I'm 30 years old and I've been dealing with a chronic AF for about 7 months now. The pain was intermittent, and I thought it was a hemorrhoid. I've had 2 hemorrhoid flare-ups in the past 5 years, where the pain was constant for a week or two and then returned to normal, and I incorrectly figured what I've been recently experiencing was hemorrhoids. In February, I went to GP and said my bum hurt and probably a hemorrhoid flare-up, and without

The pain started getting more frequent about a month and a half ago, so I made a GP appointment to get a GI referral and to schedule a colonoscopy (My sister passed from colon cancer so it was recommended I get screened every 5 years). During this time I have been taking fiber pills and stool softeners, baths with Epsom salt ~2 times a day, baby wipes, installed a bidet on my toilet... etc... etc... etc... I was like

This all changed when I had the colonoscopy 14 days ago and the pain then became a debilitating constant misery

GI inspects 9 days ago. Says I have a small but chronic fissure, as scar tissue has formed and I have a sentinel skin tag with my hemorrhoids a bit engorged. He said the pain was most likely just the fissure. GI also said the Anucort was actually counter-productive, as it's steroid properties would be preventing the fissure from healing. I was prescribed Nifedipine 0.3% ointment, which is a muscle relaxer that when applied relaxes the involuntary action of the internal sphincter muscle in hopes the fissure will heal. After using that for 3 days with worsening pain and

Fortunately I was snuck into an early morning appointment this morning and got some Botox in my bum. The Doc was like

From my experience, if you're hurting and the doc is dinking around with ointments and diet and month out appointments, call and push the process forward with the docs if you aren't feeling better. If I hadn't of done this, I'd be suffering and waiting for appointments. The squeaky wheel get the oil, and I'm so relieved that the Botox appears to be working and that it's only been a 2 week long process to get to this point. Even if the Botox isn't my last step, it's still one step further in the process and closer to the LIS if neccessary.
Also, please please PLEASE consider getting a bidet attachment, it's the best purchase I've ever made. I got a non-electric BioBidet BB-70 for ~$25 from a Groupon, but normally it's <$50 anyways. I'm sure in the winter it will be cold on my bum, but for the price it's an essential clean like no other.
Maybe this will be the end of my fissure experience, maybe not. I will keep up to date on how the Botox has worked.
