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Some ideas to help relax the internal sphincter and my story

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Hi! New here

Postby Mich21 » 27 May 2022, 12:43

Hello Alll! I’m so bummed so many of us have this.This is by far the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. I’ve had mine since February 2020 after the birth of my daughter .. I will say that I’ve done A LOT of research and have found the way to semi relax the internal sphincter spasms. Please read up on GABA and how it can affect the internal sphincter. Get yourself some magnesium citrate, you have to figure out how much your body needs- I take about 5 a day, which is about 500 mg.. I also purchased l-theanine from Brain MD and that helps me relax without making me high- I have two toddlers and cannot be on anything that could alter me. I was taking ibuprofen for the pain and that caused me to bleed more- apparently it can cause stomach ulcers that bleed, so be advised. After a colonoscopy and several inspections- no one can see a fissure but it’s inside on the left side and I’ve used pretty much every ointment and cream one can imagine. I have a pristine diet (always have) and I exercise, drink water. You’d never know this has been my hell for years.
After having my kids back to back, I had hemorrhoids and I’ve found that taking B complex and Rutin (twice a day @500 mg) has shrunk them. I also take TRC trace minerals just in case I’m lacking anything that is preventing my healing. Obviously I’m not your doctor but honestly, I’ve gotten no help from my doctors, only creams and suppositories that don’t help.
I may need the surgery, which is scary for me, but it will be my conclusion if I don’t heal with the GABA And l-theanine. It’s been two years of pain and I do believe the muscles/sphincter is then main issue for me. I hope this helps someone. ❤️
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Re: Hi! New here

Postby Pipyeah777 » 02 Jun 2022, 14:05

I’ve heard dilation helps also. That’s my next route. I’m really not open to having any surgery especially when it has healed over before, but it’s so superficial you have to be so delicate. I think mine reopened with some yoga, so the only real exercise I can do is walking or a light jog. It’s very demoralizing as a female. Mine was caused from constipation due to ibs-c or at least that’s what they think I have. But I’m having a colonoscopy next month so I’ll know more then. Anyway. It sure would be nice to have my life back. You just don’t realize how good you have it when your body is working with you as opposed to against you. If you need a friend I’m here suffering with ya!
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Re: Hi! New here

Postby Mich21 » 02 Jun 2022, 14:27

Ugh that is so frustrating that reopened with yoga! I’m so sorry. I could def use a friend, so thank you! Sad you have it too but feeling comforted by actually having someone to talk to. My poor husband has heard an earful. Lol!
I’ve been doing dilation lately which sounds horrendous but actually helps, so definitely give it a try. I’ve been using the l-theanine everyday for a wk and it’s helped me so much along with pelvic floor stretches and dilation. I now don’t have the spasms but I definitely can feel the tear. Are you having any spasms??
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Re: Hi! New here

Postby Alisss » 02 Jun 2022, 15:26

Hey guys. I'm new here too.
Looking for someone to conect with in this horrible time. As it almost feels impossible to cope with alone. Because no one truly understands. Need some fissure fighting buddies. Maybe we can win this together :)
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Re: Hi! New here

Postby Pipyeah777 » 02 Jun 2022, 15:42

Hey hey! No, I don’t have any spasms, thankfully! Mine isn’t internal. It’s upwards nearer my tailbone, maybe a half inch from the butthole itself. Haha how humbling it is! I think I did have a tear, but that section has healed up. I can see a line where it probably was at one time, but that was before I even knew I had a tear. But this small opening has taken forever to heal and then it reopens and back to square one, all except when I first got the thing, I thought it was just a hemorrhoid that was internal because I could feel a lump, but I suppose that was the tag. Since treating it for what it is, there is no excruciating pain like before I knew what it was. I’ve been on miralax since mid March and the only issues I have are itch and burn. I can thankfully use the toilet without much of a problem, but if it weren’t for miralaxx, even with a cleaned up diet, no gluten and literally green smoothies and easy to process foods…. I would still have an issue, so I’m having a colonoscopy next month. Things were bad when I was eaten gluten and I blame all this digestion stuff last year and the fact that We were still doing the pandemic thing and I learned how to bake sourdough and got really good at it but of course I’m using high gluten flour and I’m only eating my own bread….. and it was causing me constipation…… but I was still going to town eating it. So it’s really my fault, but I don’t think I can process gluten so. Anyway long story short…… sigh. Yes I totally understand about your husband lol my poor husband I have him look at my butt every day and take photos so I can check my healing. He’s a saint! I feel bad because I feel like this is all I talk about, but anyone going through it would know how it’s just front and center on your mind. Dawn till dusk.

I’m def going to check out dilation more. I think it could def help me because I think by nature I am tense in that area…. I think getting sone blood flow might help because it has healed over before, so I know it can happen again. I haven’t had anyone check me out as it’s such a long wait to see anyone and the apt I have for the hosing is a month from now. I don’t even think Gastro is the person that I need to see specifically for this issues, but at least that’s a start to suss the potential internal IBS issue and then maybe proctology if I need to… I really don’t want to use any of those nitro creams because I already have migraines and take medication for that… So I really don’t need to trigger any more headaches so that’s definitely not something I want to do, plus I have heard that it doesn’t really work that well anyway. Anyway apologies for this being long it’s really nice to talk to somebody who is going through this too!
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