For almost 2 years now, I have had a lot of
Pain during bowel movements. Up until several months ago, it came and went, I would have a couple bad days and then be fine for a couple weeks. After reading online, I had It narrowed down to hemorroids. After doing more research today it seems like I probably have a fissure. I looked at pictures of hemorroids, but that doesn't look like what I have, though I may have a combination of both because aside from the fissure I also have a few itchy and sometimes painful small bumps just inside my anus. I almost always have blood on toilet paper when I wipe but it is bright red. I dont ever have the dark feces associated with colon cancer. I am 27 now and when I was 15 I took accutane for acne, which is known to be a cause of crohns disease, which is known for. being a condition that can cause fissures. I called to schedule a Dr appointment today but can't get in for two weeks. I am going to start stool softeners today for relief until then. Would appreciate any feedback or thoughts on my situation. Thanks!