Cost of LIS / Good Surgeons in Europe

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Cost of LIS / Good Surgeons in Europe

Postby Resurgent » 06 Feb 2018, 10:19

Hi guys,

I've had a chronic AF - both an anterior and posterior tear, since November 2016. I was suppose to have a lateral internal sphincterotomy at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, UK in January.

I agreed for the LIS procedure with one consultant, got a cancellation appointment, but on the day of surgery got to the hospital and got blocked by a different arrogant consultant Dr. Christos Kontovounisios who tried to bounce me into botox treatment on the day and refused to carry out the LIS; Did the classic over-egging of the risks of incontinence suggesting 40% long term incontinence and being very unprofessional. Told him to go to hell and decided that I won't be having him operate on me.

I've been seen somewhere else in the South West of England privately; There they only offer LIS on NHS due to efficacy and do not offer Botox at all for this condition.

Given the delays in the NHS, who are not currently meeting the current 18 week pathway for treatment, I am considering going into the European Union for treatment. Otherwise I will have to wait until September for treatment or possibly later.

Can anyone give me some ideas as to the cost of LIS privately in Europe, and any recommendations for good surgeons? I've seen the figure 800 EUR in Finland, and I've also seen £1,500 in Bristol UK privately, on this forum for cost which puts the 4,000 EUR joke quote I just received from Hospital Nisa Pardo in Madrid in context.

My feeling is this should cost up to 2k EUR all-in; Is this about right and anyone got any suggestions for surgeons/hospitals?

I will be getting partial reimbursement from the NHS under the Directive route, so I will be getting about £800-£1000 of this reimbursed by the NHS any way.

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Cost of LIS / Good Surgeons in Europe

Postby Reliefatlast? » 25 Feb 2018, 19:51

Hi I just had LIS over a week ago which was covered privately by my health Insurance. I won't know the exact cost until they have paid the claim in a few weeks time but when I had botox and banding in a private hospital the total cost was just under €800 so I'd say the LIS might be about €2000 or less. I'm in Ireland.
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Re: Cost of LIS / Good Surgeons in Europe

Postby Resurgent » 26 Feb 2018, 02:42

Thanks for your reply.

I now have a range of prices - £1,875 is a recent price from a Nuffield Hospital in the South West. If you are asking for prices the relevant code for the procedure is H5620.

Highgate Hospital in London does the procedure for a fixed price of £1,290 - ... ollapseG71

I am attending Highgate Hospital for the procedure. I'll feedback how I find the procedure, consultant and service.
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Re: Cost of LIS / Good Surgeons in Europe

Postby Gillie » 31 May 2018, 04:57

Hi Resurgent, did you have your surgery ? I'm currently looking to have Lis done privately, any advice would be appreciated.
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Re: Cost of LIS / Good Surgeons in Europe

Postby Resurgent » 31 May 2018, 05:05


I have had my surgery but not at Highgate. Unfortunately the consultant, Mr Mitchell, was not keen on LIS on its own but instead wanted to do fissurectomy with either botox or LIS. Consequently, the price quoted was around £3,100 which was a non-starter.

I ultimately ended up having my surgery done by a consultant general and colorectal surgeon called Tom Edwards at the Nuffield hospital in Taunton. The cost was £1,835, plus the initial £150 consultation. I had a partial closed lateral internal sphincterotomy.

My recovery was good, the first bowl movement (Day 4 Post-op) or two were unpleasant and sharp but extensive use of Laxido ensured that they were not too bad when combined with Tramadol. As it turned out, by the time I had my surgery I had 3 fissures which explains why I was in agony, and by that time I was not even farting properly because my muscle had become so tight.

I am now back to my usual self, with all 3 fissures healed and would have ABSOLUTELY NO HESITATION WHATSOEVER in recommending Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy to anyone who has this condition.

Do not wait, do not pass go, do not collect £200, just DO IT. Do not allow a doctor to stop you having this by scaring you with the bogie man of incontinence to wind or stool. Anything you have will be far less bad than the pain your in right now, will tend to be quite minor, likely transient (1/200 have some degree of permanent issue), and in any event there is PLENTY they can do to fix this should it become a life affecting issue.
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Re: Cost of LIS / Good Surgeons in Europe

Postby Gillie » 31 May 2018, 05:29

Thank you so much for your speedy reply, I'm actually crying at your detailed reply because you have given me hope, that I will get my life back.
I have been off work for 3 weeks trying to get my pain under control, after reading forums now for a couple of months, I have tried everything that people have recommended, but nothing seems to work. So I'm panicking about getting back to work, but obviously without your health you have nothing .I have so many questions. Did you stay in hospital overnight? How long did it take for you to get a date for the op once you had had an inital consultation. I live in the north of England so want to limit how much travelling I have to do. Once again thank you
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Re: Cost of LIS / Good Surgeons in Europe

Postby Resurgent » 31 May 2018, 05:39

I had to leave my work because of the impact this had on my life, when combined with the stress of working in a major law firm in London and the anxiety and depression it caused.

I often had severe tension/tightness and chest pain in the pectoralis muscles whilst I had the condition which has now largely gone.

I stayed in hospital overnight (for 1 day) with this procedure and that was fine.

It took me 4 weeks to have the procedure after having the initial consultation which literally happened within 3 days of booking it.

Get on with it. Stop making excuses or worrying about the pain before or after the procedure. Two weeks after this procedure, I had a circumcision; Attacked from both ends. I'm here, alive, happy, feeling good only 6 weeks after having the operation. Shitting like a king and farting like a princess (no incontinence).

Get back to living your life.
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Re: Cost of LIS / Good Surgeons in Europe

Postby Gillie » 31 May 2018, 05:50

I'm already looking at the website to see if they have an hospital near me. I am now going to ring them. You have done more to help me than any doctor has, so thank you. I'm not actually worried about the procedure, anything as got to be better than living like this, immense pain on a daily basis once you have a bowel movement. I work in a pharmacy and my boss as said the only thing that would help with the pain would be Morphine., but yet all my gp offered was Naproxen. Anyway enough of feeling sorry for myelf, it's time to take control and hopefully get my life back to normal.
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Re: Cost of LIS / Good Surgeons in Europe

Postby Resurgent » 31 May 2018, 05:58

Personally, prior to having the procedure I used something called "Hydrocaine", which is virtually the same as Instillagel, to ease having bowel movements. Its a local anaesthetic containing lidocaine which is often used for inserting catheters, but also for colorectal procedures. Its water based nature made it much easier to go to the toilet, and the fact it was an insertable "syringe" type thing with a nozzle made applying it a LOT easier than mucking around trying to apply a 5g lidocaine ointment tube on your sphincter; Which is just laughable in hindsight. You end up spreading half the tube all around your arse cheeks... :bouncer:

You can get it online without a prescription. Warning however, after several weeks use I started to get a bit of an allergic reaction which caused some minor tremor and back muscle spasms. If you want something as a stop gap however between the consultancy and the procedure, it might be worth looking at.

One of the points about having a procedure at the Nuffield is there is no time limit on aftercare and certainly the consultant I saw did instill in me a genuine sense that he would fix things without further charge to me if things didn't work out.

There is a fantastic hospital in Leeds, and a good hospital in Chester. Take a look.

One last piece of advice, if you've not had a flexible sigmoidoscopy yet (don't know if you've seen a colorectal surgeon on the NHS), you might want to get that done on the NHS. Its very expensive to do privately, and some colorectal surgeons who see you privately may want one to be done to eliminate any possibility of cancer. It will depend on the surgeon however.
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Re: Cost of LIS / Good Surgeons in Europe

Postby Gillie » 31 May 2018, 06:19

Hi I have used instillagel before due to an Haemorrhoid problem, but I had a reaction to it. Chester is the nearest hospital to me and Leeds would be the next nearest.
I'm actually having a sigmoidoscopy next week on the NHS but then only get to see my consultant 2 weeks after that. He has already said Botox would be next, but after everything I have read on here I just want to go straight to the surgery option, I want a permanent fix not a temporary one, but even if he agrees to surgery I would imagine there is a waiting list. It took long enough just to get a consultation .
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