Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 16 Nov 2009, 16:32

Yes, the nerve thing and the "layers" make sense. As someone who has vulvodynia and interstitial cystitis, as well as possible IBS (I've probably had IBS since I was a baby, according to my mom), that area is already...well...messed up! Image So it makes sense. I do have bleeding once in awhile, too. I just wish they would have used a scope so I could feel more confident about it being gone. Because all the other doctors who saw it used a scope. Image
Wow, really, suzy? That's horrible to hear. How bad are things for you? And what about you, cherylk? Did things get better?
The surgeon never mentioned any scar tissue over the fissure area. Just the scar/granulated tissue over the incision area, and those two pains feel completely different and are on opposite sides. It's easy to tell them apart, which is kinda a nice thing (although not REALLY Image). But I'm sure that doesn't mean there's not scar tissue there.
This is so frustrating! I want to study abroad soon. Can't believe something like this is ruining my life.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby cherylk » 16 Nov 2009, 16:37

The ointment (Diliatzem) seemed to be the magic thing for me along with Miralax and fiber supplements. But it took me a very long while to get everything regulated as I have IBS-C!
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 16 Nov 2009, 19:00

You healed without LIS?
I'm using the nitro cream right now (was given diltiazem at first, didn't think it worked as well) becaue I still get the spasms. Image I do a dose of Miralax every day too, and take two Citrucel tablets.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby cherylk » 16 Nov 2009, 19:39

I did not have LIS, but was going to try Botox injections next.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 17 Nov 2009, 21:53

Do you know if the botox treatment is covered by most insurance plans? Of course, we're losing our insurance at the end of December because my dad got laid off...we'll have to buy new insurance, but God only knows how expensive it'll be and what it'll cover.
This is just unbelievable...if it's healed, how can I be getting zero relief? Zero! I just can't convince myself that it's healed. :(
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 10 Dec 2009, 12:44

The nightmare never ends! I can't believe how this is affecting my life and my plans for the future.
I went to see my urogynecologist a few days ago as my family is trying to fit in as many doctor appointments as possible before the end of December, when we lose our health insurance (who knows what the new one we'll have to buy will cover), and she mentioned I could try using Valium as a suppository, but to call my colorectal surgeon first to see what her opinion is. So I called and left a message with the people at the front desk, and about 40 minutes later went to the bathroom. For about a week and a half now I've been alternating between diarrhea and relatively hard stool, as I was menstruating, and also have a stubborn sinus infection. And although my BM wasn't THAT hard, something clearly happened. For a long time now my pain has been more achey, but yesterday and today it's sharp - quite sharp. And that "cut" sensation is a lot stronger. I didn't notice any blood, but I didn't look super close. Dunno if I have a retear or not...I keep thinking I do, and they keep saying I don't. But this time, with this new sharp pain...
I am so exhausted and depressed right now. My dream of studying abroad is going down the tube. I feel like the holiday season only makes it worse. Everyone around you telling you to be happy, because it's Christmas... Image
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby suzyljank » 10 Dec 2009, 22:48

Hi, I had LIS over a year ago and I knew right after the surgery it helped some but not like I thought it would. My surgeon still hasn't cleared me since that surgery infact I'm supposed to see him again in january. He wants to do a flap advancement surgery to make the opening a little bigger and easier to pass to stool but I'm not jumping into anything. I still get spasms, not quite as intense but they're there. I still have tears occassionally and on my last trip to the CRS he insisted on a digital and that tore me. To say the least I was mad as a hatter after that. It took me over a month before I was able to sit comfortably again. I've decided after that appointment that no one is sticking anything up my bum unless they sedate me. I'm just tired of it. I have scar tissue and stenosis from a hemmie surgery I had over 20 years ago and I have to keep my stools soft. So I'm on the miralax, benefiber regime and I eat a bowl of shredded wheat in the morning and before I go to bed. I can live with that what I can't live with is having another surgery at this point. There are so many nerves in that area how the heck can they be sure another surgery won't make matters worse. I mean with more cutting, aren't they just creating more possible scar tissue. It helps to know that I'm not the only one going through this. For the most part I'm doing ok. If I tear it takes a while to feel better and I don't think I'm healing all the way but I can sit and I can have a bm. Once in a while I do get this sort of like charlie horse feeling up the butt and for me that's the worst. It last for a while and it brings me to tears. I'm told it's related to the levator ani muscle. I don't want to make matters worse so I'm giving careful thought before I do anything else. I hope you find a solution to your problems though. Suzy
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 12 Dec 2009, 14:53

It's kinda comforting to hear another similar story, although obviously it stinks! I'm so sorry things are going poorly for you. I still can't believe how such a tiny thing can practically destroy one's life. WHY did this have to happen so close to when I wanted to study abroad? Studying abroad was my one dream... I feel like I'm ready to go jump off a bridge at this point.
That's my concern too, as the scar tissue from my incision has been causing me a lot of grief. Your's too? It's on the opposite side of where my fissure is, so it's easy to tell whether it's the tissue or fissure bothering me. But the only other options are botox and dilation. I've heard botox rarely works and dilation is kinda iffy, as your chances of incontinence go up. But I'm desperate. I've never really heard anything about the flap advancement surgery you mentioned. Doesn't sound pleasant. Are your muscles still really tight even after the LIS? My muscle tone had originally improved somewhat, but seems to have gone back to being overly tight now.
I have a hard time believing I haven't re-torn this time. The pain when I go to the bathroom is intense - sharp, and accompanied by a lot of burning. I don't recall ever having so much pain when going to the bathroom before, and I've had this fissure for roughly 1.5 years. I called my surgeon, and the earliest they can get me in is Dec 29. Dunno how I'm going to get through my finals...
I'm using the nitro ointment, but I did get some lidocaine from my doctor awhile back. Has anyone used both at the same time? I know the lidocaine can't be used internally, so I'm wondering how effective that would be... I also need to get those valium suppositories.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 21 Dec 2009, 15:02

I'm probably going to make a post in the diet/supplements section, but I wanted to ask here too: has anyone ever used valium suppositories? I just got mine. My doctor suggested inserting them vaginally, which I found somewhat odd...
I'm so bummed. Had two loose BM's this morning (I've been sick lately) and noticed a spot of what looked like blood. How can loose stool make you bleed? :(
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby cherylk » 21 Dec 2009, 17:54

Loose stools are too acidic for that area to like. :roll:
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