by asdf123456 » 20 Oct 2013, 09:15
I had a hemmorhoidectomy in September 2012. Was a recent graduate at the time, no job yet, so I figured, best to just get this done and move on before I am fully employed, right??? WRONG. Surgery never healed. Every two weeks, I went back to the dumb doctor, and got the devastating, "two more weeks" routine. 6 months down the road, in February, I switched doctors, just as I was beginning my new job. He tried everything, ointments, creams, botox, silver nitrate, botox again, creams and NOTHING helped. Finally, after my second botox procedure, the doctor told me I likely had a stricture from a poor surgical technique in my last surgery, and I would need LIS, Stricturotomy, Fissurotomy to fix it. All this while I am stressing out as a brand new employee in my first corporate office job. VERY STRESSFUL. Every morning I shit blood, then my butt gets very tight and the wounds weeps and I need to frequently wipe my butt. Sounds like no big deal? Well it is driving me absolutely psychotic. I have not gone to the gym now in 14 months. I feel like I have been holding my breath for all this time. I had the LIS done in September of 2013, took 6 days off of work, because you know they aren't going to be OK with the new guy going on disability, besides the fact that I would be WAY too embarrassed to even ask for something like this...and here I am, about to be 6 weeks post-second-OP, and.........NOTHING. no healing. blood, pain, weeping wounds. SAME. Saw my doctor last week and he said it looks to be healing fine, but I genuinely put very little stock in what these "doctors" say at this point in my life. I am on the brink. I am fucking up at work, my family HATES me because this is the only thing I can think about 24/7. I cannot live like this anymore. I am considering doing something very drastic. Quitting my job. Moving to the woods to be alone. I cannot live like this much longer and I don't know what will happen next.