fissure or hemorroids or both?

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fissure or hemorroids or both?

Postby mybutthurts » 17 Apr 2012, 18:13

For almost 2 years now, I have had a lot of
Pain during bowel movements. Up until several months ago, it came and went, I would have a couple bad days and then be fine for a couple weeks. After reading online, I had It narrowed down to hemorroids. After doing more research today it seems like I probably have a fissure. I looked at pictures of hemorroids, but that doesn't look like what I have, though I may have a combination of both because aside from the fissure I also have a few itchy and sometimes painful small bumps just inside my anus. I almost always have blood on toilet paper when I wipe but it is bright red. I dont ever have the dark feces associated with colon cancer. I am 27 now and when I was 15 I took accutane for acne, which is known to be a cause of crohns disease, which is known for. being a condition that can cause fissures. I called to schedule a Dr appointment today but can't get in for two weeks. I am going to start stool softeners today for relief until then. Would appreciate any feedback or thoughts on my situation. Thanks!
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Re: fissure or hemorroids or both?

Postby thisfissurecankissmybutt » 17 Apr 2012, 18:31

The best stool softener, in my opinion, is Miralax. It is available over the counter and according to my doctor is safe for long-term use. A single dose a day works wonders for me.
Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Your doctor will also probably recommend you take a fiber supplement.
Also, I highly, highly, highly (highly!) recommend you go to a colorectal surgeon (CRS) as opposed to a family doctor or general doctor. You definitely want someone that deals with anal issues, such as fissures and hemorrhoids, on a daily basis.
Good luck!
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Re: fissure or hemorroids or both?

Postby brent1981 » 23 Nov 2020, 00:28

Sounds a bit to me like a bit of both. I thought I only had fissures, but when I went into a specialist clinic, they found hemorrhoids too. Your situation is extremely similar to mine. When I was a teenager, I also took some kind of medication for acne, though I forget which. Crohns runs in my family, but I've never been diagnosed. I wonder.

Yeah, I totally recommend stool softener. I took Restoralax during the harshest times of my fissures.

So, to compare your situation with mine. Basically this is how my situation went, and you can compare to yours and see if it is similar:

- almost always itchy/uncomfortable every day, but sometimes mild, sometimes medium amounts... never too high
- after a bowel movement where there is blood, you'd have severe pain for a month or more with every bowel movement... always there would be blood (bright red)
- after a month and a bit you heal up... fissure seems gone... all seems well
- a month or two later, the cycle repeats and the fissure is back... pain ensues again.

That's what it was like for me. Anal fissure, hemorrhoids...
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