2.5 years update

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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2.5 years update

Postby powderblue » 06 May 2016, 06:33

Yes, it has been this long now, hard to imagine the trials and tribulations I've been through.

Anyways, I'm still alive and kicking. I had a LIS done 1.5 years ago at Rudd clinic that did nothing good - same spasms after. And I had two rounds of botox, last one was done almost a year ago.

I no longer get spasms, but I get blood on the stool and TP almost every single time (there's no pain, just minor sensation during BM).

Secondly, I get rectal leakage - I have to wipe my bum 30 minutes after I go to the washroom, but then there's some mucus seepage that occurs throughout the day that seems to irritate the skin. This has been very consistent on a daily basis and has not gotten better.

And I still have the fissure.

Any suggestions on what my options are? Trust me, I'm a veteran at this and have done all the regular tricks.
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Re: 2.5 years update

Postby suzyljank » 09 May 2016, 08:17

Hi, you possibly could benefit from an advancement flap. It would get rid of the fissure. As for the the minor leakage have you tried Monistat chafing relief gel? Works great for that, it protects the skin from the acidity of the leakage. I'm glad you're not in any pain, that's a plus. I'm 3 years post double advancement flaps. Hang in there, Suzy
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