EUA- exam under anesthia

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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby msimon » 15 Feb 2015, 03:42

Hope things went well for your EUA Wounded. Let us know how you are doing when you can.
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby owmybum » 15 Feb 2015, 03:43

Yes...... Let us know when you can xx
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 15 Feb 2015, 07:02

Hi friends. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I had the EUA yesterday at about 2:20pm. I was able to sleep from about 8pm to 10 pm and 11pm til 3 am but that has been it. I have been up since 3 am. I am so sorry to report that I had a terrible experience at the hospital.

First I want to say, I will NEVER schedule something so important on or even near a holiday - even a Halmark holiday or on a Saturday. I am going to post this in several posts because for some reason my computer says I am not logged on when it shows that I am and I have to write everything over so .. Also I don't know if I the energy or am able to sit long enough to explain what happened.
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 15 Feb 2015, 07:10

When I first got to the hospital the clerk at the reception desk where I was supposed to go to check in said" Well you are out last case today, it has been very busy. Now that I have you checked in I can go in the back and start on that stuff". I am thinking okay I am sorry you all are so busy, I know how that can be, so I didn't think too much of it. She escorted me back to pre-op holding where I was taken to a bay with no bed in it. I stood there with my belongings for I don't know how long while my husband was in the waiting area. After about 10 minutes one of the assistants came with a bed. All she said was okay now you can change. I had been through this before so I knew what to do as far as where to put my things, that I was to take everything off, put my surgical cap and provided slippers on but was think that was rather rude not to at least welcome me and give me the usual instructions. But I overlooked it.
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 15 Feb 2015, 07:19

So I am laying in the bed with a pain level of about 5 and she rushes in and places the pump sleeves on my legs. She got the first one right but the second she and wrapped entirely around my ankle. ( I fixed it when she left). She then starts taking my vitals and says yes we have just been so busy in here today and said something else I really didn't understand and so I yes, "yes, I can tell there is a lot of tension in here and all is not well". I guess I was looking for some confirmation not to worry that we are a bit busy but everything is well under control and we are going to take good care of you". As I said she said nothing. I was not too upset at this point as things at least seemed to be progressing somewhat as they should be. My nurse came in and she was very nice. She said something about it being Valentines Day and I said that my husband was showing love by his care and concern of being here with me today. She said yes, at our age we know what love really means. Adding, my husband and I are going to watch our grandbaby. The she said these young people to get all into I guess. I smiled and we shared a few pleasantries and she was off.
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 15 Feb 2015, 07:23

They finally got my husband to come back and wait with me. For the next 2 hours we sat there and listened to the nurses bicker and fight about who was staying and who was leaving and who was going to cover, and who was regularly an 8 hours person, and who was a 12, and how many they needed to cover people coming out of OR and this just kept going on and on. It was like they could not wait to get out of there. I know it was Valentines Day and some may have had plans, but come on, you knew you were scheduled for this day. It was all causing me to feel pretty uncomfortable and I felt like I did not even want to be there on this day.
Gotta go lay down. Catch up some more soon....
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby owmybum » 15 Feb 2015, 13:48

It sounds like a nightmare W's. I hope you will come back on and fill in the rest of the story soon.

:smilyhug: :smilyhug: :smilyhug:
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 15 Feb 2015, 14:01

So the doctor comes in and says he will do a local instead of a spinal but I will be fully out. He said he will take a good look and see what will be best for me. Then after a while the anesthesiologist comes in and says he will be doing IV sedation like when you have a colonosocpy. I told him I had just had a colonoscopy and I was never completely out. He said I would be out but then kept saying just let us know if you feel anything. He leaves and I am thinking is there going to be anytime during this that I will be awake enough to start feeling something? I really don't want to feel the doctor putting those needles in me to numb me up. What if I wake up while he is doing that but I am not awake enough to speak. So I am getting more and more upset. I kept waiting for them to come and give me some pre-op meds that help to relax you before they take you to OR but that never happened, so I get to thinking maybe they don't want to give me too much sedation because they want me to wake up fast so everyone can be on their merry way for their Valentines plans.
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 15 Feb 2015, 14:12

After a little while more the OR nurse comes in and starts asking her questions. I told her I had some questions too. I started asking if there might be anytime during this I will be awake enough to have to ask for more sedation? Just about then the anesthesiologist assistant comes in and the OR nurse says "here is the man to ask that question". So I start explaining AGAIN what I was told and what my fears were and I don't know what happen but all of a sudden I just started sobbing these deep deep sobs with all these tears rolling down my face and I tell you I could not stop. I really do not cry much but this was just coming from a place so deep down inside I just don't know what happened. Maybe it was the building anxiety, maybe it was all the hell I have been through in the last 3 years, maybe it was the complaining nurses, I don't know but I just could not quickly regain my composure. I kept apologizing and trying to stop but I couldn't. So the anesthesiologist assistant says "oh my, she is really upset", here I am going to give you something and he put something in my IV and in just a minute I was laying down and was able to stop crying. Will continue in a little while...
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 15 Feb 2015, 16:07

They then took me to OR and I remember my eyes being all puffy and my nose was stuffy from crying and remember thinking I did not want my doctor to see I had been crying. They asked if I could scoot onto the table on my stomach and then I was out. The next thing I know I am waking up but it was a real struggle and I was crying. So I don't know if I cried through the whole thing or started again while waking up because that is where my brain left off or what but that is what happened.
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