Afraid and needing support

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Afraid and needing support

Postby Shadowxmagic » 14 Mar 2019, 04:25

Hi, I’m new to the forum because I’ve been searching for some cause of my discomfort. I believe I probably have a fissure but I don’t know for sure. I currently don’t have health insurance so I can’t afford to see anybody about it.
I assumed I had hemorrhoids because occasionally over the past few years I’d feel a stinging during a bowel movement and see a tiny bit of pink on my toilet paper. The other day I figured that’s what it was again but the pain is worse. I had a hard bm and it felt like I tore something, and for the past few days I bleed every time I have a movement. It’s more blood than I’m used to seeing, as it’s in the toilet and showing a good amount on the paper. It’s bright red blood and I can feel the stinging for a while afterwards.
I also suffer from some severe phobia issues surrounding health an anything medical so I automatically panic and assume I’m dying. I’m too afraid to *look* back there because I’m scared of what I’ll see. I’m a wreck. I don’t know what to do. I can’t get help or a diagnosis. I’m so afraid.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby Abu » 14 Mar 2019, 11:20

Hey Shadow, I am so sorry for your situation. It is indeed awful not to be able to seek medical assistance.
Your symptoms indeed sound like a fissure, there is plenty of information on this forum to find your way around.

You must change your eating habbits for good and start with some stool softeners as soon as possible. The goal is to keep BMs soft every single day for a few months. There will be occasinal setbacks, you must be aware of this, but expecting these episodes should not affect you that much psichologically speaking.

If you have any questions, if you don;t know where to start, we are here to help.

Good luck!
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 18 Mar 2019, 19:48

Hey Abu sorry to jump in I was just wondering if you could just give me another run down on good foods to eat I'm eatting beans of all sorts veg fruit nuts coconut milk and cream instead of cows milk or cows cream I'm grain free dairy free MEAT free next to no auger no artificial products I am eatting organic brown rice and or quinoa I'm eatting coconut yoghurt I can't access any raw dairy so that's why I've eliminated it does this all sound ok to you? Are you a vegetarian? Thanks heaps I'm freaking out a bit because the hospital rang me today with a date for my second dose of Botox but I'm not sure if I want it now even though I still have painful days and my anus has gotten tighter I'm just not sure diet can fix the muscle I'm also considering the use of dilators to help stretch the muscle slowly back to what it was because it can't stretch anymore and I'm still seeing blood everyday
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby Abu » 18 Mar 2019, 23:50

Hey Missy, I personally have nothing against meat and I eat it daily. Legumes contain too much toxins so I include them sparingly. Your diet seems very high fiber to me and it can lead to large stools or hard ones. Diary is also fine for some people, i have no issues with it, except maybe cheese. I recommend you cut back on fiber and see how it works for a few days.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 19 Mar 2019, 00:30

Thanks Abu yep if the toilet could talk it would of just told me the same thing worst day yet! I was thinking about the lowfodmap diet what do you think about that? I know my intestines and stomach are sensitive to something a type of food so far peanuts rice (all kinds) cashew nuts and chickpeas are all no no I'm to scared to trial each one on its own but these 4 are always involved the day before the bad days my stomach is actually sore so instead of going forward I've gone backwards
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 19 Mar 2019, 00:41

Also what is a legume is it all beans peas and lentils and or nuts? I'm confused and getting anxious over my diet like I do evertime I have a bad day.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby owmybum » 19 Mar 2019, 12:46

I don’t want to worry you missy moo, but I just got this re-take from over eating pulses and quorn. I think it’s just too much fibre. I’m thinking a low fibre diet for the time being is preferable. Obviously keep up with fresh fruit and veg... but just normal amounts. Your body needs protein to heal, so I would advise you eat a balanced diet.

Try to buy some mirilax, drink plenty of water to keep stools soft, nice warm baths to relax the muscles. You could try a blob of Vaseline on your anus before a bm, just to protect the fissure a bit.
I know it’s so hard not to worry, and easy for me to say, but as scary and painful as it is, it’s not life threatening. Do you take anything for your anxiety?
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 19 Mar 2019, 13:53

Hi owmybum I take diazapam which also helps with muscle spasms I indeed thought I was doing right by my body turns out cheakpeas are the worst and even brown rice on the low fodmap it says alot of my triggers are on the no no list so I'm going to follow the lowfodmap for a few weeks for some people the highfodmap foods cause sensitivity is an inflammation which can cause stomach upset pain constipation indigestion or gas thanks for the advice man we are all so lucky to have each other on this site I'm so grateful for this site and everyone on here xx
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby Okaybum » 19 Mar 2019, 15:19

Tried to low FODMAP, it caused a retear but I'm also on antibiotics so could be coincidence.

Low FODMAP slowed down my system. It got rid of the gas which was perfect to allow my fissure to heal. However, it made for big, harder bm's....just ugh. Even going back up on my stool softeners made little difference. I'll be giving that a miss. I prefer to eat more normally.

But then again I have a fissure that prefers super loose stool like a Bristol type 5 or 6 and retears and pain happen between a 4 and a 5.

I find my fiber intake is good on a normal eating plan. Adding in fibre makes my BM too big. Be careful with low FODMAP and high fibre. Hard big stools can happen. I found that I reduced it by consuming 6+ litres of water, no caffeine. No other drinks but my cucumber green smoothie. That sucked so I'm giving it a miss.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 19 Mar 2019, 18:15

Thanks and how's the smoothies going?
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