by hawaiian girl » 24 Jun 2014, 22:11
I was so frustrated with my anal fissure that I changed my lifestyle.
1. Begin by eating healthier (veggies, fruits, smoothies, fish, chicken, whole grains) into my diet.
2. Metamucil 2x's a day morning & evening.
3. Put my legs onto a kiddie stool to do my business (BM.)
4. Use stool softener morning and night. (2x's a day.)
5. Used Hawaiian salt that we have here in Hawaii to soak my bums after a BM.
6. Use an over the toilet called "sitz bath" to wash my bum after a BM. Also, use baby wipes to wipe after each BM's. No more toilet paper for me.
I have tried everything under the sun to try to alleviate my anal fissures that was causing me so much pain. Goggled and experimented just about everything that I think would work for me. Non was giving me lasting relief only temporarily ones I might add. Here in Hawaii we have "Hawaiian Salt" and my lasting relief was to soak in it with warm water. My first time using this method it stung all night long. But, in the next morning I did my BM and notice the pain during this time was not hurting me. Soon, realized I should have done this along time ago and I could have saved myself from almost a long month of pain and suffering.
I hope this will help others that are seeking relief. You may try this and see if it works for you. However, beware if you are going to dunk your bum into salt water it will sting a bit.....Good luck everyone!