Burning pain when urinating since Botox?

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Burning pain when urinating since Botox?

Postby Jimoffy » 10 Jul 2019, 08:25

Hey guys so long story short. Been suffering for years now with on and off fissures, 5 weeks ago I had Botox done, which actually made me worse off, the retractor they use seems to of absolutely ripped my 2 fissure wide open and I was in extreme pain for weeks, (just had lis done a week ago so pain has been getting better slightly since) and the Botox didn’t loosen my muscles at all, I was tighter than I’ve ever been due to these 2 freshly opened fissures!!

About 2 weeks after Botox I went to the bathroom one morning and I had slight burning when I urinated in my penis. Hard to tell if it’s the tip or somewhere further down the line lol. And since then I’ve had the same problem, it’s liveable but not normal, also hurts to ejaculate a bit. Will be seeing my crs tomorrow and asking him about it.. I’m wondering if the Botox or spasm I was having after it has anything to do with this? The thing is I also met a girl a couple months ago.. had a few bed time snuggles.. unprotected. But i don’t think she would of had an std.. and my only symptom is that slight pain when urinating or ejaculating. Like 2/10. Barely notice it most the time.. std usually have a lot more symptoms don’t they? Anyone else had anything like this? Weird
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Re: Burning pain when urinating since Botox?

Postby Okaybum » 11 Jul 2019, 19:53

Might be a uti? You can ask any doctor or gp. You may need antibiotics.
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Re: Burning pain when urinating since Botox?

Postby Jimoffy » 26 Jul 2019, 03:05

I also have had 2 or 3 times where I had a weak urine stream, first thing in morning. Especially today when I held it in and went back to sleep cause I couldn’t be bothered waking up. Had tests done no uti or std... don’t have many symptoms of prostitis.. I don’t have the constant urge to pee, and I feel fine after I’ve finished peeing, I definitely feel empty. Just a slight burning throbbing pain. I had lis 3 weeks ago but this started 2 weeks before lis. I’m hoping it’s fissure related. Fissures are getting better day by day but it’s not 100% yet. I’m worried I have some pelvic floor problem? But I don’t have any constant pain in my pelvis at all.

I have malabsorption though and urgency to poop, sometimes really soft poop with food pieces I ate less than 10 hours before hand. I’m worried I also have ibd
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