Fissure turning into Fitsula?

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Fissure turning into Fitsula?

Postby FissureHome » 24 Nov 2013, 10:54

I was diagnosed with a fissure about 2 months back..was feeling better then went for a follow up appointment at the 1 month point and doctor re ripped it during examination and had to start over healing from square almost a month from the follow up im feeling better again not totally healed but starting to sit down again and walking without a burning sensation.. about a week ago i notice a "welt" on the bottom of my left butt cheek like on the groove of the curve of the bottom of the cheek hope that made sense..could it be a fitsula? or just be coincidence and its a pimple or boil from allt he stress and i do outside work ? anyone have any advice or answers would be greatly appreciated..thank you!
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Re: Fissure turning into Fitsula?

Postby richibeno » 24 Nov 2013, 12:32

Hi a fistula comes as a result of an abscess these normally come in the gap between the internal and external sphincter muscles they are normally within 2 cm of your anus look like a oozing boil spot the abscess area would be sore to touch and you would have pain 'mabe a temperature'
The qbcess comes first the fistula is a tunnel where the infection fights it way to the surface 'normaly around te anus if your worried get it looked at very soon '
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Re: Fissure turning into Fitsula?

Postby FissureHome » 24 Nov 2013, 13:13

richibeno thank you for you reply..Do you think it sounds like i may have one? i think im just paranoid..its pretty far from the anus (at least 2 inches) almost closer to the center of my butt cheek but right in the groove curve at the bottom..its like oval shaped running along the curve..its not really too sore to touch but i feel like im starting to feel it a little when i walk..its not red..and its not hard..very weird..
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Re: Fissure turning into Fitsula?

Postby carmona81 » 25 Nov 2013, 03:37

Pretty hard to describe, if you are worried enough to look for help online, you should seek help with your doc. That's really the only way to be sure. My abcess was feeling like a ball inside my skin near the colon area. Hurt when pressed on.
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Re: Fissure turning into Fitsula?

Postby FissureHome » 25 Nov 2013, 16:54

yea i know i just dont have insurance or alot of money..not to mention all the work ive missed out on from this dam fissure..
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Re: Fissure turning into Fitsula?

Postby carmona81 » 27 Nov 2013, 05:25

Where you from? Have you tried gov assistance?
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