Yes, it has been this long now, hard to imagine the trials and tribulations I've been through.
Anyways, I'm still alive and kicking. I had a LIS done 1.5 years ago at Rudd clinic that did nothing good - same spasms after. And I had two rounds of botox, last one was done almost a year ago.
I no longer get spasms, but I get blood on the stool and TP almost every single time (there's no pain, just minor sensation during BM).
Secondly, I get rectal leakage - I have to wipe my bum 30 minutes after I go to the washroom, but then there's some mucus seepage that occurs throughout the day that seems to irritate the skin. This has been very consistent on a daily basis and has not gotten better.
And I still have the fissure.
Any suggestions on what my options are? Trust me, I'm a veteran at this and have done all the regular tricks.