An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby OwwDAMN-IT! » 14 Feb 2013, 10:52

Proper diet is CRUCIAL to healing fissures. You MUST NOT STRAIN. The manuka honey has lots of natural healing agents in it.
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby coconut » 14 Feb 2013, 18:36

Rachael 1984 wrote:Me too, I am tempted to try this, but not sure if it can heal chronic fissures? Plus could it cause thrush????

Obviously, I'm not an expert on honey. But it seems to me that thrush is not something to worry about with this unless you tend towards it strongly. Honey is anti-fungal and good for protecting wounds. Thrush is an overgrowth of yeast in the mouth or anus, right? Basically a yeast infection. We put sugar in our mouths and we don't get thrush unless we kill off the good bacteria or do something else to cause the body's balance to be thrown off. If I have icecream and I don't wipe my mouth, I don't get thrush. (weird looks from people I pass on the street, but not thrush.)
To be honest, I've done some harm to my delicate tushy tissues with folk remedies, so I was reluctant to try this one. But I'm pretty convinced its safe, if not a probable cure, at least it won't make things worse. If I could get the pain level down even a little bit at this point, I would be grateful.
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby coconut » 16 Feb 2013, 16:36

I just stuck honey up my rear end. I can't believe its come to this.
No stinging. I'm a little disappointed. I was all geared up for the stinging.Image
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you have to be able to laugh

Postby alesme » 12 Apr 2013, 17:52

coconut wrote:I just stuck honey up my rear end. I can't believe its come to this.
No stinging. I'm a little disappointed. I was all geared up for the stinging.Image

I just did the same thing and your post made me laugh out loud. I have tried so many things, aloe vera gel which I think worked externally well, sudocrem with no luck, home made coconut oil/aloe suppositories which does help before and after bm and now wound honey. I also bought the joy bidet-hc2 which helps alot with warm water rinse after bm's and before applying any ointments. I see my CRS on Tuesday for a follow up, my pain is greatly reduced but I have had consistent red striped stools since Feb.
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby jillywilly » 17 Apr 2013, 11:04

I was given some surgihoney by a nurse friend of mine who had great success healing chronic leg ulcers with it, I did try it but it had the almost immediate effect of making me have a bm much like the pre op enemas I've had before surgery & this rather put me off trying it again, did it have this effect on anyone else?
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby alesme » 17 Apr 2013, 11:25

Not at all, occasional burning but no urgency. I recently just tried mixing it with my nifedipine in a small container, we'll see how that goes.
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby hendrick181 » 22 Apr 2013, 19:15

doesnt the honey become sticky and them make BM more difficult to pass since it has to "fight thru" the honey?? ;et me know any other results on how this worked for some of you....
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby alesme » 23 Apr 2013, 18:49

not sticky at all, just a bit on a qtip and up and in.
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby hendrick181 » 25 Apr 2013, 20:46

Dammit!! Botox finally must have kicked in. Felt great last 4 days and now blood. I could feel the muscle tensing up after BM... So desperate to try anything. The honey showed up today. Just put it on..defintely stinging but dont know if its from it or sadly yet another retear. This feels like the set of a really bad movie--day 1, take 56, action! Please let this go away... Have tried so many things.. 2nd round of botox, sitz baths, magnesium, metamucil, miralx .. And still on them all... PS... How the hell do u apply this honey?? Que tip was recommended but u know how difficult it is to get a que tip in there accurately!?!
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby hendrick181 » 25 Apr 2013, 22:52

Ok i cant believe this is my life... I will ask anyway.. Can u please describe your "technique" to how u apply the honey?? I finished our garage last summer and i thought the "mud and taping" was a skilled profession! To get a que tip in there seems like a sick joke.... Are u laying down? Are u squatting? Thanks for everything u can provide...
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