Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Corsi » 18 May 2009, 07:41

I went to a dinner party 10 days after LIS and sat for
4 - 5 hours and it was OK, and that particular day I had bled like crazy from my fissures and it was painful during the day. My experience throughout the whole thing has been that painlevel has been worst in the morning/during the day and better in the evening and almost not present when you wake up the next day.
I would advice you to sit as little as possible, don't put pressure on the area. Even no 11 - 12 weeks post LIS too much sitting is uncomfortable for me.
I got my period the day before LIS, I knew it would come (I'm very regular), but they didn't care at all. I will get my period at my check up appointment June 2nd too. Really funny :oops:
LIS Thursday?
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Fissulyna » 18 May 2009, 22:57

I could sit with no problems 7 days post op after my frst LIS , but chose no to spend much time directly on my butt anyways. I would sit on my side or leaning back or would be on my tummy - but really, pain was not an issue at all. Just wanted to make sure that there is a good blood circulation going on without compression.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 19 May 2009, 03:09

Spot on Fissy ! Image
Just the thought of pressure freaked me and I choose not to sit until after 2 weeks then I began sitting for short periods even then it felt better just to rest up !
Do allow yourself time, 1-2 weeks to do just nothing !
We are all different in recovery, you will see …
Wishing you the very best for your surgery today, Crimesofopassion ! :luckyeyes:

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby cherylk » 19 May 2009, 04:13

Best wishes for your surgery.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 19 May 2009, 06:07

Good luck today, Crime! Image
Deleted User 5

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 19 May 2009, 08:56

Good luck-you can do it!

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Fissulyna » 19 May 2009, 20:04

Best of luck Image and fast and forever healing Image Image Image
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 20 May 2009, 07:32

Hi, everyone! Day 1 after surgery. Lets just say it did NOT go well. I really didn't think I'd be so sore, either. I'll make a post about it later, but I have an urgent question - were any of you unable to pee after surgery? I actually have a catheter in right now that will be taken out by my urologist in an hour or so, but I'm afraid I still won't be able to pee on my own. I'm wondering if anyone else experienced this problem?
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Corsi » 20 May 2009, 07:46

I could pee.
Why didn't it go well?
If you are sore, take painkillers. You should expect to be sore day 1 after surgery...
Good luck :)
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 20 May 2009, 09:21

I had the same problem after both my surgeries, appendectomy and LIS. Your bladder will wake up! It's maddening though, I know what it's like!
Deleted User 5

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