AF 8 weeks

I had botox after 3 weeks of AF

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AF 8 weeks

Postby hollydolly » 02 Jul 2015, 14:24

Hi everyone,

Im new here and have received so much support from this site. I discovered I had an AF 7 weeks ago. The pain was MASSIVELY intense.I couldnt work and spent all day crying,I also got a sentinel pile which was so painful-if not more painful than the AF at times. I went to my doctor 3 times in the space of a week and a half-I stopped eating and everything. I created such a fuss that the doctor referred me to a surgeon after only 3 weeks of having the AF.Within 2 days I had botox and the pile removed. That was just over 3 weeks ago and I am now in recovery..The pain is still there but has reduced by at least 75 per cent. I am really hoping the pain doesnt come back after the botox wears off. I currently stick to a very high fibre diet-have cut out meat,dairy,white flour and white potatoes,etc etc..I take lactulose twice a day and drink 2 litres of water. I was wondering if anyone here has had botox after such a short time of getting the AF? Many thanks
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Re: AF 8 weeks

Postby msimon » 02 Jul 2015, 16:58

Hi Hollydolly. Welcome to the forum! Glad you have found some help here and have gotten relief from your pain. I got botox after a few weeks of having an AF. The pain was incredible and the ointment wasn't working. My CRS actually gave me the fissure with an anoscope so maybe that was why he did it so early on. When do you have a follow up with you Doctor?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Re: AF 8 weeks

Postby hollydolly » 05 Jul 2015, 13:51

Hi msimon , thankyou for you reply :} I am waiting for a follow up appointment now. I still have pain during a bm but not as much as I did! Could I ask if your botox has worn off and if you have any pain now? Im not sure what to expect after the botox effects wear off.many thanks
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Re: AF 8 weeks

Postby msimon » 05 Jul 2015, 22:17

Oh my botox has long since worn off as I tried 3 rounds before having to get LIS. My LIS led to an infection and a second surgery to resolve that. I am still healing from that 5 months later (and 8 months after LIS) but I am a special case with a very dysfunctional pelvic floor and IBS. Here is my storey:


What to expect after the botox wears off depends on whether your fissure was able to heal while it was effective. My CRS says it should last 3 months so you should have a couple of months to go yet. You could get it again if it's not quite healed when your CRS checks. is your fissure visible externally?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Re: AF 8 weeks

Postby jlm1 » 09 Jul 2015, 20:18

Hi there,

I had botox last July, about 6 weeks after getting a deep and significant fissure. It was bad. I had other complications after that and if you check this site, I posted a lot about what happened. My CRS said that the botox would last about a year but I read that many people say that their doctors said it lasts a few months. So I don't know why the discrepancy. Anyway, the botox DID heal my fissure. I am still in fear about getting another one and think I have a bit of post traumatic stress form this whole ordeal. However, botox worked for me. Last time my CRS checked, it was fully healed and no scar tissue. I also have a skin tag but I did not have that fully removed. (some of it was removed during a simple fistuala surger...but that's another story!) You will probably need more time to heal from that. I think it's a good thing that you had the botox so soon. Hopefully it will heal the fissure and you can move on from this nightmare!! It sounds good. Keep up with high fiber(but don't over do it) and leafy greens help me a lot.
Wishing you a very speedy recovery!!
fissure May 2014
nitro, diltiazem
botox July
fistula surgery, piece of skin tag removed Oct
fissure declared healed Dec
currently have burning/pain-told it is nerve pain
physical therapy, sitz baths, valium suppositories
hoping I am healing
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Re: AF 8 weeks

Postby hollydolly » 05 Aug 2015, 11:28

thanks for your replies everyone. Im now roughly 9 weeks post botox and so much better! I only bleed every now an again and the pain is about 3/10 at the you jMl1 I am also very scared of getting a retear. fingers crossed this doesnt happen..I couldnt bear to go through the pain again! Its seriously one of the most painful things Ive ever experienced
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