Had my surgery today

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Had my surgery today

Postby ouch4466 » 23 Oct 2014, 22:25

I had my second LIS and fissurectomy this morning. It went well. The dr told me it was a sizable fissure again. My first surgery was in April but I developed another fissure a few months after. So I'm in quite a bit of pain, and an waiting til I can have the next dose of meds. Although I have done this once before, any tips for a good rexovery? When to start taking sitz baths? I am planning to take a stool softener, that will not work like a laxative though right? And should I take fiber or not at this point? I understand that you want it somewhat bulky but too much could be bad. Anyway I'm going to sleep now, hardly slept the night before. Thanks!
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Re: Had my surgery today

Postby suavecito » 28 Oct 2014, 19:53

Im going to have LIS in november and i read your other posts. Im hoping you feel better now after a second surgery. Ive also read that the first bm after surgery is horrible. Any tips for me before having surgery? Thanks and hope your road to recovery is coming to an end soon.
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Re: Had my surgery today

Postby back(side)again » 28 Oct 2014, 20:14

Hi Ouch,

I hope you feel better soon. I think I did sitz baths the same day - or at least 24 hours following. I always preferred Miralax, as it seemed to give me a softer stool than fiber. I always did combine it with fiber, though, per the CRS' request. I think I even took Colace with both, following the surgeries. After surgery, I first removed Colace after a month or two, then the Miralax four months out, and now, I'm just on the fiber.
Pain began in Feb 2013
Diagnosed with AF in June 2013
Conservative treatment with nifidepine lidocaine June 2013-Oct. 2013
Botox & tag removal in Oct. 2013
Botox in Dec. 2013 (provided pain relief)
LIS in March 2014
Fissure healed in June 2014
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