Just an update guys! Saw the CRS today, just did consultation and a thorough external examination. He said nothing is abnormal outside. He said fissures mostly would show outside, so you either had it healed long time ago or never had it in the first place! He said he's going to go through my previous reports and schedule yet another scope if need be.
Have you guys researched about non-bacterial chronic prostatitis. The more I read, the more I find symptoms shared by that and levator ani syndrome for men, which I think I'm experiencing, i.e. pain with sitting that gradually increase, pain higher up in rectum in prostate region, feeling sense of fullness in perimum area, sphincter tightness, pain in tailbone and shooting pain when standing up from sitting that'd disappear immediately after. When I press on my tailbone it clearly hurts. Is it possible that I had a prostate issue, a fistula or abscess that went underected by one colonoscopy, 2 DREs and 2 MRIs?!
I'm tired of this. Maybe just have to accept it as an idiopathic illness and live with it. But it does break me down! When I drive, when I go to parties , at work, at home and whereever I go I have this fear of sitting and can sit only at a certain posture which gets annoying too! isn't a butt for sitting and relaxing after a long day a minimum right and pleasure one could have that I'm now deprived from?!!