Hi, I’m new to the forum because I’ve been searching for some cause of my discomfort. I believe I probably have a fissure but I don’t know for sure. I currently don’t have health insurance so I can’t afford to see anybody about it.
I assumed I had hemorrhoids because occasionally over the past few years I’d feel a stinging during a bowel movement and see a tiny bit of pink on my toilet paper. The other day I figured that’s what it was again but the pain is worse. I had a hard bm and it felt like I tore something, and for the past few days I bleed every time I have a movement. It’s more blood than I’m used to seeing, as it’s in the toilet and showing a good amount on the paper. It’s bright red blood and I can feel the stinging for a while afterwards.
I also suffer from some severe phobia issues surrounding health an anything medical so I automatically panic and assume I’m dying. I’m too afraid to *look* back there because I’m scared of what I’ll see. I’m a wreck. I don’t know what to do. I can’t get help or a diagnosis. I’m so afraid.