Can LIS surgical wound lead to abscess?

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Can LIS surgical wound lead to abscess?

Postby Dnsjo » 02 Mar 2018, 18:48

Hello everyone. I had LIS surgery two weeks ago for a fissure. The wound is healing but some days the pain is worse and I’ll have pus drainage. The fissure does the same thing. Today I was able to lance the fissure abscess with a needle and drain it. I pushed on the surgical wound with a cotton swab causing an audible pop and pus drainage. Both areas immediately felt better and I am applying antibiotic ointment. My concern is that the wound could heal over but have abscess inside. I’m deathly afraid of a fistula developing if there is a buried abscess. Has anyone had this happen? Any advice much appreciated.
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Re: Can LIS surgical wound lead to abscess?

Postby patience_and_healing » 02 Mar 2018, 19:06

Whatever you're describing doesn't sound like a healthy surgical wound. Do not attempt to treat it with needles and other home remedies that could cause dangerous infections. Pushing the wrong way on an abscess can lead the infection to go deeper inside. Call your doctor and ask to be seen asap.
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