Butt problems destroying your life?

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Re: Butt problems destroying your life?

Postby revma3 » 20 Oct 2013, 11:40

Same problem; hemm surgery for external hemorrhoid has resulted in non healing wound ( its going on five weeks now) and an anal fissure. I am freaking out, do not want to have more surgery, wish I never got the first one - and my CRS that performed the surgery just keeps saying 'its healing' - wtf it bleeds alot everytime I use the bathroom, its red and raw and reopened each time. How is this fair?! I too want a second opinion at this point, and am panicked at the thought of a non healing wound. I am seriously considering trying a Hyperbaric Chamber therapy session for wound healing, I think someone else on this forum has started this as well - don't know if it will work, but worth a shot?! I am really unhappy, on short term disability from work which ends soon, toilet bowl is filled with blood, wound leaks all the time - really scared - my entire life is ruined, just cancelled a trip to South America and Snow.boarding for the year, very depressed, and freaking out. How long has it been with your wound? Is it external or internal?
Know you are not alone - and don't go into the woods, you need a decent bathroom to survive this ;)
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Re: Butt problems destroying your life?

Postby asdf123456 » 20 Oct 2013, 15:52

hi Revma3. I am 5 weeks out of my second surgery. I had the Hem surgery in september of 2012. LIS was 1 year later in September of 2013. I am actually losing my mind. I may get fired. I'm so sorry you will be missing the trip, I too missed a trip to Europe this year with my family because I needed to save my vacation days for my second surgery. Good luck to you and thanks for the reply. My mom has been pushing the hyperbaric oxygen thing too, but at this point, after all the other stuff I tried, I can't see that as very promising. I had LIS, botox, nitro, nifidipine, dilatizem, botox again, nothing worked...so I am pretty much given up hope. I do not want to learn to live with this. I just want it to go away and put this behind me so I can focus on my career and what few shreds of a social life I had prior to this mess.
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Re: Butt problems destroying your life?

Postby asdf123456 » 20 Oct 2013, 16:09

If you are only 5 weeks out of a classical hemmorhoidectomy I would not be too alarmed by blood spasming. Very painful surgery with a notorious arduously long recovery. As I said, I waited a full year after the surgery before being advised to go under the knife again...
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Re: Butt problems destroying your life?

Postby revma3 » 20 Oct 2013, 18:14

I want my life back too - question, did your hemm wound pain you like someone kicked you there? Like a constant painful brusied throbbing? I feel like the Hyperbaric Chamber will be a new approach, it is for wound healing, nothing to do with what your typical CRS would recommend, It has got to work for us, life can't be that unfair!
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Re: Butt problems destroying your life?

Postby asdf123456 » 20 Oct 2013, 18:58

Hi again. I must admit my post-Hemm wound pain is a bit difficult to remember fully. but I do remember it being VERY painful for the first week or so...like no-sleep painful...5 weeks out I'd say my pain was mostly related to bowel movements. About an hour after going to the bathroom (which was excruciatingly difficult because I now had a stricture but did not yet realize it), I would get this very tight swollen feeling. Throbbing would be a good description. laughing/sneezing/coughing makes the pain off the charts for just a few seconds, then it would return to just plain swollen. If you end up pursuing Hyperbaric therapy, let me know how it goes. I too would consider it, but I admit I might be a little embarrassed considering the location of my wound. I'd imagine they don't really expect you to drop your pants when you walk into the office, the way the CRS completely expects it.
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Re: Butt problems destroying your life?

Postby Scientist2516 » 20 Oct 2013, 20:41

I know it's awful, asdf. I never had as bad a time as you, but I did get obsessed with anal fissures, my work was affected, I got depressed etc. I think everybody here knows how terribly this disease can affect you. We all have said "I just want my life back". You've been dealing with this for a long time! I hate to say this because I'm afraid it will sound trite, but please......hold on a little longer. Don't give up! By all means take ADs. If your LIS wound has healed completely, that is great news. If the others are healing, that is great news too. It DOES take a long time! It feels like forever while it's happening, but eventually things will improve.

Wow, you have really been through the mill. I am so sorry that you feel distanced from your family, that must be terrible. But maybe the ADs will help with that too.

One thing you can do is keep a diary here. There is a special board for diaries. You can keep a daily record of your BMs, whether soft or hard, how much the BM hurt, how much the spasms hurt (if any) and so on. By looking over the past days and weeks you can see if you are making progress. That way, you won't be fooled by depression - you can see whether you are truly making progress.

Also, read other people's diaries and see how long it took for them, and how it worked out for them.

Good luck, and remember you have friends here who know what you are going through. :smilyhug:
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
Nitroglycerine, effective.
Topical estrogen for final healing.
Gentle heat to bottom - pain relief, muscle relaxant
Kondremul mineral oil
Time - lots of time.
Status - Healed!
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Re: Butt problems destroying your life?

Postby asdf123456 » 20 Oct 2013, 21:16

Thank you Scientist. I have been dealing with this for 14 months and reading this and other blogs almost daily, and yesterday was the first time I actually wrote something of my own about this and it has been a tremendous relief. Sorry to say that my family just doesn't get how something seemingly so trivial and benign can be so frustrating, but everyone on here, and even my CRS, really understands. Scientist, if you are checking this blog regularly, it means you more than likely have some butt problems of your own, so best of luck healing. I take your advice to heart, and I will try to hold out as long as I can. I feel like I am holding my breath with anxiety for this thing to show some signs of healing. This website really is probably the best idea of all time and I would love to thank the person/people who created it if I ever get the chance.
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Re: Butt problems destroying your life?

Postby revma3 » 20 Oct 2013, 21:49

As the rest of the world enjoys Sunday, I am yet again sat in a sitz bath following a BM which was super bloody. Blood just dripping from the wound and the fissure - who knows! Echo your comments about thanking the creators/managers of this forum, I was in a dark place before finding refuge here. I will let you all know how the Hyperbaric stuff goes, as soon as I figure out where is the best place to have it done - alot of options in Toronto. I am also going to request a second CRS take a look at the same clinic I go to, as I am.not convinced the CRS dealing with me has this assessed. Today I see green mucus on my gauze, is that infection? Tearing? Both? Why so much blood? And like you why the tightness and throbbing after? I won't even consider surgery again - should have left good enough alone! Stressed, hair is falling out, lost tons of weight, scaring my parents, feel sad and depressed.
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Re: Butt problems destroying your life?

Postby Please go-away! » 20 Oct 2013, 21:51

Hi asdf123456
I knew of a friend that tried the Hyperbaric Chamber, on a severe skin condition,well it was a friend of a friend, and the results very successful.
Please don't give up. if it wasn't for this forum I don't know where I would be. Start a diary, it will help. I still believe that time heals all, unfortunately ..lol.we all don't have a whole lot of time when it comes down to this darn fissure issues.

I am fully healed but at the time I would talk to my Pharmacist, a close friend this forum..because my sisters were getting a little tired of me crying and in pain,calling them at the wee hours of the night....there is nothing wrong with talking to a counsellor/psychiatrist..I did it at first and took some Valium every now and then.

Please don't feel embarrassed, do what ever it takes..geeze one time while grocery shopping, I'll never forget, I had to hold my butt and put pressure on it to relive the pain, while at the check-out line and I didn't give too shits..no pun intended..lol. And you know what, know one was even watching me.
You will heal, in time..continue to eat soft foods, heating pad, fibre and water, aloe Vera, what ever it takes and time.

Please keep venting , we are all here for you... :huggies:

I wish I knew where the Hyperbaric Chamber were my friends friend went, I 'm from Toronto too and I saw a comercial on t.v promoting it once. It could be more north of the city here.
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Re: Butt problems destroying your life?

Postby asdf123456 » 20 Oct 2013, 22:06

Hey Revma, I do remember having blood soaked bowel movements for many months after my surgery, but my recovery was obviously not the ideal case, so I can't say that should make you feel any better. A second opinion sounds like a good idea. I never really had green pus, but I was told by multiple CRS that it would be extremely rare to get an infection after hemm surgery, not sure why though. If you suspect infection though best to just head straight for the doctor and demand a look b/c infections are best caught early. And thanks for the support Please-go-away. It means a lot talking to all of you about this, it's a big secret to everyone else outside of my immediate family. Please keep me posted!
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