35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Mich21 » 12 Jun 2022, 11:17

It’s hard to calm the mind- I have found diaphragmatic breaths or pranic breathing can work Well. Being on your period through this doesn’t help, I’m sure. It’s good news that the pain is lower. Anxiety is the worst, so sorry this is happening.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 12 Jun 2022, 12:15

Rich44 wrote:Did you CRS tell you it was ok to still be taking Miralax? Fiber is fine, laxatives not so much.

I'm not going to lie; I was very optimistic after my LIS. Once I had my first BM post surgery I had no fear after that. Even if there was some pain or even blood I was super confident it would subside after a week or two and it did. I'm sorry you are stressed out about this.

Hi Rich! Yes. He even gave me liquid vaseline. I'm not using it because gastro said it is better to take miralax as needed (i was concerned about the safety and etc, but he assured me that it was ok since my bms are always a perfect 4 from bristol) but I'm going to give it a shot a couple of days to see what happens. I have very formed bms, I never take a full dose, always half or 3/4. I've skipped it during some periods and just use it if I know I need something a bit softer (like, right now lol). It doesn't really change a lot the texture [sorry about the tmi], just a bit enough to make it less hard and sticky.
Did you have a fisurrectomy and piles removal with the lis? My lis place doesn't even hurt, the other wounds are the rebel ones.
Thank you, I will be fine. Hormones and GAD are my nemesis.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 12 Jun 2022, 12:18

Mich21 wrote:It’s hard to calm the mind- I have found diaphragmatic breaths or pranic breathing can work Well. Being on your period through this doesn’t help, I’m sure. It’s good news that the pain is lower. Anxiety is the worst, so sorry this is happening.

Oh I'm using the same breathing techniques, they are very helpful actually, thank you!. Just had to take some clonazepam because I was feeling too aware of my body sensations and that is a pre panic stage that I have to avoid. Beeing a woman it her mid 30's it is a drag :tantrum:
I have therapy on tuesday, poor woman :bouncer:
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Rich44 » 14 Jun 2022, 11:39

Worstyear wrote:Did you have a fisurrectomy and piles removal with the lis? My lis place doesn't even hurt, the other wounds are the rebel ones.
Thank you, I will be fine. Hormones and GAD are my nemesis.
I had skin tags removed with the LIS.
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
Botox, skin tag removed - Feb 2015
Levator Ani Sep 2014 - Feb 2016 (left job, cured!)
LIS, skin tags removed - Oct 2020
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 14 Jun 2022, 17:01

Day 6: Quite better. Almost no need for meds, switched to ibuprofen and paracetamol but actually, no need for them, just for the bm part which is still quite hurtful.
I even had a long walk and nothing happened. So nice! I resumed my cooking and shopping.

Day 7: Sorry for the tmi but the bm was large and I was very surprised. It hurt a lot today (5/10), and my bum bled. I think that is still normal. Just happens during the bm, and stops inmediatly. No more of that 'watery bleedy discharge' during the day.
I took a paracetamol and ibuprofen and that was all. Pain lowered as soon the meds did their job and never came back so I'm quite happy.
I'll cook something and do some house chores now.

I'm still very anxious because I tend to mix stuff in my head and feel down quite fast but I'm better now.
I think I am healing well and I'm quite happy with the results so far. Of course, I hate the pain and bleeding part since I actually haven't felt anything like that in months, but the spasms are totally gone and I believe that is by far the most important part.
I used to feel burning and pain after 2 hours and that is gone...

I know the scars are forming well because I feel it (I really do, can't describe it but my skin is tighter everyday).
I've been sitting for long periods of time and no problems at all.

So far so good!
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 16 Jun 2022, 08:24

Day 8:
I discovered I had stiches lol. One fell when I wiped my bum so I kinda laughed because I have no idea wtf the crs did there. I had a smaller bm, and used vaseline to prevent pain and it kinda worked. Not much blood at all in the moment. No bleeding at all the rest of the day. No weird liquids eithet. Took my advil and did full normal life the rest of the day.

Day 9: I forgot to take my wheat germ oil last night (my mom gave it to me and it helped me yesterday, and it contains vit e so why not). My bm was huge. I'm surprised but since the surgery the bms are 2x the diameter they used to and it kinds of freak me out because how the hell is that leaving my body like that.
Some blood in the toilet, restraining and the first 2 seconds are quite painful, like you are scratching the wound. I hope this is still normal.
I don't know where the stiches are or where the bleeding comes from, if it is caused by the skin tag place or the fissurectomy. I feel the pain in both sides but the skin tag is worse, probably because I have a bigger wound there.
I took my advil so I'm waiting but it is bearable. I'm glad I work from home. I'll have to resume activities on wednesday and probably gonna have to find a way to wake up early to prevent pain until noon. But it is really bearable and dissapears really fast. I actually should try with lower advil doses or paracetamol only just to chech what happens now.

I ate lots of lentils these days so I'm full of fiber lol.
I'll try to have the wheat germ and more water today and perhaps soup because I'm eating healthy but the amount might be a problem (I have been so hungry lately).
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 17 Jun 2022, 09:54

Day 10:
Yey I'm still alive! Yesterday I had another bm (something i ate didn't go well) and that made my bum sore longer than usual. Took a paracetamol and waited but I stayed 1/10 pain most of the day.
Today, on the other hand, was almost painless. Bm was smaller and softer. No bleeding!
The skin tag place became achey (2/10) 5' later but took my advil so I'm waiting. Going to the bathroom makes me so nervous! I'm trying to distract myself with my cellphone lol.
I am very hopeful these days. I'll update on tuesday after my crs visit. I'm planning to use that day to enjoy myself and visit the city.
I will be having a walk and enjoy the rest of the day. I'll see some of my friends on monday and family tomorrow so I'm very happy. I have great people around, very supportive.
I'll see you soon with more news but everything is going as expected I think!
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 19 Jun 2022, 10:43

Day 12: A quick update for myself and my mental health lol.
I had no bleeding yesterday or today. I have almost no pain while bms but I do feel pain in the skin tag removal place which is not quite terrible (2/10 or 3/10) but puts me on my nerves. It happens 5' after I finish my cleaning. It is like a tight / swollen pain. I've felt this before so I'm worried.
At the same time, it goes away wity 600mg ibuprofen but not as fast as I would like to I'm using it daily after I go. Yesterday I tried to use paracetamol but it didn't work, as suspected because this is like inflamed now.

I'm feeling in a very similar place than before the surgery. Pain is very similar (actually, still worse).
Since I think I've already did the scars (my body closes wounds really fast and I think lis did close the fissurectomy place in record time) I really hope this gets better and stops soon.
I've been reading about skin tags removal in the forum, some people feel pain 6 weeks prior to surgery so I'm trying to center my head around that and the fact that I've had a super fast recovery in 10 days.

I am not taking my anxiety meds anymore since my hormones went back to normal but I think I might try to use some natural herbs to chill a bit.
Btw the place is completely dry. I don't have to wear any cotton or gauzes anymore. Also, no incontinence, not even gas.
My bms are normal size again, always formed but smaller. Still taking vit e oil and half miralax at night to keep them in bristol 4 (works perfectly as usual).
As I'm exactly as I was two weeks ago I hope my surgeon finds everything ok.
I have a huge awareness of that area too. Last night I started to feel like I had something soft stuck in there, I feel this during the day sometimes. I don't know if it's the skin or stitches or what else.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 22 Jun 2022, 06:53

Day 14: Crs control, everything is great.
He gave me some ointment to help healing but he said everything is normal. He assured me that I can have pain after bm like 2 more months and that is also normal but if I control it with soft nsaids it's because everything is ok. New sentinel tag as I expected but he said that could happen but it still can deflate a lot so I dont care anymore. My bum likes to make tags.
Next appointment in 3 weeks.

In previous days I had to go 3 times to the bathroom because I had a ton of fiber. It was hideous but I managed it. Lesson learned.

Day 15: Today bm was half formed, but I believe it's still the remanents of fiber. I don't feel anything going, just pain comes afterwards, like a swelling thing. But it got better and i lowed the ibu dose to 400 mg. I'll resume my work today so I hope that this gets better!
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 24 Jun 2022, 09:20

Day 16: Totally good. Almost no pain, just swelling and awareness after bm but took a ibu 400 just in case and nothing happened

Day 17: I had a scratchy feeling and a spot of blood. Not happy about this but no pain afterwards.
I had to go again and had watery stools. Everytime I do too much fiber (i had lentils stew twice, terrible idea) i have to go several times and stools are far from formed. So I think I have to cut off fiber a bit and try to eat less. Gonna add some more bread and stuff like that.
The more "normal" i eat, the better im going. I added fiber and went to hell. I even had to cut miralax because of this.
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