Botox Injection This Morning

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Botox Injection This Morning

Postby BotoxInMyBum » 02 Sep 2016, 15:25

Greetings! I found myself frequently on this page over the past few weeks and it's been super helpful, so I figured I'd introduce myself and my progress.

I'm 30 years old and I've been dealing with a chronic AF for about 7 months now. The pain was intermittent, and I thought it was a hemorrhoid. I've had 2 hemorrhoid flare-ups in the past 5 years, where the pain was constant for a week or two and then returned to normal, and I incorrectly figured what I've been recently experiencing was hemorrhoids. In February, I went to GP and said my bum hurt and probably a hemorrhoid flare-up, and without :men45: she prescribed Anucort-HC (hydrocortisone acetate) suppositories along with the OTC creams for a few weeks every couple months when I had a "flare-up". First mistake was I'm not a Dr. so I should have asked to have it checked out! I also had not had any blood in stool.

The pain started getting more frequent about a month and a half ago, so I made a GP appointment to get a GI referral and to schedule a colonoscopy (My sister passed from colon cancer so it was recommended I get screened every 5 years). During this time I have been taking fiber pills and stool softeners, baths with Epsom salt ~2 times a day, baby wipes, installed a bidet on my toilet... etc... etc... etc... I was like :groan: . The problem I've found with stool softeners and fiber pills I've found is that it's very hard to get/keep clean, and I never felt fully evacuated afterwards. Maybe all these tactics could be fine tuned and I could live my life tending to this fissure, but who has time for that?!

This all changed when I had the colonoscopy 14 days ago and the pain then became a debilitating constant misery :shithitsfan: . When the doc did the colonoscopy it looked something like this :kickass: . There was blood on the bed when I awoke and blood with BM's since. After my colonoscopy the Dr. was like :words: , but what he really meant was :booboo: and my mostly-virgin bum had gotten ravaged and tore open the fissure, and would need to go to a GI. Basically whenever I moved too much, and especially after a BM I would have a throbbing/burning sensation. At it's worst times it would feel like a dull utility knife cutting into my bum!

GI inspects 9 days ago. Says I have a small but chronic fissure, as scar tissue has formed and I have a sentinel skin tag with my hemorrhoids a bit engorged. He said the pain was most likely just the fissure. GI also said the Anucort was actually counter-productive, as it's steroid properties would be preventing the fissure from healing. I was prescribed Nifedipine 0.3% ointment, which is a muscle relaxer that when applied relaxes the involuntary action of the internal sphincter muscle in hopes the fissure will heal. After using that for 3 days with worsening pain and :wtf: :butthurts: , I called to try to skip right to the Botox :nurse: injection and stop messing around, as I've barely been able to function let alone work. I am fortunate I work for myself and can make my own schedule, but I've been mostly confined to sitting on a heating pad most of the day in misery. I feel for those who have to suffer through this 9-5 :hugs: , as we know it is physically and mentally taxing.

Fortunately I was snuck into an early morning appointment this morning and got some Botox in my bum. The Doc was like :fairy: . It is 6 hours later, and I feel great, and think the local anesthetic has worn of. It was an easy procedure and I was knocked out for it. I am only experiencing a mild stomach ache today and have yet to :poop: , but I'm feeling so good I made a GIF of myself dancing today and it looks like this :actiongirl: .

From my experience, if you're hurting and the doc is dinking around with ointments and diet and month out appointments, call and push the process forward with the docs if you aren't feeling better. If I hadn't of done this, I'd be suffering and waiting for appointments. The squeaky wheel get the oil, and I'm so relieved that the Botox appears to be working and that it's only been a 2 week long process to get to this point. Even if the Botox isn't my last step, it's still one step further in the process and closer to the LIS if neccessary.

Also, please please PLEASE consider getting a bidet attachment, it's the best purchase I've ever made. I got a non-electric BioBidet BB-70 for ~$25 from a Groupon, but normally it's <$50 anyways. I'm sure in the winter it will be cold on my bum, but for the price it's an essential clean like no other.

Maybe this will be the end of my fissure experience, maybe not. I will keep up to date on how the Botox has worked.

:bestwishes: :afsmile: :Rock: :thanx: :thankyou:
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Re: Botox Injection This Morning

Postby Mypoorbutt » 03 Sep 2016, 10:52

Loving your emoticons,
Glad you managed to get Botox done so quickly. I had mine about 3 months ago now and it really did help, although my fissure is very long and deep and the Botox was just to start the healing of so I can have LIS later this year. The main thing for me was it stopped the spasms that often lasted for 8 hours a day after a BM, the sphincter muscle did really relax after the first week. I feel that if I had a small fissure and no IBS then Botox would have been all I needed to be completely healed so hopefully you will be fine.
These past two months have felt like a holiday from my fissure with the odd bad day once a week or so...but now I can tell the Botox has worn off so will be phoning my CRS soon to see how long I have to wait for LIS.
I cancelled a scheduled colonoscopy because I was very scared what it would do to my fissure, after hearing what happened with you I'm so glad I did.
Really hope your improvement is smooth and pain decreases every day
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Re: Botox Injection This Morning

Postby BotoxInMyBum » 03 Sep 2016, 12:27

Hello MPB,
:hugs: and give yourself a :smilyhug: please 8) ! I'm so happy to hear you've got a visceral vacation. I feel like a wee-man for my little chronic fissure, but I can honestly say I can't imagine it being worse. The fact that it can be is scary! When I talked to nurses and secretaries and they asked my pain level, it was really hard to gauge accurately, because when in this midst of it, it's pure physical pain on top of the constant mental torture, but when out of it, it's like "Well I'm sure being actively stabbed by a butcher knife or burning to death is more painful and that's a 10" (no offense to stabbing or burn victims!). My dog would look at me knowing I was in pain and she didn't like it :p . I was basically shut down the past 2 weeks, and had no attention span while constantly in or worrying about the pain!

If you don't know, when you go for a colonoscopy you'll need to sign a disclaimer that basically says it could cause problems, and of course for us with an AF, it's a problem! I got one 4 years ago, and was almost due for my 5 year check up. CR cancers are the third most frequent cancer behind lung and booby/prostate cancer, so I hope you can get checked out at some point and all is well! The mortality rate is very good when caught stage I, like ~90%. My sister found out at stage IV, which meant she lived on borrowed time. The docs took care of her for 4 years and tried their darnedest, but her case was definitely a fluke, being diagnosed at 28.

I definitely see the connection with a BM and the pain afterwards like you. It made me skip meals and dread my toilet time. Also, I read a lot about not holding it in because it increases pressure, but then when you BM get ready for the prolonged pain! What a quagmire!!! I don't have any GI type problems myself I don't believe, and nothing was found during my colonoscopy exam. The fiber and stool softener pills have had (I think) a negative effect though concerning my AF, as my BM's leave a lot of residue. Ever have a BM that when you wiped, nothing was there? I long for those days when I came out from the bathroom like :superrabbit: ! Most peeps in the US don't have a bidet, please get one if you don't! It 100% helps cleans the bum! Like you too, the Botox seems to be helping already, maybe I'm off on my own visceral vacation :)

Best wishes and good luck!
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Re: Botox Injection This Morning

Postby Mypoorbutt » 04 Sep 2016, 04:14

Hope you had a pain free day,
When I first had my fissure and was in the worst pain I was telling my GP it was a 9...she would always look at me like "ok now I know your exaggerating" all while my brain was thinking "one more day if this agony and I'm checking out" but once my CRS examined me whilst under anaesthetic he found to quote him one of the worst fissures he's seen in 22 years....he kindly wrote a letter to my GP telling her to give me stronger pain killers and as much GTN as I need (she would only give me one tube a month) I think some people can't get past the fact that in essence it's just a little cut even docs miss the fact that we have so many nerve endings in that area lol.
I have had a couple of colonoscopies but all pre fissure neither hurt much my hems were a bit sore but the thought of doing that with a fissure was just too much.
Gosh what a terrible thing to happen to your sister that must have been an awful shock for you all.
I always clean the area with a shower now as toilet paper is no longer used on that area lol. I have always had toilet issues but used to be able to leave them in the toilet now it follows me around for hours...I'm so jealous of people who poop I want diamonds or race I want a normal butt hehehe
Good luck with the Botox
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