Afraid and needing support

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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby Abu » 21 Apr 2019, 04:32

Off Missy, you need to learn to enjoy life more. Why becoming sad easily? Why overreacting? You are young, beautiful, otherwise healthy, you have wonderful children, why not looking more at the bright side? Maybe spend more time following your passion, there must be something that touches your heart.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 21 Apr 2019, 05:04

I become overwhelmed sad and anxious leading up to a period and it's also when I have most of my setbacks it's because of hormones but things have been so good for so long now it just sucks, I know I need a passion to put more time an energy into lately I've made a promise that that passion would be myself and my kids since my breakup it's been hard to know what's next I've been in long term relationships since I was 16 never been alone to find my own feet I feel like I'm not really living most of the time. I like to help people see life differently and drop old thought processes that don't serve them but then I'm still in the process of that myself but I have come a long way that would be a passion I'd say and painting but I just feel like I'm so busy to young kids and a fissure is alot for a single mum with general anxiety that also likes to take me on fixated rides occasionally that's probably why I overreact because I get worked up with all this healthy stuff to do with my fissure Im always looking for that missing link.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby Abu » 21 Apr 2019, 06:59

You will find the missing link since you seem so determined. Don't be discouraged of these setbacks, as long as you are not in constant pain like others on this forum I'd say keep a positive attitude and don't give up trying various methods to find healing.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 21 Apr 2019, 07:27

Thanks abu I'm not in pain all day like I use to be before Botox so I can't rush into anything yet but I'm concerning a second Botox since the first one helped me so much. I need to get some mineral drops maybe my skin isn't healing well or is weak because I'm missing minerals or something maybe the minerals will heal some how since I drink so much water and have very nearly low blood pressure? What else can I try? I feel like I've tried everything. This latest setback shouldn't of happened and wasn't cause by either liquid stool or hard stool it was caused by soft stool, so something to do with the skin not healing or weak plus hormones and period on the way which builds up pressure in the area, so I can work on hormones to try figure out why my skin isn't healing and tearing easily I think it's low oestrogen levels that cause this in woman with menopause also vitamin A and Zink helps with the skin maybe I'm low
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby Abu » 21 Apr 2019, 22:44

Maybe you're drinking too much water Missy, and hence the low electrolytes in your blood.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby owmybum » 22 Apr 2019, 14:06

My dr told me that the hormones released for a period have a direct effect on the body’s smooth muscles. The internal sphincter is a smooth muscle, so it can feel super sore and irritated. It doesn’t mean something is wrong, or re torn, it’s just super sensitive.
When I was getting regular periods I likened it to my bum being grated with a cheese grater!
You have helped me so much with my panic, fear and anxiety, I hope you can start to feel better.
It’s a hard job being a single parent, especially when you have pain and constant fissure worries.... but... you are a selfless person who had children despite your suffering... you are doing amazingly
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby SueMac » 22 Apr 2019, 14:45

Missy I'm sorry you are having such a bad time and I totally understand how frustrating it is to get your stools right then still suffer a setback. I can't seem to get out of pain right now myself and I've been quite low with it. I haven't got anything helpful to add I just wanted to offer my sympathies as you've been helpful to me in the past.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 22 Apr 2019, 19:29

I have considered this before when you pointed it out to me but I only drink 1.5 - 2 litres of water per day is this maybe to much for me? I'm 60kgs and 171cm maybe it's to much for my size? Im not sure.

Thank you i will continue to give support while I go through it myself we are all going through this together it is hard but I try to stay positive and grateful I had a bad 2 days but I'm doing better now it's just so frustrating when you get pain and bleeding from a soft stool it wasn't watery or hard? So confusing but I try to start each day fresh and leave yesterday behind thanks for your support.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 22 Apr 2019, 19:30

I'm with you, we have to try hard to distract ourselves from that moment and try ignore the fissure don't give it a platform thanks for your support it's much appreciated I'm doing ok was just really frustrated because I got pain and bleeding from a soft stool not hard not liquid but SOFT like what the heck, anyway focusing on today leave yesterday behind because I can't change yesterday, I hope your having an ok day too if not go in nature and or think and say the things your grateful for do something that makes you happy
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby Abu » 23 Apr 2019, 07:12

Hey Missy, related to water intake you should drink as much as your body tells you too. I wouldn't take into account weight or height but the activity levels, the temperature, the humidity, the amount of salt consumed, the frequency of urination, etc. These things may cause you to drink more or less on a particular day. Do not worry about this, you will only increase anxiety levels.
By the way, do you exercise, are you an active person?
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