35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby justbreathe » 26 Aug 2022, 03:17

Eep! Wishing you good luck tomorrow during your follow up! Sending you lots of hugs!
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Rich44 » 26 Aug 2022, 08:22

Good luck!
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
Botox, skin tag removed - Feb 2015
Levator Ani Sep 2014 - Feb 2016 (left job, cured!)
LIS, skin tags removed - Oct 2020
Fissure 100% healed - Nov 2020
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 26 Aug 2022, 16:09

2 months and 18 days, CRS visit:
I just had my appointment, my doc says it still looks wounded, so it needs more healing. He explained to me that healing span can vary a lot from one patient to another and that the most important things i need are a) time and b) patience.
It is healing but very slow. He told me that as long as i dont feel pain everything will be ok.
And i kinda dont, just 1/10 and im not taking meds.
He insisted in the sitz baths, he explained that we need to relax that sphincter.
He explained to me that he cuts an amount that is often enough but the muscle tends sometimes to contract like mine. That's why i dont feel spasms but the wounds are still kinda there.
He told me that the worst case scenario would be to repeat the lis but he doesn't think we will get that far if im feeling ok.
Still using nitro for another month.

We are still hopeful, I will try to relax my ass as hard as i can lol. I will start to excersise and take some gotu kola which has always helped me with my legs.

Thanks again for reading me and helping me so much. :thanx:
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 26 Aug 2022, 16:11

Btw, are you aware how HARD we had it in life with this stupid design error? I just feel it's ridiculous haha
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 14 Oct 2022, 13:59

Hi there. I would love to say I'm perfectly fine but this is not the case.

It's been 4 months already. Everytime I go to the crs says it is not quite healed. I'm still with nitro. He gave me another ointment to debrid the wound.
And it still hurts if I don't use nitro.
Last time he told me to wait 6 months. If the wounds not heal, he has to perform another lis.
I don't want to. I haven't got incontinence but if the stool is too soft and I don't go as soon as I can to the bathroom, there's some leaking.

I haven't got any pain while defecating but I still have this slight pain similar to inflammation hours afterwards.

I have talked to at least 4 people who had the same intervention and told me they spent at least 5 months healing and an entire year to be fully free of pain.

I don't know what to think anymore. I don't regret LIS. But I do regret not having a full LIS at once.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 20 Nov 2022, 06:44

5 months and a week after procedure:

Ok I have to say I don't understand how this heals but I haven't had any pain in 3 weeks. I'm not using nitro since 3 days ago and I'm 95% normal which made me cry because I still can't believe it.
I have been talking with 2 other people who had the same procedure and both told me that it takes 5/6 months to stop feeling pain and 1 year to be normal.
Since I felt an improvement so suddenly, I believe this is it.
I'm using a cream that my doc gave me last month (silvadene but with lidocaine and vitamin a) because last time the surgery wound was still present. He told me that he actually wants to avoid another surgery (probably he saw things got better) and that if the wound doesnt't heal he has to perform a cauterization in office with silver nitrate which I'm scared of because I know how much it burns.
Since I'm better I don't know if that is needed anymore but I'll see him again on tuesday.
On the other hand I started to see a pelvic floor specialist which I love with all my heart. I just had one session because I got covid (so old school lol) but she evaluated me and told me that the muscles are fine but my pelvic floor is very weak (I knew it and I felt it). So she gave lots of insights about breathing and posture and next week I'll start the excersises with her.
I feel more confident now, I know I won't be 100% normal again but if I can learn how to tackle this issue and reach a 99% I'm cool with it.
Again, thank you because if it wasn't for you I would have never had this much information and I think you have more knowledge about this than most doctors. Believe me.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 06 Jan 2023, 06:26

7 months:
I had my last crs visit on tuesday and thanks god, he told me that he sees the scar!!!
So he gave his blessings and I think I'm officially healed. I feel 99% normal now, of course I still have to ve very careful because the skin is very thin. He told me to give the scar a massage twice a day to soften the skin.
I had bleeding on christmas and I was very very worried, but i felt just a very slight pain, i took some panadol and use a nitro leftover for a week and it just fixed in a day. So I realized that this is not a permanent fix, I have to take care. But I can handle that. Spasms never came back.
I am going to a pelvic floor therapist since last month and it has helped me a lot. Thing is, my pelvic floor is tight. It will always be that way if I don't learn how to untight it. She is great and I feel a lot calmer and less anxious now.
Still using miralax, the bleeding happened a week I stopped it and well, things got bulky and tore me a bit.
I don't control my diet, but water intake is really important. It's my karma, I never feel thirsty so I have to force myself to drink it.

Anyway, this is a ride. I hope that I won't have to get anything like another lis in a couple of years. Crs has been amazing and I'm really happy about the outcome and support.
I hope you are great and have a fissure free 2023.

And I really hope that if someone had the fissurectomy and lis and skin tag remlval this helps. A big part of my anxiety was because I've read zillion of opinions about lis healing in 2 months. If you had a fissurectomy too, please have in mind that 6 months was a normal healing span! The skin is tricky there!
And nobody told me!

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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Suffering2long » 08 Jan 2023, 20:28

That’s great to hear and thanks so much for updating!
It’s nice to know that some bleeding here and there is normal in recovery. I am about 4.5 months post lis and about once a week I have a spot or two of blood. Sometimes it burns a little during and after but no spasms like before. I’m reluctant to go back to doctor because he will stretch the area and possibly cause pain and bleeding.
Would love it if others joined this thread that had a similar healing experience.
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