Fistfula Surgery Diary

My story and Experience

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Re: Fistfula Surgery Diary

Postby 1yrlater » 27 Apr 2017, 05:37

I'm new to this board. I am coming up on 3weeks this Friday post op fistuolotomy. The first week was definitely the hardest, especially considering I had the surgery at 7 weeks post partum. Tonight I wiped a little blood, and was flooded with horrible thoughts of a failed surgery.
Wishing you a quick and successful recovery!
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Re: Fistfula Surgery Diary

Postby JB620 » 27 Apr 2017, 09:37

Day 3

Morning: took another Senekot before bed last night. Woke up this morning having the urge for a BM. Due to the lack of movement during the night and low dosages of pain meds, it was a slightly painful experience this time. The pain is like a burning/throbbing sensation. I got in the tub directly after, which helped. I would highly recommend taking whatever laxative your Dr recommends during the DAY, along with a muscle relaxer (I was given Valium). The combination will ensure that you have a BM during the day, while your muscles are loose and other pain medications can help control the pain during a BM.
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Re: Fistfula Surgery Diary

Postby JB620 » 27 Apr 2017, 09:40


Thank you so much for the encouragement! It's did I rely going better than I expected but still uncomfortable. Dreaming of the days when I can get out for a run in the sunshine. Hope your reconvert is going well
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Re: Fistfula Surgery Diary

Postby GilmoreGirl » 28 Apr 2017, 14:49

Hi! I haven't had this surgery but it sounds as though you're doing well. I have had LIS so I know how terrifying rectal surgery can be! I was constipated after surgery and had to take a colonoscopy prep - so I'm glad you've avoided that and have been able to go!!!! Keep up with the laxatives and softner!

And...unfortunately I just developed an abscess. I'm waiting to see my surgeon and was sent home from emergency as it is draining on it's own.

Don't want to hijack your thread - but maybe you can answer a question I have - what determined that you had a fistula and not just an abscess? How do they know whether they need to do surgery?

Thanks so much. I'm sending you healing thoughts!!!
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Re: Fistfula Surgery Diary

Postby JB620 » 28 Apr 2017, 15:56

They had to do an exam under GA to confirm a fistula tract had formed, and then proceeded with the necessary medical procedure to open the fistula, etc while I was under anesthesia. They decided to to this because of the fact that 5 weeks after the original abscess had been drained, I developed another small one (same spot) which indicated that there was a fistula.... in other words- the outside skin had healed over the opening from the draining, but there was still infection on the inside (from an open fistula) that was now trapped bc of the healed skin (which = another abscess). I hope that makes sense! Lol If there had NOT been a fistula, chances are I would've healed up after the draining of the abscess and would not have had a recurring one and constant drainage of goop (I wouldn't call is puss bc it was so minimal).

In order to determine that there is a fistula, they have to do a lot of poking around down there which would be painful to the patient. So they kill two birds with one stone. They put you out under GA (general anesthesia), do whatever determining procedures they need to do (scopes, use dye in some cases, etc.) and one they can see if there is a fistula, how long it is, where it's located, etc., they'll go ahead and fix it while you're still out. Some people need a drain (called a seton), or other things done. I was super lucky and had minimal work done- they didn't even have to cut any muscle! *phew*

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask my anything! I can definitely share as much about my experience as possible to try and help. :bouncing heart
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Re: Fistfula Surgery Diary

Postby JB620 » 28 Apr 2017, 16:00

Day 4:

Slept really well last night after suffering an evening of diarrhea. Ugh. I kept the pain under control with my medications but it still hurt- the type of hurting that happens when anyone has lots of diarrhea, so "normal" I guess. Lol Warm baths helped! Woke up with no pain today and managed to do some light housework, laundry, etc. while holding off on needing any ibuprofen. So happy! Only thing is I have not had any BMs today. I stopped the stool softener yesterday because of the diarrhea but took MiraLax and Senekot again today to try and help keep things moving. Seems to be difficult to find the right balance between having normal BMs and diarrhea. Anyways, still lots of fluids and fiber, and rest. Happy to be able to move better each day. I'm not in pain while at rest, and have not had much bleeding and no drainage. Feeling positive!
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Re: Fistfula Surgery Diary

Postby JB620 » 28 Apr 2017, 16:04

Oh, GG, one thing I would highly recommend- keep taking lots of warm baths while the abscess is draining!! This will help with so many things. I'm very certain that is the reason the CRS didn't find any infection when they opened the fistula. My second abscess ruptured at home and I continued to do the baths which kept it clean and everything moving OUT. When they "opened me up", there's wasn't any infection which makes this entire healing process so much easier!
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Re: Fistfula Surgery Diary

Postby GilmoreGirl » 28 Apr 2017, 19:04

Thank you SO much! That is so helpful!!!!!

So what I'm guessing is that they may put me out to take a look as you say (or do an MRI??) and if they find a fistula fix it up OR if it heals up they will just let it be unless it reoccurs. And if I do have to have surgery I'm hoping it will be as smooth a recovery as yours has been!

I have taken 4 sitz baths for 10 min each since I got home, with Epsom salts. I've read that some people apply a wet warm cloth with some salt to draw out some of the fluid...but not sure if I should try this.

Sorry though about the difficulties with getting the right bm - it's so tough...I've been trying for 9 months lol (although I do have ibs). If you don't have trouble with bulky stools, you may want to try a soluble fibre like psyllium (Metamucil - the capsules are best).
Soluble fibre is good for both constipation and diarrhea. It absorbs water and can actually make too hard stool softer and too loose stool more solid (almost like fluffy?) as it forms kind of a gel.

The best tip I had was to take miralax at the same time as Metamucil and drink a few glasses of water, preferably with a meal (although it is pretty filling). Miralax draws the water into the colon, and then the fibre soaks it up - so things are soft but formed!

Such a science...I have a biology degree and I find this stuff hard to figure out sometimes.

Thanks again so much, and I will for sure ask if more questions come up!!! Really hope things are going well at the moment!
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Re: Fistfula Surgery Diary

Postby GilmoreGirl » 29 Apr 2017, 13:40

Hey! Turns out I do have another question...

Today went out and was fine for an hour and a half but then sudden pain! Got home and put pressure on the area and drained quite a bit (relatively) and took a sitz bath.

It seems as though

A) it won't drain well without putting pressure on it, and the longer it goes without draining the more painful it is

B) it seems to be constantly refilling with liquid

I imagine an incision to help it drain better would be helpful.

What I don't get is why does it keep filling up again? Is there any chance of it naturally stopping? Where is this fluid coming from?

Thanks again so much.

Hope you're doing well today - any updates?
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Re: Fistfula Surgery Diary

Postby JB620 » 29 Apr 2017, 13:54

Thanks GG, feeling OK. BMs without any pain meds definitely make me feel worse so I'm just trying to keep up on them responsibly!

From what I understand, it will keep filling because one end of the tract is closed (usually the external opening to the anus will close before the outside opened wound), and needs to drain bc bacteria gets trapped and causes the recurring infection. If you're able, do the surgery! It will completely open the fistula and get it cleaned out so it can heal from the inside out and prevent any more infection from forming and gettin stuck in there. <3 keep doing the baths to help draw out the puss and keep it clean. Talk to a Colorectal Surgeon- they'll be able to help fix it once and for all.
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