Chronic fissure- heal naturally?

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Re: Chronic fissure- heal naturally?

Postby Cez » 02 Jun 2019, 19:01

It took me previously a year and a half to heal from fissure.Have a small fissure now...causing pain upon and after defecating. Also in my case sitz baths cause more pain..but I still do them twice a day.its been a little over month and 1/2 . Saw 2 GIS..first did digital exam..saw no fissure..assumed pain was internal hemmoroids...2nd GI saw small fissure on left side where majority of pain is (sitting and during/after defecation).He however thought inflammation Internally was causing much pain.gave me Anosol suppositories to follow up with nitroglycerin cream in a couple weeks.i did take nitroglycerin cream last time..and it may have contributed to my healing.
Yes..I'm to preoccupied with my BMs..taking 1 stool softener, 1 dulcolax a day..3 tblspns fiber supplement/day...making fruit smoothies with flax seeds..and usually oatmeal in goal is to have soft BMs that just slide out. That only happened once...however I have not been constipated. My problem is feeling necessity of going in am every day..and trying to FORCE or make it happen...I have to let it come when it of luck!
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Re: Chronic fissure- heal naturally?

Postby help_please » 12 Jun 2019, 04:00

So quick update. I have been taking Dulcosoft for almost three weeks and started using the Nitroglycerin ointment three times a day. I am on day 14. I have had six days of pain free bowl movements. I never thought this day would come. This has been a struggle since February. Also, I am doing site baths at least two times a day. I am wanting to quit the Nitroglycerin ointment soon since I am about to ovulate but part of me is so afraid to quit since its only been 14 days. My doctor in Germany says it's okay to continue the ointment because it is not believed to be teratogenic.

Has any woman on here used Nitroglycerin ointment during the first trimester and had a healthy baby or unhealthy baby? How many weeks did you use the ointment on a chronic fissure once it stopped causing pain?

Also, I am wanting to stop Dulcosoft in a week or so and maybe switch to Colace for a week or so then to psyllium husk. My doctor said she thought Dulcosoft was habit forming. Does anyone know if Dulcosoft or Colace is habit forming? Has anyone used them long term? Has anyone taken psyllium husk while pregnant? I am concerned this will give to large of stool though. (thoughts?) What about Magnesium 250mg supplement? Does anyone know how to get off stool softners and still have soft, smaller easy to pass stools?

Thank you all for your help. Also, to anyone in pain I want to give you hope. I have had painful bowel movements for almost 4 months and now I have had six days of pain free bowl movements. Don't give up. Get your stool soft and try the ointment. Also, the sitz baths seemed to help more when I started the ointment three times a day and I didn't try to put it too much inside. When I tried to put it too much inside my first time around it irritated it and made it worse causing me to stop using it for awhile. I am glad I tried using it again.
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Re: Chronic fissure- heal naturally?

Postby Cez » 12 Jun 2019, 06:30

I'm so happy for your success. I've been taking 5 mg per evening of dulcolax since around May 20th (doctor suggested a mirolax..but admitted 5mg per day of dulcolax is a very moderate dose). If I had taken dulcolax or any laxitive when this began in April..I would have never had problem. IMO the threat of dependency on stimulant laxitives comes after LONG term , high dose use. I believe the nitroglycerin cream and keeping stools soft worked for you. My Anosol suppositories are running out and GI told me to call in for nitroglycerin ointment next ..that may be key for me.
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Re: Chronic fissure- heal naturally?

Postby Tryingtorelax » 15 Jun 2019, 15:58

Help_please, how are you feeling now? Did that pressure you felt...did it feel like something was pushing on your anus?
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Re: Chronic fissure- heal naturally?

Postby help_please » 18 Jun 2019, 10:46

I'm not sure what pressure you are talking about. I'm sorry. I was always feeling a ripping feeling and burning after. I had some spasms but never bad after I went the bathroom and did a sitz bath. My main pain was going the bathroom and it was just irritated down there all day (itchy/ stingy).

So a quick update. I am still taking Dulcosoft (kind of like Miralax- it has Macrogol 4000). I was taking 28ml a day and have cut down to 13/15ml a day. An adult does is 20-40ml, a child's dose is 16-32ml, and a toddlers dose is 8-16 so I feel like I have cut down a lot. I want to cut down more because I don't want my muscles down there to get muscle atrophy. I have been taking 250mg of magnesium oxide a day too and eating a few prunes at the end of each day. My bowel movements are still easy to pass with nothing too hard. I bought psyllium husk and Magnesium citrate but haven't switched to that yet. I plan to try to though in a few weeks.

I stopped using Nitroglycerin ointment for three days but broke down and used it once today. I am on day 12 of pain free bowel movements while going the restroom but have begun having itching afterwards. This scares me so much. I do not want to go back to where I was. From what I can see it looks like a little fissure there and I am afraid of it getting bad. When I put the Nitroglycerin on I could feel something a little inside. I am not sure if it is a scar or the cut. I do not want to use Nitroglycerin anymore incase I'm pregnant and don't know it. If I am not pregnant and knew it I would love to use it though. We so want a baby but I am just ready for all this to be over down there. It is such a nightmare.

So yeah... I'm 31 and we want a healthy baby. However, I want to get rid of this. You never know if your pregnant till two weeks later so it's a wait game. I still am having pain free bowl movements (there is no burning or ripping feeling) but I have started to have an itch afterwards and a little throughout the day. When I looked I could see a small place and when I put the ointment on I could still feel something a little inside. My husband thinks I should go back to the doctor to see what he thinks but I am afraid since he doesn't speak good English and wasn't very gentle last time (It wasn't painful but I definitely think it could mess up the progress I have made). My husband said to just ask him to look but I'm not sure if we can get through the language barrier and I don't want my husband to be in the room speaking German to him during the check (that's just too much for me). I'm torn between wanting to see the doctor and not...

Cez I think that the Nitroglycerin will be key for you. Also, if you're a male you don't have to think about pregnancy or if you're a female not wanting to get pregnant. I really think that is what helped me. Also, I noticed the most help came when I started putting it on a few hours before a bowel movement which made me more relaxed down there. I saw improvement in a few days when I started doing it in that order. In the past I would put it on after a bowel movement and it didn't help much. Also, 5 mg sounds very low. On Dulcosoft I think I'm getting close to a 3rd of the normal adult dose too.

Has anyone experienced itching right before you got completely healed? Is it common to get another fissure right after one heals? Has anyone taken Rectiv, Nitroglerin, or Rectogesic while pregnant?

Thank you for listening to my vent.
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Re: Chronic fissure- heal naturally?

Postby help_please » 18 Jun 2019, 10:49

Also. the Dulcosoft (Macrogol 4000) at an adult dose made me not feel myself. I felt a little down and mentally fuzzy. Since I have cut down the amount I feel like my old self. I read a few other people had this reaction and wanted to share mine incase it helps someone else.
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Re: Chronic fissure- heal naturally?

Postby Cez » 18 Jun 2019, 17:55

Thank you for update. I just started nitroglycerin cream yesterday. I have a long white syringe like applicator
(Actually I'm a little worried about applicator causing reopening fissure/I can always use cue tip..).im excited about Nitro creams healing capability.
Have you talked to any professional about potential risk to baby via nitroglycerin cream??
I'm little worried about taking dulcolax almost every night..but it is very small dose.
I find I'd I dont take oatmeal regularly..I'm not as regular. As I work full time ...I have to guard myself from trying to force out bowel movement before work in am..if not completely ready to come out .
Best of luck!
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Re: Chronic fissure- heal naturally?

Postby help_please » 20 Jun 2019, 03:21

I did not use a syringe. I just put a pea size amount on the fissure and a little on the muscle on the inside but not too much in. I was never given the syringe and I don't think I would want to use it if so. My doctor says fissures are not too deep. My doctor here said it was okay and the pharmacists here said it was okay but online the FDA rates it as category C but Australia ranks it as category B. There has not been test done on pregnant women but on rabbits who received 64x the amount as humans still had healthy babies. Also, the few women who have taken it in the first trimester haven't had bad effects from what I read. I just do not know why Germany would say it's okay but the US says not to. I know Germany has very good doctors though too.
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Re: Chronic fissure- heal naturally?

Postby Cez » 21 Jun 2019, 12:54

Well you certainly did your research!. I'm sorry about your predicament. I'm actually thinking about possibility of surgery....if need be.At this point in time regarding advancements in medical technology..the rate of risking incontinence seems extremely minimal (many blogs on LIS ive read where risk was large concern are 10 to 20 years a glance.).
My concern working with nitroglycerin cream towards healing , when I dont take dulcolax in pm..I feel slightly constipated and sometimes dont poop in am..even though I eat appropriately, 3 teaspoons of fiber supplement, magnesium citrate stool softeners daily.
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Re: Chronic fissure- heal naturally?

Postby help_please » 23 Jun 2019, 02:12

I’m sorry. Maybe a few prunes at night will help you go in the morning- like two to three. Also, if I drink two cups of water then have some coffee that helps me too.

I really do not want to have surgery. I have read the rate of inconsistency is higher later on if you have it when you’re not that old. Also, with each childbirth that can up the chances. I mean right now even if the risk is 1% that’s too high for me. Who knows though... if this doesn’t heal I might think otherwise.

I had my first major set back in weeks today. I didn’t take Dulcosoft (Miralax) yesterday for the first time and just took a little psyllium husk. I felt a little pain this time and blood. I feel very upset. I do not want to be putting these chemicals in my body. I do not want to take these softeners anymore. I will try to up my psyllium husk and see if that helps. :(
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