9 Months Post LIS/Sphinctorotomy

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9 Months Post LIS/Sphinctorotomy

Postby buttproblemz » 01 May 2016, 00:31

I had my procedure done 9 months ago and my life feels very much back to normal. It took 5 months for me to finally not have pain after every bowel movement. For 4 months now, I can honestly say that I've been pain free. If you asked me 5 months ago however, I would've told you that the procedure was a failure, so for anybody going through a slow recovery, the best advice I could give you is to be patient and give it time. Alot of people on this board have reported being pain free within days post OP and even my CRS told me it should only take 7-10 days for me to feel better. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for me and it's really hard to not become frustrated and discouraged but all you can really do is just give it time.

I still keep my BMs soft. Drink plenty of water, take stool softener, Miarlax and Metamucil, all twice a day. While I don't want to be on Miralax and stool softener forever, for now it has just become part of my daily routine. The Doctor said that there's no harm in prolonged use of it, so I'm in no hurry. I am eyeing the one year anniversary of my procedure as a point where I might try weening myself off.

While I've been pain free for a while now, I do recognize that I am still not 100%. I don't know if it'll ever be the same before I got the fissure. Sometimes the area will get a tiny bit achy if I'm sitting too long, especially on hard surfaces such as a wooden bench. Also, once every couple of weeks I'll notice a spot of blood upon the first wipe after a BM. There's no pain or spasm to accompany it and it appears to be limited to just that BM, with no carry-over to the next BM. While it's not the most encouraging thing to see, it doesn't freak me out anymore because it doesn't seem to lead to any setback.

As far as diet goes. I don't really deprive myself of anything. There are a few foods that I am still timid about eating though. I still don't eat any nuts, with the exception of something that might have a few nuts baked into it like a brownie or banana bread. If it has nuts baked into it, I'm very conscious of it and make sure to chew very thoroughly. I try not to eat popcorn, but if I'm at the movies or something and I don't want to come off as a weirdo, I'll risk it. Again though, I make sure to chew very thoroughly. Lastly, I don't eat anywhere near the amount of meat and dairy as I did pre-fissure. To me, this is not such a bad thing as it feels healthier that way. If I'm in a position where I have to eat a piece of steak or a burger, I try to limit the portion size and again chew very thoroughly.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you're on the fence about the surgery, I would absolutely recommend it. Good luck everyone!
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Re: 9 Months Post LIS/Sphinctorotomy

Postby Skiponzo » 03 May 2016, 09:40

I am currently 6 weeks post surgery and so far things have gone very well. I have had a couple of instances of irritation (not really pain per se) in the fissure area but NOTHING Like before surgery. Right now I am experiencing some minor pain in the surgery area. I have not had this before...some slight pain there a few times....mainly when I pushed a few times but nothing consistent which is kind of what I have now. Consistent meaning I probably felt it 8 times yesterday and a little bit more today. Is this normal?
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Re: 9 Months Post LIS/Sphinctorotomy

Postby buttproblemz » 03 May 2016, 22:56

This is something that I was absolutely frustrated of hearing at your point, but yes it sounds normal. Like I said, it took 5 months for me to be pain free. At 6 weeks out in fact, I was ready to declare the procedure a failure. It takes so long for the area to heal. I can tell you that I still experience a couple of unpleasant things at 9 months out. The worst is something that seems to happen about once every few weeks... I get this weird charlie-horse feeling from the area that feels like a massive cramp or ache. It's not the same as the spasm I used to get and I don't know what triggers it. It'll last about an hour and then I'm fine. The other annoying thing is that I seem to get rashes in the area very easily now. I was never susceptible to rashes before this and I think it might have something to do with the fact that I only use baby wipes, not regular toilet paper. I was using wipes with witch hazel, but I switched to regular baby wipes to see if it makes a difference with the rashes and apparently it doesn't because they still occur. To counter the rashes, I'll use either Desitin or baby powder and it clears it up right away. It's really annoying that I rely on this stuff at all, but compared to the pain I was dealing with prior to surgery and the early months post-surgery, I'll gladly take it.

Also, with regards to pushing. For the most part, the laxative/stool softeners/fiber supplements have really negated my need to push when I go. I generally have my BMs at the same time every evening and the urge will come on all of a sudden and when I sit, it pretty much just falls out. It's great, but I think it's near impossible to avoid a BM that requires a slight push at the end, every now and then. For me, this situation is rare, especially if I'm eating proper, but pushes still give me problems. I mentioned earlier that every now and then I will notice a spot of blood when wiping. Almost always, it'll be from giving even the slightest of pushes. Like I said, I don't have any pain when I see blood and just the sight of it alone is discouraging, but it doesn't seem to have any lingering effects in the form of pain. This alone is the one thing that keeps me wondering if I'll ever be 100% again. As long as this remains the case, I know that I am not ready to abandon Miralax and Stool Softener as I am too worried about what might happen if I experience a BM where I really need to bear down.

I hope this helps and definitely stay positive. It sounds like you're doing way better than I was at the 6 week point!
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Re: 9 Months Post LIS/Sphinctorotomy

Postby Skiponzo » 04 May 2016, 10:05

Thanks BP! This AF thing certainly is a journey (marathon vice sprint). :gah:

Lots of changes have occurred "down there" since the surgery. It actually feels like my butthole is changing shape, which makes total sense in that it went through some fairly serious trauma. I'm encouraged by the fact that it's the surgery site I am feeling and NOT the AF site. I am currently taking 2 baths a day still. Wondering how long you took baths for after surgery? CRS told me to try and take 2 a day until I was pain free. Was hoping to be there by 1 June (that would be 10 weeks post surgery) but as with every arbitrary date I have set since the AF thing took hold I think I'm gonna blow past that. Maybe by my Vegas trip in august things will be "good to go".
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Re: 9 Months Post LIS/Sphinctorotomy

Postby buttproblemz » 04 May 2016, 21:35

As far as baths go, I was taking baths multiple times a day during the first week post op. After that, I would more or less reserve taking a bath for moments where the pain would escalate. I believe my last bath was taken around the 8 week mark. At this point I was still getting pain after every BM, but it was minor and baths didn't seem to have any effect on it at that point. If your CRS told you to stick with the baths until your pain free, and you don't mind the baths I say listen to your CRS. For me, I'm not a bath person and I was getting tired of taking them.

With regards to the dates you have coming up... you really can't have you're eye on the calendar and say at this point I will be pain-free. You'll get there eventually, you just gotta keep faith and be patient. As far as your upcoming vacations go... I took a road trip 5 weeks post op, where I was seated in a car for a total of 25+ hours over the course of 3 days. There were times where I was a bit uncomfortable, but I managed through it and it really wasn't a big deal. In August you'll probably be close to 20 weeks out, so I think it's pretty safe to assume that you'll be fine as well. Obviously this condition is life altering and has a way of making you focus on every upcoming event and how you might navigate through it with the potential of pain, but you will get back to a point where it's not a factor anymore. Easier said than done, but I would try to not even think about it - just look forward to your trip and the prospect of getting away!
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Re: 9 Months Post LIS/Sphinctorotomy

Postby brokenbottom » 09 May 2016, 13:37

Hello! Your chat has been really helpful to read - thank you both! I'm a month post surgery and have up and down days. Today I know I'm better than I was but I'm fed up with waiting and impatient to be done with this. And there's always the feeling that maybe I won't get any better than this. So reading about your experiences has reminded me to be patient.

Was also interested to read about your muscle spasms BP - I've had exactly the same sort of thing a few times. No idea what that's all about!

Anyway hope you both continue to get ever better! BB x
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Re: 9 Months Post LIS/Sphinctorotomy

Postby buttproblemz » 09 May 2016, 21:02

Like I told Skiponzo, everyone's time table is different. While it's annoying to know that there are people that feel back to normal within days of the surgery, I think a month is way too early to write yourself off in any way. Not that you can take a complete stranger's timeline as any accurate measure, but again I didn't begin to be pain-free until the 5 month mark. I was right there with you at the 4 week point, thinking that by that point I should be fine... Just stay patient - you'll get there!

As far as that odd thing that I experience once every couple of weeks, I hate to call it a spasm (eventhough that's what it might be.) It's much different than the spasm I had pre-surgery. The spasm pre-surgery completely locked up the whole area and was incredibly painful. This is more like an intense cramp, which I would categorize as very uncomfortable as opposed to painful. Also, the cramp only lasts for an hour at most, while the spasm would last anywhere between 5 to 8 hours. I've been reading through this forum for the past 15 -16 months and have not come across anybody describing anything similar, so it's interesting to hear someone else experience something similar. I haven't had one now in about 4 weeks. While I usually only experience them once every 3 or 4 weeks, lately I've noticed that they happen alittle fewer and far between. Like everything else, I hope that eventually I can say that I don't have 'em anymore.

Glad that this thread has helped your spirits a bit. Hang in there... believe me, your worst days with this thing should mostly behind you!
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Re: 9 Months Post LIS/Sphinctorotomy

Postby brokenbottom » 10 May 2016, 02:41

Thanks BP! It's very reassuring to hear from someone that's been through this - really gives me hope. I'm much better than I was but normal's still a long way off. Hopefully it's out there somewhere though!

As for the cramps, yes much different to the spasms, which never felt like I imagined spasms! Spasms sound short and sharp - not long and agonising like they were. The cramps I've had were very intense but passed within half an hour or so.

Anyway thanks for the kind thoughts and here's to bottom health for all of us! BB x
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Re: 9 Months Post LIS/Sphinctorotomy

Postby Skiponzo » 10 May 2016, 17:48

I'll just add my echo to what BP said. Be patient. This has been the hardest thing throughout the entire AF saga for me and it continues even now, 1 day short of 7 weeks post op. Every time I think I've turned the final corner something else happens (a pain I didn't expect, the return of discharge, fissure site irritation, etc). BP said it above and I've been repeating it to myself since "It takes so long for the area to heal." Every time something new happens that I didn't really want or expect I tell myself to BE BRAVE and face whatever God has put in front of me. I might not like it but it's WAY better than it was just 7 weeks ago.

You WILL get past this (as will I). :-)
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Re: 9 Months Post LIS/Sphinctorotomy

Postby brokenbottom » 10 May 2016, 18:04

Thanks Skiponzo! It is a very long road to healing isn't it? Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in a lay-by and the rest of the world is whizzing by me. But I guess the best thing to do is have a little rest and then dust yourself down and get back on the road again! Hope we all get to the right place soon! BB x
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