,
I haven't been on here since 2012, when I had my surgery for my anal fissure. It's been awhile. Anyways...
I was doing really well for awhile but now I have some anal leakage. I'm super embarrassed. I haven't even told my husband. Nothing turns you off faster than that I'm sure. I'm only 34.
What do I do? Is there a way to fix this? Do I need to go back to my colorectal surgeon? It was so long ago I don't even remember his name.
I think the problem is even worse when I manage to have soft BM's. I thought keeping things soft would help! If I do get constipated I am having some blood on the TP. I'm afraid I'm going to go and they are going to say that I need surgery again. This is what I was scared about before my first surgery and now here I am. What do I do???? Will this problem get worse as I age?? I'm a mom and full time teacher with a very hectic schedule, but if there's something I can do, then I'm going to do it!