Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Fissulyna » 21 Dec 2009, 18:18

Valium suppositories are used commonly for women who have IC (interstitial cystitis ) to cause relaxation of the pelvic flour. Worth a try, I think ; ) ! Some CRSs do prescribe oral form for the same effect - muscle relaxation.
I wish you the best of luck !
PS: since you have constipation alternating with diarrhea, you might have IBS ! If I were you, I would try to address that issue seriously since it might be the underlying cause of your fissures. No matter how often you heal - those BMs will do their "number" on your poor bum Image
Cheryl got her IBS under control using some anti-depressants and they might help you with the mood too - just a suggestion. Image
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 21 Dec 2009, 21:28

But why insert it vaginally rather than rectally if it's to help a fissure? The doctor really didn't explain. Does it just not matter, since it affects that whole pelvic area? She also wasn't very clear on how often I could use it - she said "as needed." Not very specific, especially for something one can get hooked on! I'm not planning on taking more than one per week...I'll probably take my first one tomorrow night. I have my last college exam tomorrow. Wanted to wait to see how it might affect me.
I'm actually on amitriptyline already. Have been for years. It reduced the pain I get from my vulvodynia (I have interstitial cystitis too), but never altered my mood or anything. Makes me pretty tired, though...and it has constipation as a side effect, unfortunately. I've had constipation problems since I was a baby. I'm pretty sure I have IBS. My doctor thinks my colon spasms, too, since I get these sharp side pains. I'm on a medication for that, too. Image But a daily dose of miralax and some citrucel every day helps. Sometimes too much, though, and I go 2-3 times per day or have looser stools.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Fissulyna » 22 Dec 2009, 17:41

It will effect the whole pelvic area and since your doctor was not CRS she knew only about vaginal use. You can definitely use it rectally, as far as I know . You can Google it !
Now , be careful with insertion if you decide to try rectal application - put a ton of KY !!!
When she said "as needed" , she meant "when you feel spasms". If you feel spasms daily, than you should use it daily. You have to understand the "life of a fissure". Fissure causes pain and spasms of the rectal area and that keeps fissure OPEN and prevents it from healing !!!! That is the MAJOR cause of fissure not closing : (((. So - regulation of spasms is an imperative and you have to do everything you can to stop them. Image
Valium is not addictive on short run and especially not in such small doses. What is dose of your suppository ???
PS: Yes, it is sometimes tricky to find a perfect dose of Miralax - I could not tolerate it at all *sigh... However, I have BM 2 -3 times a day and always had - all of my life LOL
For me it is normal and pose no problem.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advic

Postby Steve1aa » 29 Dec 2016, 17:34

I've had "the" surgery over 2 years ago, I have some mild problems with quite a bit of blood, since then. If I had to go through surgery again, I'd use what worked best for me, marijuana. I've tried a lot of different prescription pills, Valium and the like, the problem with those medicines is they also harden the stool and you have to take more than prescription allows to even try to cover the pain. As a last ditch effort I tried to smoke right before a bowel movement and it worked like a champ. It allowed the muscles that tense up after a movement to relax and made the pain manageable. I never really thought much of medicinal marijuana one way or the other, but for me it was a godsend.
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