by owmybum » 22 Apr 2019, 14:06
My dr told me that the hormones released for a period have a direct effect on the body’s smooth muscles. The internal sphincter is a smooth muscle, so it can feel super sore and irritated. It doesn’t mean something is wrong, or re torn, it’s just super sensitive.
When I was getting regular periods I likened it to my bum being grated with a cheese grater!
You have helped me so much with my panic, fear and anxiety, I hope you can start to feel better.
It’s a hard job being a single parent, especially when you have pain and constant fissure worries.... but... you are a selfless person who had children despite your suffering... you are doing amazingly
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )