Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 20 May 2009, 09:41

Hey Crime
I am sorry things have not gone so well …
The hospital would not discharge me until I could pee, I had no problems either..
I am sure things will feel better once that catheter in out !
Take the painkillers ! Image

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 20 May 2009, 11:23

Hi crime of passion,
I just wanted you to know I had problems peeing too after LIS, and had a catheter put in for two days, after which all was well.

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 20 May 2009, 11:51

The doctor called and said she wants to leave the catheter in for the whole day, so our appointment was moved to tomorrow. Image
May I also ask if you guys were prescribed a laxative to take right after your surgery? My doctor told me to start taking Senokot today. I'm a bit worried about going to the bathroom with the catheter in, as well as what the pain's going to be like, but I was curious if others were given just a stool softener or a laxative.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 20 May 2009, 12:34

I was told to take miralax, twice daily until I had a BM....which I did and then stopped and started Citracel and now benefiber.

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby cherylk » 20 May 2009, 13:24

How much Benefiber do you take daily? That is such a cute picture of you and your little guy on the beach. I think Jen's son is about the same age (maybe a little older). Image
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 20 May 2009, 13:36

I feel for you crime Image catheters suck !
I was already taking miralx, I took magnesium supplement after surgery that worked a treat !
That first BM is a scary thought but with any luck it wont be anywhere near as bad as you imagine, dont strain :roll: Take your meds and plenty of rest Image

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 20 May 2009, 13:40

I was only given metamucil, but I am sure different CRS have different takes on how to manage the first post-op BM.
My catheter was just in and out. Of course, I begged the nurse to take it back out as it was extremely uncomfortable/painful for some reason. With effort I was able to go again after that.
Deleted User 5

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 20 May 2009, 13:50

Hey Cheryl--I take two teaspoons in the morning with my coffee. Then at night I take one dose of Citracel. That seems to keep me regular (morning BM'S before i leave the house) but still have problems occasionally with a too large BM if I overdo the fiber (try not to but sometimes it happens). I have also learned the hard way what foods don't seem to agree with me :(

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Fissulyna » 20 May 2009, 17:45

So sorry for the rough beginning of your recovery Image But in a day or two it all will be much better , you will see !
Yes, take pain meds if it is too painful. For me Tylenol was enough after the first LIS, but after the second LIS and 6 other cuts done, I needed Dervocet !
I was advised to take Metamucil both times and it worked fantastic first time around . Second time I was better with smaller poop at the beginning of my recovery , but on the other hand my poop is always soft so I did not need any laxatives to begin with Image
Do what feels best to you !!!!!!! You know your body the best and only you have to live with your butt !
Best wishes Image Image Image
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Corsi » 21 May 2009, 00:54

Tabby wrote: That first BM is a scary thought but with any luck it wont be anywhere near as bad as you imagine, dont strain :roll: Take your meds and plenty of rest Image
Couldn't agree more :)
I was told to keep BMs soft. I have to say BMs after LIS has been :D compared to what they were before LIS Image
The first week(s) after LIS you will feel pain and discomfort, but that's mainly from the LIS wound and what you have done down there.
Good luck Image
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