Thank you for all the tips and replies! Unfortunately, things are off to a rough start. After having the catheter in for two days, it finally came out this morning, although I'm still having some difficulty urinating. The doctor who removed the catheter suggested I try using an ice-pack to lessen any inflammation in the area.
The laxative the surgeon told me to take - Senokot - may have really messed up with my stomach. We're not really sure if it was that or perhaps the drugs they gave me during my surgery that are still lingering in my system, but I've had horrible nausea since yesterday morning. Probably the worst stomach ache I've ever had! My mother had to sit up with my all night - neither of us got even 5 minutes of sleep. I have a very sensitive stomach - to be honest, I have a very sensitive body in general, and I'm prone to getting sick and whatnot (luck of the draw! ), so I wouldn't be surprised if the Senokot was bothering me. I've had trouble before with other laxatives/stool softeners.
I've stopped taking the pain-killer they gave me (percocet) because I think it was also contributing to my stomach ache. I don't deal well with strong pain-killers, which I learned the hard way when I got my wisdom teeth out, so I'm trying to stick to Tylenol. Unfortunately, the incision pain really hit this morning. I probably just didn't notice it as much earlier because of the discomfort of the catheter and the extreme nausea, which has gone down a little in the last few hours. I didn't expect to be this painful - it's really bad. I had a very small bowel movement this morning, and unfortunately the Senokot didn't soften it much for some reason. It wasn't that easy to pass, either. I'm drinking a ton of water, so I don't know what the problem is. We'll see what happens in the next few days... Now I'm just super worried I might have really harmed myself during a crucial time! Ugh.
I think I'm going to try either Miralax or Dulcolax. If I don't have a significant bowel movement by Saturday, the surgeon wants me to call him. :(
Once again, to all those who have helped me out thus far, thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't know what I would do without this board. <3