Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 21 May 2009, 16:29

Thank you for all the tips and replies! Unfortunately, things are off to a rough start. After having the catheter in for two days, it finally came out this morning, although I'm still having some difficulty urinating. The doctor who removed the catheter suggested I try using an ice-pack to lessen any inflammation in the area.
The laxative the surgeon told me to take - Senokot - may have really messed up with my stomach. We're not really sure if it was that or perhaps the drugs they gave me during my surgery that are still lingering in my system, but I've had horrible nausea since yesterday morning. Probably the worst stomach ache I've ever had! My mother had to sit up with my all night - neither of us got even 5 minutes of sleep. Image I have a very sensitive stomach - to be honest, I have a very sensitive body in general, and I'm prone to getting sick and whatnot (luck of the draw! Image), so I wouldn't be surprised if the Senokot was bothering me. I've had trouble before with other laxatives/stool softeners.
I've stopped taking the pain-killer they gave me (percocet) because I think it was also contributing to my stomach ache. I don't deal well with strong pain-killers, which I learned the hard way when I got my wisdom teeth out, so I'm trying to stick to Tylenol. Unfortunately, the incision pain really hit this morning. I probably just didn't notice it as much earlier because of the discomfort of the catheter and the extreme nausea, which has gone down a little in the last few hours. I didn't expect to be this painful - it's really bad. I had a very small bowel movement this morning, and unfortunately the Senokot didn't soften it much for some reason. It wasn't that easy to pass, either. I'm drinking a ton of water, so I don't know what the problem is. Image We'll see what happens in the next few days... Now I'm just super worried I might have really harmed myself during a crucial time! Ugh. Image
I think I'm going to try either Miralax or Dulcolax. If I don't have a significant bowel movement by Saturday, the surgeon wants me to call him. :(
Once again, to all those who have helped me out thus far, thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't know what I would do without this board. <3
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby cherylk » 21 May 2009, 16:54

I have a sensitive stomach also. Miralax has never bothered it although I have had troubles with loose stools at times from Miralax. I am not big on stimulant laxatives like Senakot.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Fissulyna » 21 May 2009, 20:28

How about Colace - really gentle and Milk Of Magnesia just one tea spoon 2 times a day and see what happens. I also have very sensitive stomach and those +Metamucil never gave me any problem. But, we are all different , unfortunately Image we always have to experiment for ourselves untill we find what works for US Image .
I really hope you will stop having bladder problems soon Image !!! What kind of anesthesia did you have ???
Best of luck with it all and I am sure that by Monday you will feel much better and in more control with it all !
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 21 May 2009, 21:57

Hoo boy! I have no clue what type of anesthesia it was. Image
The doctor I saw today who removed my catheter tested some of my urine, and thinks I might have a bladder infection as well (probably from the catheter). I've never had one before. So they took another sample and they'll be getting back to me tomorrow, hopefully.
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Corsi » 22 May 2009, 01:21

My stomach doesn't like painkillers or other medicines taken orally either, I had to stop using Ibux (Ibuprofen in the US?) and Paracetamol after 1 week because of nausea and stomach pain, and that was after I had weaned off and were down to 1 pill a day! Ibuprofen is very hard on the stomach. Paracetamol should be better, have you tried it?
If you have problems with hard BM eat soft food, I had smoothies and generally ate very little the first days after surgery. You could also use a small micro enema maybe to get things out? Ask your docter first so you don't mess up things.
About the pain from the LIS wound, it's normal that it hurts. I wanted to stop taking painkillers after surgery and I really panicked Image when pain hit me. I was adviced to continue with painkillers by the other boardies and boy were they right!
You are only 1 week post LIS, expect pain and discomfort - it's normal after surgery Image
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 22 May 2009, 06:39

Oh no, I am sorry to hear of the bladder infection...
I say miralax too Image Soft foods is a good idea !
Give it a few days COP Image I found the first 3 days the most painful after that each day got better and it will for you too, Get plenty of rest and try not to worry Image

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 22 May 2009, 09:49

I'm sorry to hear things are off to a rough start. When that area is cut it can make the pelvic floor spasm and make it very difficult to pee. I had to pee in the tub full of water to get things moving.
I foun milk of magnesia to be very help and mineral oil. The MOM is not a stimulant but works faste than miralax and the mineral oil coats the poo so it slides out faster. Sorry you are going through a rough time of it. It will get better.

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby crimeofpassion » 22 May 2009, 10:53

It seems like MOM is considered the most gentle laxative available, so I'll be running out to Walgreens to pick up some today.
Do you guys think I should double up on laxatives? Obviously I don't want to overdo it, but should I mix the MOM with a stool softener? Or maybe just some Citrucel? Image
I really need to go today or tomorrow. If I don't, the surgeon is going to put me on something that'll flush me out - in other words, give me bad diarrhea. I can't imagine that with the amount of pain I'm in right now! Out of curiosity, what type of pain did you guys have after surgery? Mine is like this horrific stinging...
I've also noticed a few (painless) muscle spasms today just like the ones I had before the surgery. Is this normal?
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Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Guest » 23 May 2009, 03:34

Spasms are normal after such surgery ! Your bum bum is in shock Image
I took miralax and magnesuim together for the first few days.
The pain i experienced was stinging, burning, a general bruised and battered feeling, this is all to be expected take the paracetamol, it's more gentle on the stomach and it will help in reducing the pain, swelling and inflammation Image
I hope things get moving for you soon Image

Re: Having surgery on Tuesday - very nervous! Any tips/advice?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 23 May 2009, 15:25

You will get those "vibrating" type spasms some after LIS if you're like I was, but the painful, clenching sphincter spasms should be gone if LIS was a unqualified success.
I don't thinking mixing the MOM with a stool softener would hurt, let experience be your guide there.
Have you had that BM yet? It is saturday, after all!
Deleted User 5

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