2 surgeries and I still have a fissure

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2 surgeries and I still have a fissure

Postby Sarah55 » 11 Mar 2018, 19:41

Trying to find other people in the same boat... I've now had a total of 4 fissures removed, and 2 LIS over 2 operations. And I still have a fissure. :( I did all the post op care to the letter, baths, fibre, laxatives, etc. I am extremely worried that i'll never get rid of it, and it will continue to ruin my life.
Anyone in the same boat (and want to join my pity party) or anyone out there that was in this boat but is now a success story??
Thanks in advance!

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Re: 2 surgeries and I still have a fissure

Postby mmklinemm » 12 Mar 2018, 09:45

I'm in the 2-surgery boat with you. Had my first LIS Oct. '14, and my second a week ago. Did I see in another post your second surgery was in January? Do you have a new fissure or has yours just not healed, yet? My CRS said it can anywhere from a few weeks to "much longer" for it to heal. I had to have a 2nd LIS because my original fissure only healed about 75%. I blame the PA who checked me at my post-op appointment in '14. She was extremely rough, caused a lot of pain and bleeding, and I'm pretty sure she undid all the healing I'd done. My CRS told me, and I've read on numerous sites, that 95% of people heal after LIS and have no further problems. I have to hope to God this is true. For what it's worth, I'm in this crappy boat with you, and I'm not too happy about it.
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Re: 2 surgeries and I still have a fissure

Postby Sarah55 » 12 Mar 2018, 19:10

Yet to have my post op appointment but after seeing the GP and talking to the nurses at the surgeons office (and from my own experiences) it sounds like it's the same fissure that's refusing to heal :(

Sad as I am you're going through something similar, it's nice to know I'm not on my own.
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Re: 2 surgeries and I still have a fissure

Postby mmklinemm » 12 Mar 2018, 20:50

I actually felt more optimistic when my CRS confirmed it was the same fissure. It started in '14, thought I had healed after LIS, felt another last year, couldn't get an appointment with my surgeon so had to see another one in her practice, felt somewhat better after a few months, then thought I had another retear in January. I thought I was doomed to a lifetime of these. So, it was actually a huge relief to see my original CRS and know it was the same AF. This recovery has been a lot more painful. It will be so worth it, though, if we can finally get over this and put it behind us forever!
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