Hello Alll! I’m so bummed so many of us have this.This is by far the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. I’ve had mine since February 2020 after the birth of my daughter .. I will say that I’ve done A LOT of research and have found the way to semi relax the internal sphincter spasms. Please read up on GABA and how it can affect the internal sphincter. Get yourself some magnesium citrate, you have to figure out how much your body needs- I take about 5 a day, which is about 500 mg.. I also purchased l-theanine from Brain MD and that helps me relax without making me high- I have two toddlers and cannot be on anything that could alter me. I was taking ibuprofen for the pain and that caused me to bleed more- apparently it can cause stomach ulcers that bleed, so be advised. After a colonoscopy and several inspections- no one can see a fissure but it’s inside on the left side and I’ve used pretty much every ointment and cream one can imagine. I have a pristine diet (always have) and I exercise, drink water. You’d never know this has been my hell for years.
After having my kids back to back, I had hemorrhoids and I’ve found that taking B complex and Rutin (twice a day @500 mg) has shrunk them. I also take TRC trace minerals just in case I’m lacking anything that is preventing my healing. Obviously I’m not your doctor but honestly, I’ve gotten no help from my doctors, only creams and suppositories that don’t help.
I may need the surgery, which is scary for me, but it will be my conclusion if I don’t heal with the GABA And l-theanine. It’s been two years of pain and I do believe the muscles/sphincter is then main issue for me. I hope this helps someone. ❤️