Young and Leaking

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Young and Leaking

Postby small_flower » 12 Mar 2018, 21:45

Hi All,

I haven't been on here since 2012, when I had my surgery for my anal fissure. It's been awhile. Anyways...

I was doing really well for awhile but now I have some anal leakage. I'm super embarrassed. I haven't even told my husband. Nothing turns you off faster than that I'm sure. I'm only 34.

What do I do? Is there a way to fix this? Do I need to go back to my colorectal surgeon? It was so long ago I don't even remember his name. :(

I think the problem is even worse when I manage to have soft BM's. I thought keeping things soft would help! If I do get constipated I am having some blood on the TP. I'm afraid I'm going to go and they are going to say that I need surgery again. This is what I was scared about before my first surgery and now here I am. What do I do???? Will this problem get worse as I age?? I'm a mom and full time teacher with a very hectic schedule, but if there's something I can do, then I'm going to do it!

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Re: Young and Leaking

Postby patience_and_healing » 14 Mar 2018, 13:12

Hi small_flower, it sounds like a really difficult situation you're going through. You might find your doctor's name by going through your old posts on the forum. Is there any event that you can point to and say that the leakage got worse after it? Also, did you have an open or closed LIS? Closed is when they don't give you any stitches since the incision is very small. Risk of incontinence is supposedly lower with closed LIS.

It might be helpful to consult a pelvic floor physical therapist. Perhaps it's a problem that can be fixed through biofeedback and exercises, so you don't have to go through surgery again. But it could help to let your old doctor know what's happening so he can suggest a solution for it.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: Young and Leaking

Postby small_flower » 14 Mar 2018, 19:12

Hey patience, thank you for responding. I was getting disappointed that no one had yet. I was able to search my old posts and find my surgeons name! I have an appointment with my gp on Friday to get a referral. I hope that surgery won't be necessary. When I leak it's just a little liquid, nothing solid, so I really hope it will just be exercises.
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Re: Young and Leaking

Postby mmklinemm » 16 Mar 2018, 06:05

How are you doing? Have you tried taking psyllium husk fiber? It helps with both constipation and loose stools.
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Re: Young and Leaking

Postby small_flower » 16 Mar 2018, 06:53

I'm doing OK. I didn't go number 2 yesterday and so I haven't had leaving. The time I went before that I didn't leak either. It seems when my stools are very soft is when I have the problem. I go back and forth between too hard and too soft! I'll try the psyllium husk fiber. Where does one get that? Amazon?
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Re: Young and Leaking

Postby mmklinemm » 16 Mar 2018, 13:46

I prefer Yerba Prima psyllium husk capsules. I get them from either Amazon or Vitacost. I like the ease of the capsules, but I have to take about 3 capsules 3x/day to see a difference. I may suck it up and try the powder one day soon. My problem is loose stools. My CRS suggested a calcium supplement because excess calcium will absorb excess fluid in your bowels, firming up loose stool. I'm still trying to find the right balance. Right now I take Caltrate 600 Plus Chewables (found them at Walmart), 1 at breakfast and 1 at dinner, plus the psyllium capsules, plus 500mg vitamin c and a probiotic at night. Be careful about magnesium. I had to stop taking my multivitamin when I added the Caltrate, because there was too much magnesium between the two. It was making my stools even looser. I found a really good post on an IBS forum that helped me figure out the Caltrate... Linda's story:
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Re: Young and Leaking

Postby mmklinemm » 16 Mar 2018, 14:14

Forgot to add, I've tried Metamucil in the past, and it made things worse for me. I like the Yerba Prima because the only ingredient is psyllium.
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Re: Young and Leaking

Postby sitibu » 14 Aug 2018, 01:06

Hi small_flower,

May I know how are you doing now? I have done LIS 2 months ago and right now it seems fine. But I am worry I will have leakage after few years like yours.

I noticed that leakage problem after LIS is under reported and surgeon most of the times did not inform patient on the risks.

I hope this forum can raise more awareness to avoid ppl go through this unnecessary surgery if possible.

If you have done LIS before

1. Please state number of years of your surgery
2. Do you have leakage problem?
3. When the leakage get started?
3. If yes, how does the leakage problem happened? is it after pass motion?
4. When the leakage happened, are you aware? or you do no know until you find out during next toilet visit?
5. How frequent the leakage? Daily? or intermittent depending on the stool
6. If you dont mind, please state your age, sex, married, any child birth delivery
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Re: Young and Leaking

Postby Vortex87 » 27 Aug 2018, 23:46

Husk and kegel exercises work for me. I usually have leakage after a soft BM for about an hour or two. I never had LIS though, I just have a keyhole defect in my internal sphincter. I try to do at least 3x10 kegels a day. Good Luck!
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Re: Young and Leaking

Postby sitibu » 28 Aug 2018, 01:15

Hi Vortex87,

You mean you have keyhole defect without any surgery?

Mind to tell your age range?

Do you have vagina delivery before?
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