External bleeding

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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 07 Dec 2007, 16:05

No, I am still bleeding but just after going to the bathroom. I called and the medical assistant said that bleeding is normal. The doctor was trying to get rid of the thrombosed internal hemorrhoid that was feeding the skintag which was irritated. I don't know really if it worked yet. I would think that it did because it feels like my skin has been burned off. Since it is inside I can't tell if it is still there or not. I didn't even know that it was there until she examined me. But from what I have read it can take 1-2 weeks for it to heal. She just went down too far below the dentate line where sensory nerves are present. I screamed and she said "that was too far!"

I have called today and my husband called too but I can't get the doctor to call me back.

I hope this pain ends soon. I am dreading the mornings and having to go the bathroom again. But I have felt better before so I am sure I can get back there again.

Did you feel anything when you had it done to your fissure?

Re: External bleeding

Postby buttgirl » 07 Dec 2007, 16:48

Hi lecia,
You seem to heal faster than I do, so I'm actually a little jealous. I'm sure you will feel better soon--you have before. You recovered from the hemmieectomies, and that's far more to recover from than this.
feel better soon and try not to get too discouraged.
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Re: External bleeding

Postby motherluch » 07 Dec 2007, 18:05

Mine was done above the dentate line, thankfully. Yes, I immediately felt a warmth/slightly hot feeling inside, but not pain. Then, for a few days I would feel slightly uncomfortable, nothing that even needed a tylenol, I would take a bath and feel better. The weird thing for me is it seems after about 3 weeks, is when I have felt an on and off uncomfortable feeling up inside, I can't say it is painful, but kind of a weird on and off strange sort of pain I guess, if that makes any sense!! I have had the infrared done 3 times, once to a pretty bad bleeding internal hemmie, and twice to my fissure which again is above the dentate line. This all was after I had an impaction in August. Was treated first for the bleeding hemmie, one week later treated for the fissure. Then all was well for 3 months, but I didn't follow up with the Dr. like I should have to avoid the exam etc...and then once again I bled, and he treated me a couple of weeks ago for the fissure, which he says is very small and located kind of in between my internal hemmies. I was supposed to go back since according to him I will need at least 3 more treatments for the hemmies, but I haven' been back, I am putting it off until the Holidays are over since it is a 2 hour drive and I just can't deal right now, too much going on, I am sure you all can relate! Plus, my husband has to drive me since I have no clue how to get there! So that is where I stand, but I do believe, from what research I have done, infrared is very successful.
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 07 Dec 2007, 18:44

Thanks for the description of your experience. Do you think it has helped your internal hemmies or is that something you can tell? Were they bothering you at all or did the doctor find them when he was looking for the fissure?

My doctor said it could take 6-8 treatments. Umm, yeah, right! I think my hemorrhoids are hard to treat because they are inbetween being internal and external-in the transition region.

Do you think you would ever consider surgery?

I wish we could find a doctor we liked that wasn't so far away, don't you?

Re: External bleeding

Postby motherluch » 07 Dec 2007, 21:15

Yes, the drive is such a pain! 2 hours is a long time, that's for sure!
My hemmies freaked me out because of the bleeding, which in the past was pretty bad, I mean, a lot of blood. I actually am a nurse, which would make you think I could handle seeing the blood, but not when it is MY blood, I cannot handle it at all.
Sometimes I do have a flare up of the external ones and they are very painful, but that happens rarely. I supposedly have 3 more internal ones that need to be treated, and I much, MUCH prefer the infrared to the banding. I thought I would DIE from that pain, it was awful, and I had that done 3 times as well. Boy do I wish I could trade in this butt of mine!!!!
As of now, surgery is not where I intend to go!! According to this Dr. mine are grade 1 and grade 2, so hopefully this will work for me. It has been mentioned to me by another Dr. to have the surgery, but the thought of it freaks me out big time!! How about you??
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 07 Dec 2007, 21:24

I have had about 15 bandings, sclerotherapy, hemorhoidolysis and now the infrared coagulation. Most of the CRSs don't really think it would be prudent to have rectal surgery because I have nerve damage and this could make it worse. I am tempted sometime just to get them all taken out so I won't have to deal with that again but I think the recovery would be pretty brutal. If they could guarantee that would take care of it for good I would seriously consider it.

Yeah, the external hemmies are the worst and they take so long to go down. I had one the size of a quarter once a year ago that they had to remove and that is how I got a fissure and found this board. I can't believe I have been on here almost a year. Wow, that is sad!!!

My hemmies started with my last pregnancy. They were so bad that the doctor almost induced me just to get me out of my misery. I want to trade my butt in too.

Plus mine is all saggy!

Re: External bleeding

Postby happyass » 07 Dec 2007, 23:01

your butt may be saggy lecia, but i am sure it is beautiful! hemmies, fissure, and all :-)
hang in there sweetie.
i am amazed at how much you have been through because of the hemmies!!!!!
laverne and shirley are behaving so i feel lucky lately even despite the digestive bugs i am getting taken care of with the flagyl.
even though you've been here a year, you have like quadruple the postings i have made!!!!! damn, you're good!
(and kim too....hehehehehehe).......
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 08 Dec 2007, 13:44

Thanks, Gareth!
I am actually going to start taking Flagyl too. How are you doing on it?

Re: External bleeding

Postby Fissulyna » 08 Dec 2007, 20:35

I don't believe your little butt is "saggy" - there is nothing to sag you silly !!! You are thin as a Twiggy ! It is just not fair through how many procedures you had to go regarding butt problems : (((( - unbelievable !!! How many hemmies can fit in such a little butt ???!! How are you doing today sweety ? Why do you need Flagyl?
Hope you are doing better today and that burn is subsiding !!!
Gareth, I just discovered that you asked me about Cymbalta couple weeks ago - sorry, I did not see it till today. I was "off the net" for a while, due to my new health problems. Thanks for asking. I did not have a chance to try it or ask for it yet, wanted to go to rheumathologist for my Fibro and than see what he thinks I should try - didn't want to start one thing than had to stop , blahhhh, you know how it goes. So, unfortunately I will have to wait till JANUARY to see one - AAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!! I am sorry to see that you have intestinal problems, I am sure you got some bug but it does not have to be very bad one to cause all of the havoc . We always complain that we get something in foreign countries because "their hygiene" is not that good - well, ha ha, my relatives all get "runs" when they come to the USA . You see, we just are not exposed to same kind of bugs and do not have immunity to them even though they are "harmless" . So, you probably picked some very common little bug there that does not even bugg a babies in Peru, but it bugs your little tummy that is used to tempeh and stuff ; ). (Have to tease you a little, he heh). Well, maybe I am wrong, maybe you have something that is not so benign, I am just trying to put your mind on ease . How is your partner doing? Hope everyithing is "in place" ; ) !!!
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 08 Dec 2007, 21:59

Hey Fissulyna,
How are you doing? I am still in pain-I am on painkillers that are helping though. The doctor said that the flagyl would help with inflammation in the rectum from the procedure which would help with the pain. I have just taken one so far. She prescribed Zofran too saying that many people get nauseous from it but I haven't had that problem---yet!

I don't know why I have so many problems other than I think the last pregnancy did me in. I think once the veins get dilated and stretched they just become more susceptible to it again. The doctor said I am doing everything right to avoid them though. My butt problems are largely unrecognized much like fibro. On the outside I look normal so it is hard for people to understand that I have a hard time planning things because it just depends how I am doing that day. It does make it hard to establish and maintain frienships. Plus, it isn't something I can just talk about on the first meeting with someone. I know the other moms at my kids school know that I have some pelvic issues from childbirth but only a few know the extent. I had one mother whom I met after a year who said she didn't even know my kids had a mother. That made me so sad because it just seems like I don't care enough to show up.

It is like people get tired of hearing that you still have health issues. Like you should be better already and if you aren't, well, it must be because you don't want to be well.

I have a friend here who has MS so she can understand the ups and downs of having a long term health problem though. Do you have a support group that you can go to at all?

Thinking about you and hoping your appointment goes well on Monday.


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