External bleeding

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External bleeding

Postby Guest » 05 Dec 2007, 09:33

Well, something has been brewing with my bottom for the last few days. I have this skintag left over from a hemmie that I think I must have sat on wrong yesterday because I noticed more pain after picking up my daughter from school.
This morning there was blood when I went to the bathroom, but it seems to be coming from the outside because when I pat with the wipe I get spotting. I looked in the mirror and can't see any obvious tear. But now the pain is bad enough I had to take something.
I am going to the CRS this afternoon just to see what I am dealing with. The drive is 2 hours away so that is going to suck, but I do have a Bill Bryson audiobook I am listening to called the Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid. Has anyone read that? He reads his audiobooks himself and I find it hysterical. He has such an interesting English Yankee Midwestern accent. Anyway, back to the point....

Has anyone ever had bleeding from the outside but not been able to find where it is coming from?

I just thought I would mention this to you guys. I know everyone here has it rough so I don't mean to whine. But if not to you, then who, right???!!!!

Re: External bleeding

Postby motherluch » 05 Dec 2007, 12:10

Hi Lecia, I certainly do not think you are a whiner...far from it!! I have not ever had external bleeding, but it seems possible that a skin tag could cause it...I hope the Dr. finds an answer for you. Hope all went well at your doctor, and the 2 hour drive wasn't so bad. Let us know how you did! Let me know about that book, sounds like a good one!
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Deleted User 5 » 05 Dec 2007, 12:25

Good luck, Lecia. I hope the long trip is worth it and you get some answers, and relief! Let us know how it goes!!
Deleted User 5

Re: External bleeding

Postby happyass » 05 Dec 2007, 13:20

hi Lecia. My Laverne and Shirley were playing Bloody Mary a couple of times on me. So I think I can understand what you are describing. The only relief I got was the use of the tinactin + Vapor Rub + antibiotic ointment.
eventually I was good the next day!
let us know what you learn.....
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 05 Dec 2007, 16:01

Poor you, you def don't need this just before Christmas.
Hope you get some answers at the crs, and it's something quick to heal Image

Re: External bleeding

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Dec 2007, 17:12

Oh Lecia, hope it is "nothing" !!!! Let us know ASAP what happened !!!! I will keep you in my prayers , of course, for heavens sake do we ever get a break ???
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 05 Dec 2007, 20:21

Thanks you guys. It was nice to come home and see some replies.

Today was trying to say the least. I had to see another CRS (the 10th I have seen in the last 5 years) because my other doctor was booked. I told her my whole history with the neuralgia and the problems with hemorrhoids, fissures, skin tags etc. After going into depth about everything she asked if I got enough fiber in my diet. I know a new doctor has to ask but it made me feel like she was missing the point. I have tried everything-afterall I have had one rectal problem or another for 5 years.

She examined me (I could tell she was a newbie because she dropped the anoscope in my anus and it plunge upward and I could feel it in my bladder) and told me I had an internal thrombosed hemorrhoid that is perhaps feeding the skintag and causing it to swell up a bit.

She suggested that I go home and take a sitz bath. I started crying. I was in pain and I felt like she doesn't get it-I have spent hours in the tub already. Something needs to be done-these hemorrhoids aren't going away on their own. She did infrared coagulation and crossed the sensate line and it felt like a hot poker but I figure if it helps in the long run I can stand being branded. She also prescribed Analpram but my pharmacy is out of it. She said I could go in next week and get a banding done but I needed to be off celebrex first. I have never heard this before. I know you have to stop aspirin.

I think I am going to call the office and beg to see my regular doctor. I need continuity of care and feel like I don't want to start over and educate a new doctor though that is what I feel like I did today. Not a bad thing, but I have been doing that for years and just need someone to understand.

So I am lying here on my stomach with my eyes almost swollen shut from crying. Just so exasperated. I need to go get in the tub.

Thanks again for checking in with me!


Re: External bleeding

Postby motherluch » 05 Dec 2007, 20:45

I am so sorry you are dealing with this once again. I do want to offer a word of encouragement though...I, too had the infrared coagulation...I drive 2 hours myself just to see a Dr. that does it because for me, the banding was complete and total torture. I had one treatment on a bleeding internal hemorrhoid that stopped the bleeding and reduced it. Another treatment, actually 2 on my internal fissure. I am supposed to continue for a total of about 3 more treatments for my internal hemmies. iIhave heard great things about infrared, read up on it, it may be the answer you are looking for. I'll cross my fingers for you.
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Deleted User 5 » 05 Dec 2007, 20:59

Oh, Lecia! Now *I* am crying! My poor dear, you have been through so much! :|
I know you need the celebrex. That's a hard order to have to follow!
You have come through worse than this, though, Girlie Girl!
Keep your chin up. But is there any reason why you shouldn't get it banded, and get rid of it? Didn't your other CRS act like she didn't want to do any procedures the last time, even though you wanted the other hemmy removed?
Wow, you seem to do everything right, and still these problems rear their ugly heads!
I feel your frustration:~!@: , and I know it hurts!!
You need some TLC! :pooh:
Maybe a foot massage! :footmsa:
Deleted User 5

Re: External bleeding

Postby happyass » 05 Dec 2007, 21:05

hi lecia,
i am sorry you had to go thru this with another doc!!!! oyi!
i was looking at an ad in the paper today about hemmies and a new way of treating them without banding and other surgery that is practically pain free (don't they always say this) and that it is done right then and there and you can go back to doing what you were doing immediately.
the web site is: www.seekrelief.com (i think...i haven't tried it yet)
i would love to learn more about the infrared coagulation - does it hurt, what is it, do they inject anything in you to sleep the area, what exactly does it involve????? i wanna know......
anyway, yes, having continuity of care with the same doctor is so important.
if you ever want to come all the way to DC and see Dr. Thomas Wright, you are more than welcome to stay at my place (with all my pets and other half) and we'll put you up for the night so that you can drive over, relax and see the doc and then stay here and then go back to SC the next morning......i'll even pick you up at the airport if you chose to fly in!
at least you would have continuous care by him even though you would have to do a little trek to come see him........
i'll be praying for your relief sweetie!
hugs, gareth
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