I've made an appointment with my 4th CRS at the Cleveland Clinic but can't get in until March 19th. I'm trying to go with the CRS my cousin used there and he has had perfect results. My 2nd CRS locally said he would do the LIS anytime I was ready. The reason I sought a 3rd opinion is the 2nd doctor didn't have a good bedside manner and my exam with him seemed rougher than necessary considering the pain I was in. The 3rd CRS has turned out to be of absolutely no help. If you'd like, you can read all about him in my other thread.
So, here's my question: If I can get in sooner, do you think I should go ahead and book with the 2nd CRS who had the bad beside manner? He has 25 years of experience as a board certified CRS. I don't doubt his ability just wonder how he would be if I had any complications. He felt incontinence was a non-issue with this surgery. He also wanted to do a hemmie surgery which I do not want. It's internal, has never caused me any pain and I never even knew I had it until he told me.
Oh how I wish my first CRS was available. He was wonderful! He took a year leave of absence for more education and won't be back until after July. I can't wait that long.
What do you think? I would so like to get on the other side of this mess and begin the healing process!
Thanks!! You guys are the best!