Gay Bottom Seeking Advice and Help

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Gay Bottom Seeking Advice and Help

Postby formeforyou » 29 Jan 2018, 19:22

So, here goes, I suppose. I've never posted here before so excuse my idiocy. I am a Gay Bottom with some tiny hems and an AF. They have never bled before, the hems have cause no pain whatsoever, the AF only causes pain during rare painful BM's and when I play with toys down there. The AF is about a quarter inch inside and a quarter inch outside. I have had them for about four months without treatment, but I've finally started today. I am doing a high fiber diet with warm baths, as that is all I am capable of at the moment. I don't want to tell my parents of the issue until it becomes drastic or the treatment doesn't work. If you have any tips/suggestions for home treatments that don't require an embarassing confession, then I would seriously appreciate it. I am young and single, so giving up playing with myself down there is fine, but I am scared for the future if this home treatment doesn't help it heal. I am also very confused about how an AF heals. There is a lot of confusing information online so have a few questions.

Does an AF heal like a normal cut?
If not, then how does an AF heal and is it still sensitive/painful?
Is surgery the only option to heal AF's completely?
Will I be able to have enjoyable and painless anal sex after an LIS?
Is surgery the only way you can get rid of Hems entirely?
Will I always have to go slow during sex after an LIS, or only after the first few months? (I'm a rough guy.)
What are the chances of an LIS re-tearing?
What kind of AF would you suggest I have based on the length and lack of pain and bleeding?
Will I ever be normal again and how long will it take?
Thank you all if you were willing to read through and answer my questions. The sex part is what really concerns me, next to the infection threat, so I would appreciate not seeing any answers like "Anal isn't the only option for sex" because Anal isn't something I'm willing to give up. I really just want to have my life back and not be in so much pain when I pleasure myself there and I hope this treatment works.
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Re: Gay Bottom Seeking Advice and Help

Postby Sarah55 » 03 Feb 2018, 00:38

Hi dude,

I'd strongly recommend getting your hands on a rectogesic ointment (you can buy it over the counter at the Chemist). Use it 3 times a day, (preferably after a BM, and after a shower), or as directed by the pharmacist. I'd also recommend adding Epsom salts to your baths. You can also take baby wipes with you when you leave the house to wipe your butt with to give it a better chance of healing.
A high fibre diet is good, and I also take a fibre supplement (benefibre) and a laxative (movicol) everyday. Benefibre is harmless, but talk to ur doc about taking laxatives on a regular basis.

Fissures heal differently to other tears as most other tears aren't re-opened as frequently, and don't get sh*t smeared in them on a daily basis (sorry for the blunt description). Because of this, anal fissures are prone to forming scar tissue, which can then make ur back passage even narrower, and cause more fissures. This is why it's important to treat fissures as soon as you notice them. The surgery works by removing the scar tissue, giving ur butt a chance to heal properly. Make sure the toys you use are designed for anal play, use lube and always use toy cleaner after using them to reduce risk. I'd also reccomend using smaller toys to reduce the risk of getting another fissure.

Best of luck,


If push comes to shove, you can always tell your parents you got a fissure from pooping :@ they might work it out, but then at least I guess its not "in their face", if that's what you are worried about.

Typically, people who get fissures are prone to them, so I would defs reccomend taking it slow until you are COMPLETELY healed.
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Re: Gay Bottom Seeking Advice and Help

Postby formeforyou » 14 Feb 2018, 00:09

Hey, Sarah, thank you so much for the response, recently I've been feeling really stressed and depressed about this because I think I might have developed a second internal one. Is there a way to tell if I have developed scar tissue? I left it untreated for so long, that may be the case. May I ask what being "Completely" healed means? My main question is, is it too late for me to be completely healed based on what I've said?
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Re: Gay Bottom Seeking Advice and Help

Postby Sarah55 » 14 Feb 2018, 07:39

If you've got scar tissue they'll need to operate.
A second fissure is a sign that the first has formed scar tissue. Another sign is lack of success from home remedies. The only way to know for sure though is for a colorectal specialist to use their weird camera thing and take a look. :/

I left mine untreated for over a year and that's why I'm in my mess :(

I've now had 2 lots of surgeries for my chronic anal fissures (the first op didn't work for one of my fissures), and the paper work says it takes 6 weeks to completely heal. TBH; having not had success with home remedies I don't know how to tell if your body has healed itself completely (and that the fissure just hasn't gone on vacation like they seem to do).

You are defs not the only fissure sufferer to feel depressed, mine ruined my life to the point where it cost me my job (I couldn't work like I used to because of it, so my contract wasn't renewed) and I find it even more isolating because you can't just talk about it like you would back pain.
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