Afraid and needing support

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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby SueMac » 25 Mar 2019, 02:54

Goodness you have it all going on! No pressure to heal the fissure then!!!
So how is the fissure how are you doing now?
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby Okaybum » 25 Mar 2019, 05:12

I had a minor set back with antibiotics about a 1.5 weeks ago which brought me down. It wasn't a retear but it did make things sore and bleed a little I think. That led to me being depressed that even with 3 doses of movicol I could still have issues even with a fairly good diet. I felt stuck in a holding pattern and became down in the dumps over it and the idea of eating. I upped it to 4 sachets of movicol and was further depressed it didn't cause full on diarrhea. Lol. I suspect I had issue with sourdough bread. Anyway I had a bad diet over the weekend, hot cross buns, McDonald's (small meal) I lowered my movicol dose to 3.5, and I'm now currently suffering from diarrhea. Lol. seriously, I give up.

I'm struggling to know what to eat, what to take, and getting frustrated that my bum is fine with watery BM, but can't have a perfect BM yet.

As for pain, my bum doesn't like the new sofa for too long but other than that I don't really register on the pain charts, only when having bad gas or sitting on uncomfy surfaces, but even then it's a minor annoyance.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby Okaybum » 25 Mar 2019, 07:25

I've spent some time thinking while dealing with the worst gas and diarrhea. While the low FODMAP bread slowed down my system and the depo shot may have contributed, I think the real underlying issue is stress. my dad's having hip surgery this week. He's in the USA and I'm in Australia. I was very worried that no one would be there for him on the days after surgery as my mon and sis are working. Now that I got it all sorted and arranged for my uncle to check in on him, I'm relaxed, constipation over. I'll be dropping down to my normal dosage tomorrow. I'm mostly back on track with my diet and have stocked up on low sodium soups and even bone broth. I've got this.

PS: I'm not sure if it was the extra movicolthat did me in or adding the small amount of MCT oil to my coffee but holy hell. :blowup: i actually googled can I die from gas? Lol. Luckily my bum has held might be sore tomorrow lol
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 26 Mar 2019, 03:04

Here's a great read that has shocked me
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby SueMac » 27 Mar 2019, 03:22

Hi everyone. Missy I'm interested in your article but will read later when more time and can look at it properly.
Okay bum I am sure your concern for your Dad is making things a lot worse. I definitely hold tension in my bottom so when I'm stressed it basically hurts more. It doesn't affect my bowel movements but it affects pain level of I'm stressed out. I'm glad you got the situation sorted and that his op goes smoothly.
It can be so frustrating to sort out stool consistency. I stopped movicol was good for two weeks than had for the biggest hardest bm. It set me back to really bad pain in my bottom and has taken almost two weeks to ease that pain. I only need half a sachet to keep it the right consistency which is why I thought I could get off it. Not a chance!
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 27 Mar 2019, 03:49

I'm not talking any stool softeners haven't done in about a week and my stools have been fine I'm taking slippery elm which helps with also of things mainly digestion I'm drinking to cups a day also I'm having a cup of liquorice tea instead of a cup of coffee every morning the Christie also helps with digestion and so far so good
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby Abu » 27 Mar 2019, 03:57

Wow Missy, this is good news, you took the plunge to get rid of softeners, good for you.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby SueMac » 27 Mar 2019, 06:53

That's great missy. I hope things carry on well for you.
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby missy moo » 27 Mar 2019, 16:10

Thanks abu and suemac I still have hard stools and then soft stools but I'm taking a different approach my is unwell and that's where it all starts I'm hoping if I get my stomach acid sorted it will sort everything else out I've just read online that drinking 16 ounces of pure celery juice on an empty stomach every morning helps with multiple health conditions and really helps reset your digestion and your stomach acid
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Re: Afraid and needing support

Postby Abu » 27 Mar 2019, 22:54

Hi Missy, I wasn't aware you have stomach acid issues. I used to have it too but i managed to heal by doing the following: taking Manuka honey 30min before each meal, taking a HCl pill during meals and reducing the carbohydrates. I am free from symptoms for over 2 years now. Hope it helps
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