Hi All,
I had a cutting seton inserted in July and was told it would fall out 6 wks later....well it didnt! Its been 4 months. It worked partly in that it moved the fistula low enough to then just be laid open - great! However, it also casued another fissure - bummer! Anyway...this i have to deal with now. But i just wanted to let anyone know who is having a cutting seton to ask for a rubber one....these are more gentle. I had a synthetic one and two threads are left sticking out of your arse, the problem with this was they were sharp and so punctured the tender skin on my butt...causing more pain and skin damage. Some surgeons will put a bead on the end to stop then causing damage, dont know why mine didnt do this as a matter of course!! So please ask for this or for the gentler rubber option- wish Id known this in timefor my Op. good luck, AA.