EUA- exam under anesthia

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EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 28 Jan 2015, 19:51

I am scheduled to have an EUA - (exam under anesthia) - sorry I can't spell that word for the life of me - anyway I had a colonoscopy 2 weeks ago. I asked my CRS if he could do the exam at the same time as the colonoscopy and he said no, they had to be at different times. My primary care doctor said it may be because with a colonoscopy you are under only "twilight" sleep and he must want me all the way out. So this has me concerned as to exactly what type of exam is he going to do on me! He said this exam was to determine if further surgery will help me or if I only need an LIS. I am getting this feeling like I should not do this. I can only imagine how much pain I will be in if I need to be out for this exam. I will call the office and try to get clarification on this but I was wondering if anyone here has gone through this or has any thoughts you could share?
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby msimon » 28 Jan 2015, 20:45

Wounded, it is so interesting that you post this now as I am booked for one of these on Feb. 6th and I have the same concerns. I keep thinking about how I swelled up after the LIS and how sore I am going to be when I haven't even recovered from that yet! CRS wants to rule out that my infection lead to a fistula or if there is anything else sinister going on in there like Crohns. He hasn't felt anything in his prodding but I guess he has special tools for determining this.

My Doctor told me that they will put me out, put anesthesia (sp?) in to relax the muscles and then of course the awful retractor will be used. This left me bruised for weeks. I wish there was some other way but I guess if we want to get better we have to go through some bad times first.

I think it is odd too that he couldn't get enough information during the colonoscopy. But from what I understand the colonoscopy is not a great way to view the anal canal. I think they just like to do EUAs so that you are not in pain during and so that you do not tense up and make more damage in the process. This way things are forcibly relaxed and I would hope this means less harmful, not that they can then be more rough. Hopefully someone else can chime in on this.

When is your EUA scheduled? How did your colonoscopy go? Was the prep awful?
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 28 Jan 2015, 23:50

Okay this is the third time I have had to write this because each time I hit submit it says I have to be logged in when I was sure I was! Anyway..
Wow msimon, that is interesting that you will soon have an EUA too. I am sorry about all the complications and that you are still not healed. I hope this exam will bring some encouraging news for both of us. I did not have any bruising and not much swelling with my first LIS. I take it they used retractors on you during your LIS and that is why you were bruised?

That makes a lot of sense that they want you out during the EUA so all the muscles will be relaxed and of course so you don't feel the pain during manipulation of the area. Boy that makes me feel better to think it is not because it will be so rough.

My colonoscopy went very well. Of course the prep is never pleasant but it did not make my fissure pain any worse than normal. It was different this time though. I took 4 Dulcolax tabs and the 1 bottle of Mirilax mixed with 64 ounces of Gatorade to drink over 2 to 4 hours. 8 ounces every 20 minutes or so. I did feel nausea toward the end though. I think next time I will replace half the Gatorade with water. They have that as an option and wish I had done that because it just got to be too sickening sweet.

My EUA is scheduled for February 14th. (happy Valentine's Day huh?) I am glad we can help each other through this. Do you know what type of prep will be required? I will talk to my doctors office and pass on to you anymore information I get. If anyone else can add any information is would be most appreciated by both of us!
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby Savaici » 29 Jan 2015, 10:42

I had one. No big deal. Had it in a hospital, not in a doctor's office. The CRS was a woman and incredibly gentle, using a small instrument to look.
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 29 Jan 2015, 12:30

Reassuring to hear Savaici, thanks. Yes, mine will be done in the hospital as well.
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby Savaici » 29 Jan 2015, 21:35

I had to do a "cleanse" beforehand, and I used a very mild enema. It was called Naturals from Fleet. Had to buy it online, but was worth it, woundedspirit. I ate very little the day before, just soup I think it was, but drank lots of water. They told me I was one of the cleanest sigmoid colons they had ever seen :) I had a sigmoidoscopy while they were looking; refused a colonoscopy. :men45:
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 29 Jan 2015, 22:37

I do remember using a fleet enema before my LIS and it stung pretty bad. I had to sit right in a sits bath immediately after it was administered. Are you recommending the fleet natural because it may avoid this or because it may cause less cramping? That sounds like a good plan about a liquid diet the day before. Was the first BM after the exam more painful than normal?
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby msimon » 30 Jan 2015, 00:10

Thanks Savaici. That is reassuring.

I have not been told there is a prep. There was no prep before my LIS, with the same CRS, so I assume there will not be any for the EUA. I sure hope that didn't have anything to do with the fact that I got the infection. I assume they clean things down there well when you are out before they start cutting things?
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby woundedspirit » 30 Jan 2015, 19:47

I am sure they do m. I
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Re: EUA- exam under anesthia

Postby msimon » 31 Jan 2015, 01:22

uh oh, what happened to the rest of your post Wounded?
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