Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

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Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 13 May 2009, 12:44

So after a year with my fissure, I'm having surgery this coming Tuesday, and I'm crazy nervous. The only "surgery" I've ever had before was getting my wisdom teeth removed, and that did NOT go smoothly. 4 dry sockets...ugh. Image
Anyway, they haven't called me yet to tell me what to do before the surgery and so on, so I'm just wondering - what's some good advice on how to deal with recovery? Should I be doing anything specific before/after that the doctor might not tell me, but that you found useful? I'll be taking Citrucel daily, and drinking lots of water, but other than that, do you have any tips? I still have my Nitro cream. Did you guys continue using it after the surgery? If so, how soon did you start using it again afterwards? I'll be talking with my surgeon about these things, but I thought it would be helpful to chat with people who have gone through this before.
I'm pretty darn nervous, to be honest. Plus, I'm worried my recovery is going to be horrible. I'm trying to secure an on-campus internship (I commute to college), and the internships are SUPPOSED to start on the 28th, but I don't think I'll be good to go then.
This summer is off to a rough start. Image
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 13 May 2009, 12:53

It is spring. Don't be blue! By the time summer is here you will probably be feeling super!
I understand your being scared pre-surgery. I was too, but I (and many others here) became strangely calm and relaxed the morning of the surgery. I am sure you will too.
Don't change your diet any at all before and after LIS. Lie around, and don't sit on your tail unless you have to.
If you are given pain killers use them sparingly and definitely take them before the morning BM and jump right into a hot bath.
Allow yourself 2-3 weeks to initially recover. Even though my recovery was kinda rough, I was back at work in a week and a half.
Look through the surgery threads and read, and you will see what various people experienced, it is different for almost everyone. Some people barely have any problems at all, others have some mild-moderate problems and a few have it rough.
We are all cheering for you!
Deleted User 5

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Bummed Out » 14 May 2009, 11:20

Hi Crimeofpassion
I just had the surgery on May 5th (9 days ago) and I was so scared before the procedure that all I thought about up until the time they actually put me to sleep was sneaking out of there. I knew I had to do it thought because of the pain that I was experiencing, and I felt surgery was the only way out. I was supposed to return to work on Tuesday (May 12th) but am still not feeling well enough to go. Unfortunetly I am not one of the ones that felt hugh relief after the surgery, although I can say the pain is about 6\10 as compared to the 9/10 I was dealing with before the surgery. The day I got home from the surgery I felt great. No pain at all, nor did I have any upon awakening from surgery. It hits about 8 hours later when the freezing they give you wears off. But for me the pain was no worse than what I had dealt with before the surgery. So I know it's hard, but try not to worry too much about the surgery, you will be just fine as I was. I had only previously had wisdom teeth as well as a tonsillectomy, before the LIS. The unknown is scary, but of course you will be so relieved when it's over and do just fine. I don't know about using creams afterwards, as my doc said just to keep it clean and dry. Someone else I was talking to on here recommended I use polysporn now, and I think I will give that a try.
Anyways please keep us updated and let us know how your doing. We will all be here for you. Take Care
Last edited by Bummed Out on 14 May 2009, 11:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Corsi » 15 May 2009, 01:59

Good luck :)
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 15 May 2009, 07:40

Good for you crimesofpassion !
Image Wisdom teeth ! I would take the LIS any day ! Image
Recovery - Take 1-2 weeks to feel almost normal, I did nothing but rest on my bed, pressure off my bum bum and more rest ! It made the world of difference..until you feel better and we are all different in recovery, listen to your body, take the meds for the pain and also to help with swelling and inflammation, take as many baths as you can esp after BM, remember blood flow !
I made sure my diet before and after was soft foods, lots of fluids after to flush out the general anaesthetic ! I also used the magnesuim supplement to ensure soft BM.
I didn’t use any creams after surgery I made a point of keep the area very clean and super dry ! In an ideal world you should not have to use such cream after surgery Image
Nerves are all part and parcel Image it’s the build up then the huge relief afterwards....
I am sure LIS will be your best decision yet !
Best of luck crimesofpassion ! Image
Last edited by Guest on 17 May 2009, 04:19, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 15 May 2009, 10:13

Don't rush your recovery. You will feel good the first day because of all the drugs so don't be alarmed if the next day is worse. You'll curse your CRS probably for awhile but for many it really is a saving grace.
I can't really add anything else that the others so graciously posted. Just give yourself time and realize that though this will help the fissure heal, you will still have the fissure so you need to keep taking care of your bum. Good luck!!!

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 16 May 2009, 15:51

Oh no.
Get this. I went off my birth control pills this past summer, and have only had ONE period since - going off the pills screwed up with my body really bad. So my doctor told me she wants me to go back on them, as I was doing better health-wise when taking them (I have some chronic health issues that BCP can affect), and I'm SPOTTING TODAY! I think I'm going to get my period for real later today or in the next few days. What are the odds?! The surgeon's office is closed. I'm terrified that I'll have to cancel the surgery now. I can't use tampons...
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Fissulyna » 16 May 2009, 18:34

Hi there : ))),
No reason for the panic - I got my period the morning I had LIS ! I was not using tampon either !!!! I told them that I got period and they said that it was not a problem at all and that it is regular thing that happens i surgeon's office - and I bet it is !!!! They gave me nice pad over there and mash-like panties to hold it in place. When I plopped myself on he table - I got my deep sedation soon and I have no idea what they did with my "fish-net"panties , nor did I care LOL.
So, just relax - there is nothing in this world they already did not see or had to deal with Image , and best of luck Image !!!!!!
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 17 May 2009, 04:19

Yip it makes no difference Image
Just the countdown to go Crimesofpassion !

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 17 May 2009, 18:24

Phew. Thank goodness! Talk about bad timing, though.
Can I ask you guys - and I know this will vary from person to person - just how hard was it for you to sit for, say, a period of a few hours, after your surgery? Not like RIGHT after, but in the following weeks, y'know?
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