Anal Fissure - classification with images

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Re: Anal Fissure - classification with images

Postby pinpin » 17 Jan 2014, 01:26

Hi Suzy,

Sorry, I missed you message here. When you post in Full Editor please use Upload attachment tab above message box. When you uploaded pictures, press Place Inline button to place picture into your message.
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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Re: Anal Fissure - classification with images

Postby hawaiian girl » 24 Jun 2014, 22:11

I was so frustrated with my anal fissure that I changed my lifestyle.
1. Begin by eating healthier (veggies, fruits, smoothies, fish, chicken, whole grains) into my diet.
2. Metamucil 2x's a day morning & evening.
3. Put my legs onto a kiddie stool to do my business (BM.)
4. Use stool softener morning and night. (2x's a day.)
5. Used Hawaiian salt that we have here in Hawaii to soak my bums after a BM.
6. Use an over the toilet called "sitz bath" to wash my bum after a BM. Also, use baby wipes to wipe after each BM's. No more toilet paper for me.

I have tried everything under the sun to try to alleviate my anal fissures that was causing me so much pain. Goggled and experimented just about everything that I think would work for me. Non was giving me lasting relief only temporarily ones I might add. Here in Hawaii we have "Hawaiian Salt" and my lasting relief was to soak in it with warm water. My first time using this method it stung all night long. But, in the next morning I did my BM and notice the pain during this time was not hurting me. Soon, realized I should have done this along time ago and I could have saved myself from almost a long month of pain and suffering.
I hope this will help others that are seeking relief. You may try this and see if it works for you. However, beware if you are going to dunk your bum into salt water it will sting a bit.....Good luck everyone!
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Re: Anal Fissure - classification with images

Postby Littlecornetto » 26 Oct 2014, 04:14

Hey guys,

I'm new here and a little overwhelmed. Yikes.
In late June I discovered a lump near my anus. Anterior and 11 o'clock. It got bigger and was treated with 8 courses of Flagyl before I dragged myself to ER to be admitted. I had the abscess removed - I had explained beforehand that I felt wet and pus in a different area of my anus but my CRS dismissed me. A week later I developed a fever and drainage. I had a fistula all along. I went in for more surgery and my fistula was laid open. My wound is still slightly open 8 weeks after surgery.

In July, the same CRS gave me GTM for a fissure (in the posterior 6 position). It gave me a violent headache so was placed on Diltiazem. Instillagel, Lidocaine and suppositories. Along with Fyborgel and Lactulose for my stools. The itching burning crawling spasms of my fissure is still unbearable. I sitz bathe twice a day to add the pain and itching.
My fissure has developed a purple lump on top of it and the otherside of the purple lump is a small hole. I have been seen by 2 other CRS who have diagnosed me with a fissure. One even suggested a sphincterotomy. I have been to my CRS for a check up and he is disputing that I have a fissure which is bizarre as he hasn't taken the time to look. I am at the end of my tether. I managed to book an appointment next week. I have taken a photograph of my anus (which seems slightly bonkers) but I hope he will listen. I clearly shows what I have been trying to explain. I am unable to use the ointments at the moment as I am raw inside. The burning has become so unbearable that I am sitting on ice. I have changed my diet, I can't exercise as the wound is still a little sore and I believe I have done everything possible to aid healing but nothing has worked in almost 6 months. I am willing to take the risk of LIS.
I have taken time off work so losing money financially and I have a five year old daughter to care for. My GP is a amazed that nothing is planned . If anybody has a similar problem with their fissures, please let me know. I would love to hear from you.
(Sorry for ranting. I am so frustrated)
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Re: Anal Fissure - classification with images

Postby momo248 » 29 Jun 2015, 00:08

Quick question. I haven't been to a doctor yet but i'm 98% sure I have an anal fissure. Been about 2 years that it comes and goes. My question is when I have an anal fissure flare up and during my bowel movement, i'll have blood striped on my stool, blood dripping into the toilet, and blood on the first few wipes. Only on the first few wipes, and after that the blood is not noticed much on the toilet paper/wipe. Is that normal? I would just imagine if the cut is so close to the exit (like in these pictures), that you would keep seeing blood the whole time wiping. Just curious. Thanks.
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Re: Anal Fissure - classification with images

Postby Sufferingbadly » 29 Jun 2015, 00:55

Momo, that happens with me when I feel like my fissure is hurting me... But I also have hemorrhoids and so I am not 100% sure which is bleeding. But same as you, blood at first and then it stops. If you don't have hemorrhoids like I do, then I'd presume it is our fissure.
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Re: Anal Fissure - classification with images

Postby Lennysmama » 02 Jan 2016, 13:40

All I can think while looking at these is OWIE. Very nice info though!
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Re: Anal Fissure - classification with images

Postby RealBummer » 26 May 2016, 09:28

Double advancement flap? Double advancement flap? (Starts to panic...has a weird flap thing at the back of anus...) or is that normal? I mean, how many of us have inspected anuses? Looking at pics they seem to be as variable in appearance as genitalia are from person to person. We are all grownups here I think you know where I'm coming from. I am plucking up courage to ask my soecialist if it is normal and hoping it isnt something that has to be removed. The skin tag removal was painful slow recovery.
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Re: Anal Fissure - classification with images

Postby Cottontail » 04 Apr 2017, 03:12

Thank you very much for these pictures!
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Re: Anal Fissure - classification with images

Postby Lewarctj » 22 May 2017, 18:53

My fissure is not visible on the's posterior but a bit inside or so my CRS says.
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Re: Anal Fissure - classification with images

Postby Glorybee » 09 Aug 2017, 16:28

Is there such a thing as an internal fissure versus an external fissure? Mine is not visible at all.
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