I am doing very well considering my LIS, tag removal, and fissurectomy was 8 days ago. My poop slides right out and I don't have any fissure or LIS pain. I am just a bit sore after each BM near the tag removal sites. I sting and burn a bit and yesterday was the FIRST day I did NOT have to take any Advil. I think that's progress! HA!
Now I have diarrhea for the past 24 hours. I don't know if it's because I've started introducing more foods this week, like pasta and cream sauces or if something just did not agree with me, or if all of the fiber overload was just too much now that my BUM has been repaired???
So I am down to one fiber pill per day as of last night. I was taking TWO fiber pills per day and TWO stool softeners TWICE per day, plus fruits, veggies, dates, oatmeal, etc...
Can anyone advise on this? Should I take an Imodium or probiotic or just let this run its course?
Or maybe its time to stop the fiber supplement altogether? I had only started the fiber supplement last year when my fissure was active and perhaps I do not need it anymore?
We'll see...in the meantime, any advice would be greatly appreciated!