35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 28 Jun 2022, 06:18

3 weeks mark:
I'm feeling almost great. No spasms at all, that is the amazing part. No pain during bm, just a tight feeling. I still have a swelling feeling after the bm. I have been taking ibuprofen inmediatly as soon as I leave the bathroom but I don't know if I need it now. I will try to keep it out today if I can handle it. I don't want to be a hero if my crs told me that 2 months of pain is perfectly normal.
On the other hand, I'm a bit worried because I started to bleed again yesterday. It was just a little yesterday but I saw the fissure blood stripe today and turned me down a bit. I know this is normal (or I believe so since I had a fissurectomy) but my recovery was so fast at the beggining that I didn't think I would bleed again.
I'll have my control in 3 weeks so I hope to have better news. I'm still using the ointment the doc prescribed but I think it gave me some allergies so i cut it 2 days ago and now im trying again.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 04 Jul 2022, 07:06

1 month update:
I had intermitent bleeding the entire week. I talked to my crs last tuesday to ask him how normal this was and he told me that I can and probably will experience bleeding and slight pain for 3 months. In his words, the important part is that pain should slowly reduce. I'll see him in 2 weeks. I've read in a paper that probably it's gonna be a 10 months recovery.
I'm feeling pain, I wont lie. It is bearable but it is annoying since I was actually quite better last week and this feels like a setback. Still taking ibuprofen. I tried to quit but if I don't use it pain persists.
The blood is a tiny red stripe, I don't know if it's the fissure again or the skin tag place. I actually feel pain where the skin tag was.
I feel a slight scratch/pain when the bm starts, then all good and 10' after I finish this pain/swelling/burning starts. It is a 2/10. It might be worse since I'm waiting for my period to come and I always forget how that makes me anxious and lowers my pain threshold.
Anyway, I'm trying to keep hopeful. I trust my surgeon, at least he has been very supportive.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 17 Jul 2022, 08:28

1 month 10 days update:
I had bleeding for a week, last 3 days of last week were worse.
This week I had 4 days without bleeding but today had a harder bm (normal, actually) and the thing bled quite a lot again. I even saw a little blood clot after i cleaned myself so i'm worried. That never happened to me.
I almost faint in the bathroom because I was not prepared for that. I kept a piece of cotton in place just to check if the bleeding continued but thankfully it didn't.

I feel a burning pain in my right side, in the skin tag area. That's the only pain i have daily. I still take advil (just 400 mg) every day after bm because if i dont, the pain lasts for about 5 hrs.
As i said before, i still think something is wrong with the skin tag wound. I believe it never healed or some stitch fell off before time. I dont feel fissure pain or spasms, but i will check with crs on tuesday. I'm very worried about that.
I don't like to take advil at all, even if it's a low dose.
It seems my healing is very slow. But I have a normal life.
I hope the tissue heals soon.
Please if you had any similar experiences with healing skin tags or fissurectomy (I think lis place is 100% healed because i dont feel anything), let me know. It would help me a lot.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 20 Jul 2022, 06:50

Crs appointment:
He told me that I still need to heal, the light pain I still feel is probably because of that. He took a good look and guess what? He gave me nitro again lol.
So now I have to use nitro for a month to promote faster healing and cicatrization.

Nitro has been quite a friend of mine so I have zero issues with it, and it did his job quite fast with the original fissure so I hope it works.

I'll have my follow up appointment next month.
Last edited by Worstyear on 01 Aug 2022, 08:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby tushmaster » 25 Jul 2022, 17:54

Just read your stuff and I’m sorry you’ve been having trouble. I totally understand the anxiety part of it (I think a lot of people suffer from it). Sending hugs and speedier progress.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 01 Aug 2022, 08:13

tushmaster wrote:Just read your stuff and I’m sorry you’ve been having trouble. I totally understand the anxiety part of it (I think a lot of people suffer from it). Sending hugs and speedier progress.

Thank you very much for your support! I think anxiety is worse than pain for me.

7 weeks and 3 days post surgery:
I have been using nitro for the last 12 days and havent bled since day 1. Amazing drug.
I really believe my recovery is quite slow and needs a good scar tissue.
I havent been using any painkillers last week, just yesterday but i think it was unnecesary (still very low advil dose). I'm having 1/10 pain, almost zero during or after bm. Nitro is working really fast with the wounds.
I'm worried of what could happen if i stop using it.
I have been in this place before and i hope that this time my scars stop hurting.
I don't have spasms. I am still taking miralax and probably will for a very long time.

I'm waiting for the 3 months mark to fully understand if this intervention worked or not. Still hopeful that it did.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby justbreathe » 02 Aug 2022, 00:00

Hey Worstyear,

Thanks for your continued posts. It’s so helpful. Please keep us updated with how you’re doing! I’m sending you positive vibes and can’t wait to know how everything’s going for you next. <3
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 11 Aug 2022, 12:32

justbreathe wrote:Hey Worstyear,

Thanks for your continued posts. It’s so helpful. Please keep us updated with how you’re doing! I’m sending you positive vibes and can’t wait to know how everything’s going for you next. <3

Oh no problem! I hope this help someone, this forum has helped me a lot so I want to do the same.

2 months and 4 days update:
Well, I had a good week. This week was the first without any painkillers. I'm on my 4th nitro week and it helps a lot. I think the recovery is going well thanks to that.
On the good side: I am not feeling pain during the bm. On the not so good side: I'm having a 1/10 or 2/10 pain 3 hours later. It is not that bad, just a small burning or tight sensation. It decreased slowly day after day.
I haven't bleed in a month but today i had a normal bm (i didn't take miralax last night because i needed to leave really early), and i saw a blood stripe. But it didn't hurt at all so I don't know what happened.
My next crs appointment is in 2 weeks.
I took a look there and saw the skin tag wound so I think that is my current struggle.
I must say, I don't even know where the lis incision was, never felt it. I used to feel the huge scar before fissurectomy and now the place is perfect.
So I don't know. I'm still in the "normal" range according to the crs so I'll try to keep calm and wait.
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby justbreathe » 21 Aug 2022, 22:09

Hey Worstyear,
How did your appointment with your CRS go? Any updates on your healing process? I’m wishing you a really healthy recovery. :smilyhug:
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Re: 35F fissurectomy + LIS + skin tags removal

Postby Worstyear » 23 Aug 2022, 07:14

justbreathe wrote:Hey Worstyear,
How did your appointment with your CRS go? Any updates on your healing process? I’m wishing you a really healthy recovery. :smilyhug:

Hey there, thanks for asking!
Gonna see my crs on friday! I'm a little bit better each day. I'm not using any painkillers, just some days.
My bms have been fairly solid last 2 weeks, even with miralax, and that caused 3 episodes of the hideous blood stripe of the skin tag removal site.
On the positive side: great dilation lol. But I'm terrified of cutting miralax. I should adjust my diet a bit again, I've been eating a ton of meat.
I've read some posts and apparently, the skin tag place takes a longer time to heal that because the wound was bigger and had stitches. So any scratching causes that. But I am on my period and that gets confusing.
I'm still using nitro (5 weeks already) and I'll keep using it as long as I can because it really helps with the healing.
I feel 90% normal. Which is great. Just this worrysome setbacks that cause me anxiety but no big deal lately.
I'm not having pain, and if i do it's very light, like a reminder that comes and goes. I use my heat pad or some ibuprofen.

I'll update as soon as I see the doc ❤️
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