another LIS question

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another LIS question

Postby sotiredofthis » 19 Jan 2014, 17:53

I've been posting in my thread "Thoughts and Fears about LIS" but I have a little different question so I thought I'd start a new thread.

I've made an appointment with my 4th CRS at the Cleveland Clinic but can't get in until March 19th. I'm trying to go with the CRS my cousin used there and he has had perfect results. My 2nd CRS locally said he would do the LIS anytime I was ready. The reason I sought a 3rd opinion is the 2nd doctor didn't have a good bedside manner and my exam with him seemed rougher than necessary considering the pain I was in. The 3rd CRS has turned out to be of absolutely no help. If you'd like, you can read all about him in my other thread.

So, here's my question: If I can get in sooner, do you think I should go ahead and book with the 2nd CRS who had the bad beside manner? He has 25 years of experience as a board certified CRS. I don't doubt his ability just wonder how he would be if I had any complications. He felt incontinence was a non-issue with this surgery. He also wanted to do a hemmie surgery which I do not want. It's internal, has never caused me any pain and I never even knew I had it until he told me.

Oh how I wish my first CRS was available. He was wonderful! He took a year leave of absence for more education and won't be back until after July. I can't wait that long.

What do you think? I would so like to get on the other side of this mess and begin the healing process!

Thanks!! You guys are the best! :smilyhug:
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Re: another LIS question

Postby Bettyblue » 19 Jan 2014, 18:35

I think some Doctors are real jerks ( I had to suffer some of them before I find the right one). But at the end what matters is how good the surgeon is, how many experience and expertise he or she has and how satisfied the patients are. If you can wait until March, I will do it to se if you can find a better CRS. But other wise the 2 CRS looks like a good choice even if he doesn't have good bed side manners.You can always find a way to contact him in case you have any complication. It is amazing to me how Every CRS has different opinion about LIS. My CRS for example shrugged about incontinence, but he was more worried about infection. Go figure.
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Re: another LIS question

Postby sotiredofthis » 19 Jan 2014, 19:05

Thanks, Bettyblue. You are so right about different opinions! My 1st CRS, who was AWESOME, wanted to try botox after the nitro. Nitro worked but as soon as I stop using it, back to square one. Of course, that was at the very beginning of this nightmare. 3rd CRS says there's nothing he can do so I just have to live with it! Crazy!
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Re: another LIS question

Postby Hatetopoop » 27 Jan 2014, 19:15

Do it soon, do it fast and get it over with!!! You will ask why you waited so long. Get it all done at one biggie...piece of cake compared to the pain you have been already going through. Do it!
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Re: another LIS question

Postby Bettyblue » 28 Jan 2014, 06:07

Sotiredofthis, How are you doing? What have you decided finally? Hope everything is going well with you.
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Re: another LIS question

Postby sotiredofthis » 28 Jan 2014, 08:26

Bettyblue, thank you so much for asking about me.

I've decided to wait for my appointment with the surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic that my cousin went to. It's March 19th. Unless something happens before then I figure I can live with it a little longer. Heck, it's been 1 1/2 years already! If she suggest surgery (and I'm sure she will), I'm doing it even though the incontinence risk with my IBS scares me to death. One bridge at a time, right? I have a big conference I go to every year on April 24-26 so I'm hoping to schedule surgery for the Monday after that. My husband is off that whole week and that would be very helpful. We have 4 kids still at home with the youngest being only 7 and 9. It would be a huge help to have him here that first week of recovery.

So happy you are doing so well!!
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Re: another LIS question

Postby Bettyblue » 29 Jan 2014, 15:41

Wow! 4 kids. You sure will need a lot of help so you can take things easy :D . Take care and don't forget to post as soon as you know anything.
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