History of Fissures. 1 year of pain.

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History of Fissures. 1 year of pain.

Postby Bathbomber » 22 Oct 2018, 21:40

Hello this might be a long post, I have been dealing with chronic rectal pain for over a year now. Over the years I've struggled with anal fissures. I'm 25 years old now but I think I first started having fissures when I was 19 or 20. When I went to the doctor I was misdiagnosed with hemorrhoids and I didn't think much of it. I would notice blood in the toilet every couple months or so and only experience pain when I happened to graze while showering or wiping. I was under the assumption that I hemorrhoids and they would go away naturally.

Three years ago when I was 22 I started experiencing frequent urination. I went through all the tests and came back negative for any bacteria or UTI. Through my own research I diagnosed myself with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. I even went to multiple pelvic floor physical therapists and they confirmed that my pelvic floor muscles were overly tight. Around the same time I started noticing blood in my stool again and I was finally diagnosed with anal fissures. The fissures cleared up naturally as they always did.

About a year ago I started having persistent rectal pain after every bowel movement. I don't think I was having bleeding at this time so I was not sure if fissures were causing this pain. I made an appointment with a colo-rectal surgeon and he assumed I had fissures based on my symptoms. I tried all the creams, sits baths, and dieting but the pain still remained. Eventually I was given a round of botox but that only seemed to make my symptoms worse. The colorectal surgeon scheduled me for an exam under anesthesia and possible LIS but he didn't find any visible fissures so he just gave me another round of botox.

Since then I haven't had much success treating my post bowel movement pain. Every time I have a bowel movement I have pain that lingers the rest of the day and it is ruining my quality of life. I still don't know what is causing my pain or if it is related to fissures. I recently noticed blood in my stool again so I made another appointment the colo-rectal surgeon. I'm hoping he will have some answers for me. I am willing to do LIS at this point even if it has the slightest chance of providing relief.

Has anyone been in a similar situation or have any insight as to what be going on? any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: History of Fissures. 1 year of pain.

Postby sean530 » 30 Oct 2018, 04:53

Umm... Shot in the dark but maybe get a colonscopy first to rule out more serious causes of pain and blood in stool. Don't mean to scare you. I'm just concerned about your well-being bro.
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