I wanted to come back here and follow up on my LIS surgery that I had on July 19th of this year.
I have been doing relatively well, however I have developed Tinnitus so the hours I spent on this forum have now been allocated to another forum unfortunately

But back to why you are probably reading this. I honestly cannot say 6 months out that I am 100% healed. It's been a bumpy road to recovery, and I did have some setbacks along the way, the biggest one being in October when I had probably the most blood I've seen after experiencing some constipation.
The surgery site still feels a tinnnny bit sensitive, could be the old skin tag, could just be the surgical site, I'm not sure.
Had a bit of bleeding over halloween weekend too ( I was traveling, not eating well, had a cold and was drinking a good amount so it was bound to happen) but it healed up pretty fast.
One thing I have not experienced at ALL are spams but to be honest these were not bad for me to begin with
I have not had bleeding for about a month now, and 0 burning during BM's.
For some reason, my constipation has eased up significantly as well. At the peak of my Fissure, I was doing everything I could and still getting constipated. I still keep stool softens and glycerin suppositories handy though just in case.
I'll probably end up scheduling another appointment with my surgeon in the new year just to have her check everything out but for now, I am doing a lot better with my fissure than I was last December. What a year it has been.